Articles Tagged with: Skip Jennings

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – The Gift of Meditation

Skip Meditating Affirmations are a terrific way to end a week and are most effective when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance:

Just for this moment…just for this breath, my life is Grace in action. I am a global beacon that elevates all that comes in contact with my light. And so I am. And it is. Amen.

Have a blessed weekend,



This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Grace of Meditation

The Grace of Meditation

This week’s meditative thought is one of the Grace of Meditation. Meditation allows us to see one of God’s greatest gift we have, Grace.  I like to say that meditating is like getting a front row seat and seeing God’s Grace in action.

Unfortunately, this gets fuzzy as the time for meditating competes with the lifestyles of our modernity. The Facebook posts, the commitments we schedule,  even the lawn that needs cutting…. All of these “distractions” distance us from this Grace. Thus the importance of practicing meditation. For the more we practice and immerse in meditating the more we see the gifts of Grace. So take a moment to make it about you and meditate. The terrific thing is you don’t need a special room. Do it right there at your desk, on the treadmill, on that coffee break and yes even while you cut that lawn.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment

All this week, after your meditation, ask the Universe to reveal itself and help you recognize the Grace that is your life. Take the time to journal your experiences.

Have a blessed week,


This Week’s Meditative Thought – What Is Fellowship?

What is Fellowship?

skip-200x200Many associate the word fellowship as a church social function between people over a meal. The Greek’s used the word koinonia, which Theologian Henry Thayer defines as -“fellowship, association, community, communion, and joint participation” (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 352). It describes the state of “association” or “joint participation.

Fellowship is a relationship that goes far beyond the church halls or the causal “How are you doing?”. It’s a deeper connection and intimacy with God that that requires time; being present, and which requires a willingness to want to know someone or something. When we make a commitment to fellowship, we are willing to put in the attention it requires.

Your Spiritual Assignment

Today, journal and ask yourself, “Are there areas where I can have fellowship?” “Is there something holding me back from fellowship?”  No pressure, take time to journal what comes up and release the fear and be willing to step into intimacy within.

Have a blessed week,


Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – What Is Prayer

Affirmations are always an excellent Skip sittingway to end a week and at cleansing your soul. They are most effective when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance.

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am the prayer that is praying me and all is well. Amen

Peace and Blessings,



The Shift Video Blog – Prayer and Meditation

This Week’s Shift With Skip Video Blog

This week I explore Prayer and Meditation and discuss the three types of prayer and how I define Meditation. Don’t forget to visit my YouTube page for more tips of body, mind, spirit and how to live life to the fullest! Click video below or here to see this week’s video.

The Shift Radio Guest-Shifting Positivity with Shola Richards


Why become a victim of things that ‘happen to you’ every single day when we can challenge the world and take it on with positivity in mind?

Listen On-Demand here!

Don’t miss this terrific segment as Shola Richards is Skip’s guest on The Shift With Skip. A dynamic public speaker, Richards is a leadership trainer/consultant, and an award-winning Director of Training for UCLA Health, and a positivity blogger with a passionate worldwide following.  Shola is a certified Emotional Intelligence practitioner, he has appeared on national television numerous times, hosted his own television show for the CBS affiliate in New York, and proudly notes that the late literary icon Chinua Achebe was his godfather.

Some people grow up wanting to be pro athletes, some want to be platinum-selling recording artists, some want to find the cure for a major disease. Shola has been insanely passionate about doing everything in his power to make the world a happier, nicer, and more inspired place.

His unshakable optimism and unquenchable passion for creating a more positive world at work and home for millions of people have caught the attention of mainstream media. He is regularly called upon Huffington Post Live and newspapers throughout the US and Australia as an expert on workplace happiness and engagement.

The author obtained his Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology from one of the top Liberal Arts colleges in America (Union College in Schenectady, NY), he is a

Listen On Demand

Click-here to listen or download the podcast on iTunes here.

The ShiftWithSkip Radio shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Shola Richards on his social media pages:





Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Yoga To Love

skip-200x200Yoga To Love

This week we focused on Love and yoga and how they can help you find that center of peace. Affirmations are a fantastic way to end a week and at cleansing your soul. They are most effective when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance.

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I express the God in me, and I can celebrate the God in others.  There is only but one life, the life of God, and I am connected.  My life is magnificently immersed in God.

Peace and Blessings,



The Lotus Kitchen-Quinoa Burger

This week’s recipe and yoga thought from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen, is a delicious Quinoa Burger and for yoga practice we’ll explore to know thyself taking an adventure within. Each week I’ll showcase new recipes that explore and engage the meaningful pathway to empowerment through food and yoga. Stay tune next week for another recipe and more.

Quinoa’s superfood status is solid and researchers have recently taken a close look at certain antioxidants.  Compared to cereal grasses like wheat, quinoa is higher in fat content and can provide valuable amounts of heart-healthy fats like monounsaturated fat (in the form of oleic acid). Quinoa can also provide small amounts of the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) too! Enough of the science talk, let’s make it.

Quinoa Burger

  • 1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa
  • 1 cup hummus
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 10 basil leaves, chopped
  • 2 sprigs thyme, chopped
  • Pinch cayenne pepper, to taste
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 6 burger buns
  • Mixed greens to dress burger
  • Avjar Sauce

Blend all ingredients in a bowl or food processor. Divide burger mix into 6 equal portions and form into 4-inch patties. Grill on medium heat 5 minutes each side, until browned and firm. Place patties on buns and top with avjar and mix greens. Serves 6

Homemade Avjar

  • 8-12 fresh red paprika (mild or medium-hot, to taste)
  • 4 medium-size eggplants
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 1 large onion, minced
  • 3 large garlic cloves, chopped
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • ¼ cup parsley leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Roast the paprika and eggplants in a preheated 475 F oven until the skin is blistered and darkened, approximately thirty minutes. Remove from oven and place the now roasted vegetables in a paper bag and let them steam in their own heat for 10 minutes. Peel off and discard the burnt skin along with the stems and seeds. Mash the peppers and eggplant pulp together to form a slightly chunky mass. You can do this with a fork or in a food processor. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a large skillet and sauté the onion until very soft. Add garlic and cook for 2 more minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the pepper-eggplant pulp, mixing well. Slowly drizzle the remaining oil into the mixture, stirring constantly to incorporate all of the oil. Add the lemon juice, parsley and salt and pepper to taste.

The Practice

This quinoa burger is a real treat. We often associate burgers with gatherings of family and friends and the informal joy of eating something a little messy with our hands. It is so important to enjoy life and indulge in the delights the Universe has in store for us. We must be willing to take the time to experience what we love when it come to food and when it comes to yoga. What’s your favorite pose? What your favorite type of yoga? Who is your favorite yoga instructor? The practice is simple; approach your practice as if it was an expression of joy. Do what you love. To know what practice activates happiness, you must be willing to get out there and explore. Exploration is a practice. To know thyself you must be willing to take an adventure within.


The Shift Radio Guest-Shifting Everlasting Love with Dr. Susan Allison


Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 4.52.17 PMListen On-demand to The Shift With Skip Radio, as we look to long lasting love. Those who believe in long lasting love that are still looking, no need to worry. Dr. Susan Allison shares her tips for finding long lasting love. Join us as we talk dating, relationships, getting back into the dating life and so much more. Your questions on love will be addressed. There’s someone out there for everyone, we just have to know where to look.

Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 4.52.00 PM

Love and relationships are built into our DNA, it’s what makes us human. Love and be loved this week.

Dr. Susan Allison has a doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology and has maintained a private practice for 20 years. She was honored as a “Woman of the Year” in California by the Santa Cruz Women’s Commission for her counseling work with adolescents.

She has also authored three books::Conscious Divorce, Ending a Marriage with Integrity (Three Rivers Press), Breathing Room: The Leaving of a Marriage (Park Place) and Empowered Healer(Balboa), she has received many awards for her writing, and has been published hundreds of times for her non-fiction and poetry.


Listen-On Demand

Click-here to listen On-demand or download from iTunes here Skip’s segment with Dr. Susan Allison

The ShiftWithSkip Radio shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Dr. Susan Allison on her social media pages:




Radio Podcast



Coaching Tips From Skip Jennings – Giving Back Make a Difference

“When we learn we must teach.”
-Maya Angelou

“When we are given, we must give.”

Giving Back

This week’s Coaching Tips on “Giving Back” were inspired by Ms. Maya Angelou and my recent Shift With Skip radio guest Kristina Tester, who’s selfless giving back in Africa lit the inspiration of these tips on the spirit of giving back. So click the video above or here to watch and follow along below.

My Ten tips on Giving Back:

1. Explorer your passion. What speaks to you? Find a way to support a cause that is near and dear to your heart.

2. Radom Acts of Kindness is key. Find ways to be kind, but shhhh…. Do it without anyone knowing. How about dropping a coin in an expired parking meter or paying for someone’s coffee behind you.

3. Explore the opportunity to serve at a soup kitchen or a shelter.

4. Donate your old cloths to a charity that support a local cause.

5. Donate money to a charity that resonates with your soul.

6. Remember we are all connected. When you do something for someone you get the blessing as well.

7. If you are feeling down or depressed, the best way to shift your spirit is tone of service.

8. Be grateful for all that you have. This is a sure way to inspire a life of service.

9. There is no big acts or little acts of giving back, it all the same.

10. Remember it all about love

Peace and Blessings,


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