Articles Tagged with: Skip Jennings

This Week’s Meditative Thought – You Are the Light of God

Happy Labor Day! I hope that you all have been enjoying the long holiday weekend. I know I have. This week we kick-off with a focus on letting your inner light shine.  Remember, you are a gift to this planet and that the Universe is keyed to support that gift. It’s what allows us to step out and boldly approach your destiny. Cultivate God’s light through your gifts and talents and let your light shine.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

Throughout this week remember that you are the light of God and that you are meant to let that light shine.  Take a breath, be still, and contemplate what it means to shine your light as God. For the next week; morning, noon, and night take five to ten minutes to meditate and cultivate the light that is you.


Many blessings and have a terrific week.



Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Surrender to Rest

Greetings from #FireIsland #NewYork where I’m taking some much needed R&R this Labor Day weekend. I also wanted to say congratulations, you’ve made it! The long weekend marks a traditional close of Summer and one to enjoy with family and friends over a meal.

Here’s this weekend’s affirmation.  Surrender to Rest

Just for this moment…close your eyes, relax and just for this breath, I am the living Christ consciousness in the flesh. And so I am. Amen

Have you had a chance this week to meditate on this week’s theme? You can catch-up here;
 “Surrender To Rest“.

Have a safe and terrific weekend.

– Skip

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Keeping your spiritual Sabbath

Keeping your spiritual Sabbath can be one of the most important practices we can do, but at times difficult with our lives today filled with technology. Yet it is so important to rest in the work that we have done, trust, and breakaway to nurture the spirit. When we surrender to the idea that the spirit needs a Sabbath or rest there is nothing else that needs to be done, then we become the divine.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

This week pick a Sabbath for your spiritual work and become the living “Ah-ha” moment. All this week, ask the question, “What must I do to embody the character of God?” Today, become the spiritual work you have said yes to.

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Ready To Surrender

Greetings from beautiful Dallas Texas, where I’m at SCW #‎dallasmania15‬, #scwfitness, providing hands-on certifications to fitness professionals.  I hope that you have had a chance this week to meditate on this week’s theme; “Ready To Surrender”.  We’ll expand on the theme with this weekend’s affirmation.

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am one with a power greater than myself. And so I am. And so I allow it to be. Amen

Have a terrific weekend!

Peace and Blessings,


This Week’s Meditative Thought – Ready To Surrender

This week’s meditative thought is a challenge on the readiness of surrendering the control of your life. Are you ready to surrender? Are you ready to begin and experience the riches and treasures of the universe? As human beings, resistance is part of our DNA and to “surrender” seems counter intuitive. But growth begins when you turn your will and the care of your life over to a power greater than yourself, there is a freedom to relax, a freedom from the need to make “it” happen. God is in control of all things; we only need to step out of the way and allow him to do the God thing.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

All this week, meditate to turn your life over to a power greater than yourself. Through prayer and meditation, cultivate your oneness with God. Take time in the stillness, clear your mind of external thoughts, and with every breath repeat the mantra, “I am one with God.”

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Empowering the World

When we understand that our life has purpose because we are living, we begin to live a purposeful life.   From this awareness we will see our life vision. We will take part in what God has called us to do. My Friends, you are the tool the Universe has chosen to bring forth new and amazing ideas for this planet.

Only you can complete the calling. As you begin to activate and participate in your divine gifts, you will empower the world. You will inspire everyone you meet to be the best they can be.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

All this week, decide how you will inspire the world to greatness. “Empowering the World.”  Set the intention to empower your community. It only takes one person to start a chain reaction. It does not have to be a big act; it can be the smallest thing, like picking up a piece of litter. But if this act is filled with big intentions, it will set the world on fire. Remember, you are the spark.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Defining and Empowering Yourself

Summer is in full swing and this month we celebrate the birthday of our country, which empowered it to stand on it’s own against the major powers of the world. Personal empowerment refers to the increasing of your spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength. Like our nation did over 239 years ago it is time to decide what empowers your existence. What is defining and empowering you? What motivates you to truly reach for the stars? Whatever gives you the feeling of power and strength, it is time to connect with it and make it yours. Fuel your every move with true power; divine power.  We must learn to connect with this source and allow it to define our existence. Empowerment comes from knowing this divine presence intimately.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

All this week, set aside time to define what an empowered life looks like for you. In your journal, create a definition of empowerment and make a list of every aspect of your life that is empowering and/or needs to be empowered. Remember, all true power up-levels your existence and it comes from God. Connect with Source that lives within you; it’s the only power you need.

Sunset Yoga

This Event Has Been Cancelled

Please Note: Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled due to location conflicts. Stay tuned as I’m currently seeking another location.

Peace & blessings,


Join me in the heart of DTLA  for a fun filled evening blend of Chakras, Art, Hors d’oeuvre and Wine!

In addition to yoga I will be presenting my own ‘Ohm’ and ‘Chakra’ Yoga series artwork plus so much more! Don’t miss it.

Please bring a Yoga Mat, Towel, and your beautiful self. Yoga session will take place from 5 to 6:30 PM

Hurry, Space Is Limited:


This Week’s Meditative Thought – Present to See The Divine

Throughout the month of June, we’ve been focusing on Recognizing The Divine
– We’ll end the month with : Present to See The Divine

The Divine can only be experienced in the present. If we can remember to be awake and aware in the now moment, we have access to great power. True greatness is happening around us right now; it only needs to be recognized. Most of the time, our ego, or what I call the ”little self,“ lives in fear of the future or the regret of the past. The past is gone, and the future never comes. The only thing we have is the now, where we have unlimited source of the Divine. We must open up our spirit or third eye to see the spirit of God, which can only be accessed right were we are, in this very moment.

Your Spiritual Assignment:

This week, be present. Actively stay in the now. Notice when you are in the past or the future, than bring yourself back to the present.

June’s Series on Recognizing The Divine:

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