DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Embracing the Practice – Day 5 “Prayer as a Way of Life”
DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Embracing the Practice – Day 5 “Prayer as a Way of Life”
Meditative Thought: Because our connection to God is the greatest and most powerful source we have, we must communicate with that power every waking moment. Every decision, every choice we make can be directed by the Universe if we allow it. We have an amazing GPS within our souls; we only need to turn it on. Prayer is turning on the divine guidance system. When we make prayer a way of life, we can free ourselves from worry and doubt — free, because we are not in charge. We now have a power that is working on our behalf. It only wants the very best for us.
Your Spiritual Assignment: Today, set the intention to prayer without ceasing. Commit to a life of prayer. Everything we do can begin with a little prayer. Pray during your commute. Pray during meals and play time. Thank God for the moment you are in. You will be amazed as your life opens up like a lotus blossom.
Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am the light that is powered by my intention. God is my life and I am blessed. Amen.
Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit: www.skipjennings.com