Articles Tagged with: This week’s meditative thought

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Keeping your spiritual Sabbath

Keeping your spiritual Sabbath can be one of the most important practices we can do, but at times difficult with our lives today filled with technology. Yet it is so important to rest in the work that we have done, trust, and breakaway to nurture the spirit. When we surrender to the idea that the spirit needs a Sabbath or rest there is nothing else that needs to be done, then we become the divine.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

This week pick a Sabbath for your spiritual work and become the living “Ah-ha” moment. All this week, ask the question, “What must I do to embody the character of God?” Today, become the spiritual work you have said yes to.

This Week’s Meditative Thought

“Who Are You?”

This week take a moment and contemplate “who you are” as our meditative thought of the week. I’m a believer that we all are the creation of God and as such, we are a complete and perfect expression of the Universe. It’s through God that we were created perfectly, with nothing to add. This means that we have been born with everything necessary before coming into this existence.

You brought everything with you to fulfill your destiny; that is how God planned it even during times when our life looks less than perfect. Perfection is who we are, not what we do, not what we buy, nor the car we drive. It’s the here and now.

Your Spiritual Assignment

This week, take the time in your meditative thought to contemplate about who are you. Cultivate your meditation time and connect with your higher self. Take the time as well to journal about what you find.

Have a blessed week,

Skip Jennings

This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Practice

The Practice

This week, I’ll begin by asking you what’s your spiritual practice?

Is it meditation, prayer, study, Yoga, or service? What helps you to grow? This is a rich and deep question to ponder. But a more important question should be, why do we practice? We do the work to wake up, and to stay awake. Our life comes from our spiritual practice. Everything that we do comes from this center, this purpose, this Source that I like to call God. When we choose to return to this Source during the time of the practice, our life becomes bigger than we could ever imagine. It doesn’t matter what the practice is; all roads lead to the same place.

Your Spirit Assignment

This week, find your spiritual practice. Take the time to explore the avenues and the options of spiritual work/play that will bring you closer to the realization that you and the God are one. Your choices are meditation, sacred study, prayer, service, and/or generosity. You are not limited to just one, but you must get moving; do something that will anchor your soul and return your awareness to the sacred place of your soul.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Embracing the Shift

Embracing the Shift

Who hasn’t been through the difficulties that life presents us? New beginnings always require the act of embracing the shift, embracing the change. Sometimes these changes are are voluntary at other times they feel forced.  As we integrate our awareness into God’s spirit, we are challenged to become new and that act activates new insight into our spiritual growth. Live from a perspective of an openness and a willingness to shift and watch your life expand beyond recognition. Say yes to the shift; say yes to your new beginnings; say yes today.

Your Spiritual Assignment:

This week’s assignment, do everything that will embrace your shift. Whenever you find yourself resisting, surrender to it. The ego does not like change and it will do everything it can to stop it. Be willing to release the resistance and fall into the arms of transformation.

Peace and blessings,


This Week’s Meditative Thought – Letting Go to Be More

Letting Go to Be More

This week we’ll dive into the reasons for letting go of what no longer services us and to be more of our true selves. When we hold on to the old ways of living there’s no room for the New. Before rebuild a new spiritual consciousness, we must clear out the clutter of our minds. The action of letting go is a sacred practice that is required on a daily basis.

Transformation is the most challenging journey we face within our lives. Letting go of what we are used to takes courage and determination. We must be willing to self-examine our lives and see what is no longer serving our journey. All this week, identify what is holding you down, let it go, and begin to fly. A new beginning must start with an ending to an old way of life.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

Today, journal about why you continue to do something that is not for your highest good. There is something about this proverbial “ball and chain” that is serving you, but not fulfilling you. Go into a deep contemplation and be willing to hear what is holding you back. This is an honest conversation between you and the Universe.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Grace of Meditation

The Grace of Meditation

This week’s meditative thought is one of the Grace of Meditation. Meditation allows us to see one of God’s greatest gift we have, Grace.  I like to say that meditating is like getting a front row seat and seeing God’s Grace in action.

Unfortunately, this gets fuzzy as the time for meditating competes with the lifestyles of our modernity. The Facebook posts, the commitments we schedule,  even the lawn that needs cutting…. All of these “distractions” distance us from this Grace. Thus the importance of practicing meditation. For the more we practice and immerse in meditating the more we see the gifts of Grace. So take a moment to make it about you and meditate. The terrific thing is you don’t need a special room. Do it right there at your desk, on the treadmill, on that coffee break and yes even while you cut that lawn.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment

All this week, after your meditation, ask the Universe to reveal itself and help you recognize the Grace that is your life. Take the time to journal your experiences.

Have a blessed week,


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