Articles Tagged with: Spiritual Assignment

This Week’s Meditative Thought –Transformational Commitment

Transformation requires commitment. For next month, I’ll focus our meditative thoughts committed to the practice of loving. Commit to blessing everyone you see. Commit to activating Joy within your life. Commit to something greater than yourself.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

All this week commitment is the key. Journal about your level of commitment; what does it look like? What does it mean to you? How far are you willing to commit? Be honest and free yourself from false ideas and expectations. Your commitment must be honest. “Let your yes be yes.”

This Week’s Meditative Thought–The Elevation of Love

Energy of Lovegirl-flying

This week’s focus is on the Elevation of love. In our busy worlds it’s easy to forget that our natural state of being is that of Love. It dwells deep inside and strives to expand,to be more, to know more, and to share more.  If we allow ourselves to be immersed in this  love, we will find that our lives are elevated to a new level. Strive to gain that elevation and enlightenment. We have come into this planet as part of the divine and thus to know our divine selves. The Elevation of love is our jump, our journey to this greatness.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment

What stops you from flying? What stops you from reaching for the stars? The first step in achieving your goals is recognizing that nothing is impossible. Today, write an affirmation that reinforces “All things are possible.” This can become your new mantra. This can be your motto.



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