Articles Tagged with: Spring

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Celebrating Light – Day 18 “The Light That Shifts All Things”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Celebrating Light – Day 18 “The Light That Shifts All Things”

Today’s Body Connection:  An outdoor bike ride is a great way to stay in shape.  Whenever we play in the great outdoors, we are in touch with nature, God’s playground.  Today, take your physical practice outside and take in the light of the sun.  It will refuel you soul and renew your life.  Remember the light can shift any and all ‘dis-ease’ within the body temple.  Healing comes from the natural source of vitamin D.

Today’s Meditative Thought: When a shift or a transformation is required in our lives, it is the Light that brings it forth.  The healing power of God is the only true power there is; therefore a transformation requires a Universal flow.  No matter what the issue is, the Light can cover all things.  The divine presence of God can transform any and all situations.  When alchemy takes place, there is always a small amount of Gold present within the metal.  When the alchemy of the heart and soul is activated, the light is already present.  It is the presence of the One Mind that is set free to take over, and then a shift begins.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, turn your transformation over to the one that is within you.  Whatever you are seeking to become, you already are.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am the deep expression of the Divine.  I am everything that I seek to be.  And so I am.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

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DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Empowerment – Day 5 “The Power That Awakens the Sleeping Giant”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Empowerment – Day 5 “The Power That Awakens the Sleeping Giant”

Meditative Thought: There are no blocks, only “waiting space.”  In this waiting space there are opportunities to awaken the sleeping giant.  This giant is in your gifts waiting to bless this planet. Waiting spaces are opportunities to transform and cultivate what the Universe is calling you to be.  The waiting space is a time for deep meditation and contemplation, asking the questions that will take you to a deep place of growth.


Today’s Spiritual Assignment:  Today, if you are experiencing what appears to be a waiting space, this is the time for meditation.  Take the time to meditate on awakening your sleeping giant.  In your time of stillness, listen to you higher self, know that something is coming forth, and create an open space for greatness to come forth.


Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I allow the sleeping giant to awaken.


Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

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DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Empowerment – Day 1 “Defining and Empowering Yourself”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Empowerment – Day 1 “Defining and Empowering Yourself”

Meditative Thought: Empowerment refers to the increasing of your spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength.  It is time to decide what empowers your existence. What motivates you to truly reach for the stars? Whatever gives you the feeling of power and strength, it is time to connect with it and make it yours.  Fuel your every move with true power; divine power.  There is something that lives deep within your soul that energizes your life. I call it God; you can call it whatever you like.  We must learn to connect with this source and allow it to define our existence.  Empowerment comes from knowing this divine presence intimately.

Today’s Spiritual Assignment:  Today, set aside time to define what an empowered life looks like for you.  In your journal, create a definition of empowerment and make a list of every aspect of your life that is empowering and/or needs to be empowered.  Remember, all true power up-levels your existence and it comes from God.  Connect with Source that lives within you; it’s the only power you need.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I celebrate God within me.  I am one with great power and I can do all things in God that strengthen my life.  Amen


Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”


DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 27 “The Power to Stay the Course”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 27 “The Power to Stay the Course”

Meditative Thought: What keeps you on track?  What practice of discipline helps you to not give up the vision?  I believe there is a source of power that elevates your energy and allows the right action to take place.  There is an authority within you that fuels all your intentions, creating the desire to do the work that is required.  We must turn to that energy when the life journey gets to be too much and we feel like giving up.  We must anchor ourselves in that power to see us through.  We have caught the vision and have been called forth to see it manifest.  Connect with God that lives within you; it will continue even when we cannot.  It is an inexhaustible source; we do not have to be in need to tap into it.  You have it within you now.  Recognize a power greater than yourself that makes all things happen.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, simply stay with it.  Continue with your practice no matter what.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am on track fueled by God’s love.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 26 “What Is Your Truth?”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 26 “What Is Your Truth?”

Meditative Thought: What is your reality?  What is your truth?  Whatever you say or claim is the stamp you place on your existence.  Are you weak or strong?  Are you rich or poor?  Are you an outcast or a child of God?  Are you sick or walking in divine healing?  Do not confuse what is truly real with your experiences.  The only thing that is real is God and the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit. Remember, sickness can never be your reality; it is only an experience. The reality is that your spirit is whole and complete, active in divine love.  Today, only speak reality into your existence.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, speak your truth.  Claim what you are.  If you don’t believe it, say it anyway until you do!

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am whole and complete and full of vitality. And so it is! Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 24 “The Great Healer”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 24 “The Great Healer”

Meditative Thought: Sometimes when we are sick, we look for a healing outside of ourselves.  We look to the doctor, we take medications, and we even visit holistic healers.  Trust me, I believe in each and every one of the tools I have mentioned.   In fact, I am a holistic healer with many clients.  No matter what modality we choose, we must take action and believe that the choice we have made will work.  The truth is, we are all one with the Great Healer GOD, who is always in the healing business.  God is in the medicine, God is in the physician, and God is in the healer.  We are united to an energy that is whole and complete in every way. You are that energy; we only need to tap into ourselves and connect with who we are. You are responsible for the healing that happens within yourself. We can all be practitioners of healing for ourselves and for others, but we are the ultimate authority about whether something will work or not.  We must recognize our connection, which will activate the revelation that always leads to healing.

Your Spiritual Assignment: Today, meditate on your connection to the great healer.  Feel the vibration that your mediation brings.  Set the intention to cultivate that energy, allowing it to be your source of healing.  Journal your experience at the end of the day and list all of the insights around healing made known to you.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I choose to be healed. Amen!

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 23 “The Free Exchange of Energy”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 23 “The Free Exchange of Energy”

Meditative Thought: Most of us light workers forget that we are in need of healing as well. As a Reiki Master Practitioner, I know I am not the one doing the healing; I am only a tool chosen by the Universe to activate that which is already present within my clients. The healing energy is greater than you and I. As I facilitate the healing session, if I am open the healing will always activate my personal needs.  As we serve each other, we must be open to the fact that we are serving ourselves as well.  The energy exchange that happens when one person focuses on helping another is priceless.  When we freely give our energy, we will freely receive the blessing of the Universe.


Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, freely serve and feel the energy that is returned.  Journal about your “Ah-ha moments.”


Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am Joy, expressing Joy everywhere I go. I activate healing within myself and on this planet. And so it is. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 22 “Present to See The Divine”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 22 “Present to See The Divine”

Meditative Thought: The Divine can only be experienced in the present.  If we can remember to be awake and aware in the now moment, we have access to great power. True greatness is happening around us right now; it only needs to be recognized. Most of the time, our ego, or what I call the ”little self,“ lives in fear of the future or the regret of the past.  The past is gone, and the future never comes. The only thing we have is the now, where we have unlimited source of the Divine.  We must open up our third eye to see the spirit of God, which can only be accessed right were we are, in this very moment.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, be present.  Actively stay in the now.  Notice when you are in the past or the future, than bring yourself back to the present.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I live in the now. I revel in the love of God. I am one with all power. And so it is. Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 21 “Worthy Of Rose-Colored Glasses”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 21 “Worthy Of Rose-Colored Glasses”

Meditative Thought: I love that saying, “Seeing through rose-colored glasses.” The rose color reminds us of love, so what we are really saying is, “look with love.”  But here is the challenge, we don’t always see our own selves through the rose-colored glass.  At times we do not consider ourselves as worthy of being loved by others.  Worthy of love is a concept that sometime eludes us because of our past paradigms of what love is.  We must teach ourselves what love truly is.  As children, we were taught that love is received because we have been good or have done something that deserves merit. Real love is unconditional, without terms.  Love just is.  Our worthiness of love is never based on what we do, but purely on whom we are.  We are worthy of God’s blessing because we are God’s blessing.  Know that we are worthy of the rose-colored glasses.  See your self through the eyes of Love and know that how amazing you are in the heart of God.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, look with loving eyes.  Set the intention that with every person and situation you will choose to see with God’s eyes.  This is a practice that will take time.  If you catch yourself seeing with anything else, forgive yourself and begin again.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am worth to be loved, because I am love.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 20 “Seeing You With God’s Eyes”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Recognizing The Divine – Day 20 “Seeing You With God’s Eyes”

Meditative Thought: Can you love no matter what?  Can you participate in sharing the gifts when challenges or disagreements arise with a friend, loved one, or co-worker?  Can you see past the difference of opinion and be the source of harmony? The solution is always Unity Consciousness.  We must remember that we are all cut from the same divine cloth of God, just with a different pattern.  We are expressing the same Universal power with our own unique take on it.  There is the spirit of God that is within us all; if we allow ourselves, we will feel that connection.  If we can see through divine eyes, if we can hear through God’s ears, if we allow God to be activated in all situations, we will love no matter what the appearance might be.

Your Spiritual Assignment:  Today, be still and see God with your third eye.  Through prayer, meditation, and contemplation you will know Spirit in the spirit.


Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am free to love no matter what. And so I allow it to be. Amen



Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

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