Articles Tagged with: Radio

The Shift Radio Guest-Shifting Positivity with Shola Richards


Why become a victim of things that ‘happen to you’ every single day when we can challenge the world and take it on with positivity in mind?

Listen On-Demand here!

Don’t miss this terrific segment as Shola Richards is Skip’s guest on The Shift With Skip. A dynamic public speaker, Richards is a leadership trainer/consultant, and an award-winning Director of Training for UCLA Health, and a positivity blogger with a passionate worldwide following.  Shola is a certified Emotional Intelligence practitioner, he has appeared on national television numerous times, hosted his own television show for the CBS affiliate in New York, and proudly notes that the late literary icon Chinua Achebe was his godfather.

Some people grow up wanting to be pro athletes, some want to be platinum-selling recording artists, some want to find the cure for a major disease. Shola has been insanely passionate about doing everything in his power to make the world a happier, nicer, and more inspired place.

His unshakable optimism and unquenchable passion for creating a more positive world at work and home for millions of people have caught the attention of mainstream media. He is regularly called upon Huffington Post Live and newspapers throughout the US and Australia as an expert on workplace happiness and engagement.

The author obtained his Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology from one of the top Liberal Arts colleges in America (Union College in Schenectady, NY), he is a

Listen On Demand

Click-here to listen or download the podcast on iTunes here.

The ShiftWithSkip Radio shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Shola Richards on his social media pages:





The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Emill Kim

emil-kimShifting Your Journey Toward Happiness

Join me as I have Emill Kim Join me for TheShiftWithSkip Radio Podcast. We’ll be discussing and diving into the subject of Shifting Your Journey Toward Happiness. When not working as an acupuncturist, Emill spends most of his time practicing yoga, studying the nuances of energy medicine, and incessantly bugging holy men, light worker, brujas, shamans and other healers to share their secrets and wisdom with him. I’m also happy to announce that he will be guest blogging from time-to-time.  His first entry,

Stepping outside the Black Box: The Power of Invitation, is posted on the blog.


Listen On-Demand

My segment with Emill Kim is available On-Demand here

Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

My Live shows are currently on break, but return January 2015 every Wednesday’s at 10 AM PST


The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Dr. Kat Van Kirk

dr-katLife, Love and Sex

This week we are in for a real treat as we amp up The Shift with Skip Radio Show with my special guest, Dr. Kat Van Kirk or Dr. Kat as she is known. Dr. Kat is a renowned sexologist who knows how to live life to its fullest with her philosophy of Life, Love and Sex and creating a lifestyle of passion, confidence, and the opportunity to be your most optimal self.

She educates individuals on various kinds of sexuality issues and also hosts, the Sex Chat with Dr. Cat in addition to authoring a wide array of videos and e-books such as; “Sex Tips from Hawaii“,  “Friday Night Fun” and more.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Dr. Kat Van Kirk is available On-Demand here
Visit Dr. Kat’s web page: 

Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Shows are LIVE Wednesday at 10 AM PST

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