Articles Tagged with: Nutrition

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Charles Chen

Charles ChenThis is the perfect show for anyone who wants to go hardcore healthy and learn to eat raw foods. Our special guest on the ShiftWithSkip Radio Podcast, Charles Chen is going to share with you all about his 7 Day Detox program. Plus, Charles describes first hand how to eat raw (in a fun and exciting way).

Charles was like many people who didn’t like how they felt eating the ever present processed foods, he was overweight and needed a change. Eating raw changed his life and can change yours too! 

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Charles Chen is available On-Demand here
Visit Charles Chen’s web page:

Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

My Live shows are currently on break, but return January 2015 every Wednesday at 10 AM PST

Why All Calories are NOT created equal

This weekend on Evan Kleiman KCRW’s show “Good Food”, Evan’s guest Dr. Robert Lustig shares how sugar has infiltrated every aspect of our food production and how a shift away from “FAT Free” has accelerated this phenomenon. Click Here to listen.

Dr. Lustig is also the author of Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease and is also prominently featured in the new documentary Fed Up, a powerful film about America’s obesity epidemic directed by Stephanie Soechtig and co-produced by Katie Couric and Laurie

The Shift With Skip Radio – Liz Gaspari

This week’s guest is well known in a fitness world and runs one of the largest companies to ever hit the fitness and nutrition world, Liz Gaspari.

Join me as I speak with Liz as she shares what it took to be one of the most powerful and influential people in the sports nutrition industry. Liz’s portfolio includes taking the Gaspari Nutrition brand from a regional supplier and turning it into a global presence. She is responsible for helping to build Gaspari Nutrition into a monster business that has generated over 100 million dollars a year in sales. Click Here to listen

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