Articles Tagged with: Today

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 19 “The Practice of Giving”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 19 “The Practice of Giving”

Meditative Thought: Today is the day that we set the intention to give more money, time, and our divine qualities that we bring forth.  There is power in the act of giving and sharing, activating the law of circulation.  What you give away freely, you freely receive.   It is so important that we remember, we are not here to get anything, we are here to give and share the presence of God that lives within us.  The practice of giving is connected to our ability to see our gifts as divine, belonging to the Universe.   There is nothing we truly own.   All that we have is God’s, and we are only the tool for sharing.  When we realize that we have been chosen to be spiritual tools destined to share God, we become free to give.  We must release the fear of not having enough and know that everything we have comes from an abundant source of supply that can never run out.  Understand that all your money, your time, the divine qualities you bring fort,  are because of your connection with God.  When it is time to give, remember you are only exchanging energy that belongs to Spirit.  You are free to give it away, and there is always enough.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today set the intention to give more.   Be an open vessel for God’s gift to flow freely through you, for you, as you.  Begin a practice of prayer and meditation anchoring the truth that there is enough to share and spare.

Affirmation: Just for this moment… just for this breath, I am the gift of God, and I freely release the blessing upon the planet.  I am the anchoring of heaven on earth; a divine-being pouring out the gifts of the Universe everywhere I go.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 18 “The Practice of Affirmations”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 18 “The Practice of Affirmations”

Meditative Thought: The power of the “spoken word” is deep and transformative.  The bible verse that begins ‘John’ is, “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.”  This declaration helps us to set the intention to be mindful of what we say.  The words that we speak are the words of the divine.  We are the mouthpieces of God, and we have a responsibility to speak words that will inspire; language that carries a vibration that will uplift all that hear it.

It is not only what is spoken that matters, it is also what is heard that has an equal effect.  Affirmations are a practice that helps to align your thinking and your emotions.  When an affirmative word of truth is spoken consistently, there is a shift in our consciousness.   When the truth is spoken, and we truly hear what is being said, we are open for a shift within our DNA.  We change on a cellular level.  We not only have a shift of consciousness, but our sub-conscious is open for a shift.  A repetition of the practice of speaking affirmations, hearing them, and contemplating the truth will lead to your expansion and growth.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, begin your practice of daily mantras and affirmations that will remind you of who, and what you are.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, my life is a living expression of the Holy Spirit, and I live these words of truth with gusto.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 17 “The Meditation Practice”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 17 “The Meditation Practice”

Meditative Thought: The word meditation means mindful listening or awareness.  Meditation is the time we set aside in the world and go within, to hear the voice of God.  The only way we can truly experience the Universal presence is through meditation.  It is in the stillness that we shall know the Universal Flow.

My favorite movie is the “Color Purple.”  At the end of the film, the song Shug and a glorious choir sings, “Maybe God is Trying to Tell You Something.”  The chorus repeats, “Maybe God is trying to tell you something.”  Whenever I hear it I am reminded that God is always speaking to us, but we are not always listening.


When we are quiet and still, that is the time we commune with Spirit; that is the only time we are available to truly hear what is needed to be heard.  We must set the intention to be still everyday.  It is the consistency of an everyday practice that helps us to build our spiritual consciousness along with our dedication to see God unfold.  When we are present and listening; it may be in a conversation, during fellowship, or when we are alone, our life opens up to a deeper dimension.  Be present, be awake, hear the message of the heart, and it will transform your life.


Spiritual Assignment:  Today, set the intention to meditate.  For the next 30 days, set an appointment with God.  Find the time to be still.  It could be 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or and hour; it does not matter…Just do it.  Take time to sit and listen, not thinking, not creating a shopping list, or worrying about where you need to be next.  Just listen. Listen to the breath, listen to your heartbeat, listen to nature.  Be present, and be aware during the time you have allotted for the stillness.  This is a sacred time, a precious moment in eternity.  The practice of meditation will change your life.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, I am the emanation of God, blessed and filled with love.  My meditation practice fuels my life and I am everything I desire.  And so is it.  And so it is.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 16 “Knowing More of the Light”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 16 “Knowing More of the Light”

Meditative Thought: Today is the day we set the intention to know more of the light of God.  As we have discussed before, intention setting is the process of being more; to grow.  The word “intention” means to be more, to stretch.  Two questions I ask my students in yoga instruction, “Where have you not gone today regarding your mind, body our spirit?  How can you stretch yourself during this pose?”  Like yoga we must ask the questions that will allow us to expand, the inquiry of self that will initiate a deeper shift in consciousness.  When we desire to know more of the Light, we are asking to have a greater experience in God.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, ask the question that will allow you to experience more God.  Ask the Universe to make itself evident in your life.  Each time you are challenged simply say, “Show me more light.”

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, I reveal the presence of God.  The Universe guides every step I take.  And so it is. Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 15 “Writing Your Divine Story”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 15 “Writing Your Divine Story”

Meditative Thought: Set the intention to write your divine story.  So many of us continue to be the author of lack, limitation, and misery, and we call it our life, or our story.  That is not our real story; it is only a mis-truth we have decided to take on as our identity.  This tale of doom and gloom is not your destiny; it is not your birthright.  You are a spiritual, divine emanation of the Universe able to do all things with the awareness of the Christ Consciousness that lives within you.  Set the intention to rewrite your story.  By releasing your history, there becomes room to receive what God has in store for us; blessings we have yet to see.  When we hold on to the old tapes there is no room to grow and transform.  Release your story, and embrace the glory of God.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, write your divine story.  Begin to journal; write out the blessings that is your life.  Begin by simply stating the truth, I am love.  That is your true story.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, there is only a divine story that is my life.  I am moving, living, and having my being in God; therefore my only story is blessings.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT

Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:


DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 14 “Knowing Your Abundance”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 14 “Knowing Your Abundance” 

Meditative Thought: There is nothing that the Universe withholds from us.   The Universe is always blessing us with more of itself; more love, more abundance, more joy, more peace, more compassion, and more life.  The real key to receiving spiritual gifts is the awareness of their existence. This is what I know to be Grace.  When I am aware that God is in action with, around and as my life, I am in the grips of Grace.  The activity of God or Grace is a gift of the Divine itself.  Grace is the awareness that God is all that there is, and it is always in order, and balance working for our highest good.

There is always an abundance of Grace waiting to be poured upon us; as much as our consciousness will allow.  The blessing can only be received as much as we believe.  We must set the intention to know the abundance of God that is our life. God can never turn of it’s blessing and favor, it does not work like that.  Our only work is to know God and to know God more abundantly.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, know your abundance.  Take time to contemplate the plenitude of the Universe.  Think of the unending blessings of God.  That is what you have; that is what you are.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, I live a life of unending blessings.  My every move is fueled with grace and all is well.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT

Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:


DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 13 “Manifest”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 13 “Manifest”

Meditative Thought: Setting the intention to manifest the life we want begins with knowing your connection with Universal Power.  A daily practice of anchoring our oneness with God is the only true action required for manifestation.  Because God is the source of our life, it is that awareness that empowers our desires.

There are three principles, within our oneness consciousness, we must be willing to examine for manifestation.  The first truth of manifestation is the understanding the incorporeal essence of God governs the corporal nature of man.   Whatever it is that we wish to manifest for our life, God is the source.  The second is what we want for our life, we must be willing to become.  If we want love, we must be willing to become love.  If we want abundance we must become an opening for prosperity.  God can only do for us, that which we will allow God to do through us.  The third spiritual principle is the awareness that we are not here to get anything; we are here to release the presence of God that lives within us.  Once we have set the intention, we must be will to move into action.  Daily mediation and affirmations help us to know the truth, there is no separation from and God. This is the one great power of manifestation

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, every hour on the hour speak a simple mantra that reminds you that you are one with God.  Create an affirmation that anchors your awareness that God lives within you.  It should be easy to remember and filled with passion; “God is, I am” is one or “My Life is the life of God,” can be another.  For the next 30 days build a consciousness with statements of truth.  Know you oneness to manifest the life you are meant to live.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, I am one with God and life is good.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT

Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:


DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 12 “Embracing Your Self”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 12 “Embracing Your Self” 

Meditative Thought:  This year, set the intention to embrace your self, your full self.  We are our worst critics.  We can beat ourselves up more than any one else.  We must learn to accept ourselves, and to embrace and love every part of our being.  One of the tools I work with my clients is the “Loving Language,” learning to speak kindly about them selves.  When we use language, like” I hate my hips, or lips,” we anchor a mindset of defeat.  If there is something about you that you wish to change or dislike, it is an invitation to create a deeper spiritual practice focusing on the loving that area which in-turn will always elevate growth within your life.  With awareness, we are free to bless that which causes us discomfort; as it always leads us back to God.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, speak words of empowerment.  Be aware of your language.  Commit to the practice of the Love Language.  If your words do not inspire you to love your self don’t speak them.  Take the time to breath and wait a moment before you speak.  Set the intention to be aware of the power of your language.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, I speak the language of Love.  I bless my life with divine words of the Universe.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT

Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:


DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 11 “Celebrate You”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 11 “Celebrate You”

Meditative Thought: It is so important that we set the intention to celebrate who and what we are everyday.  This spiritual practice is the elevation of Divine Joy within our souls and is a daily action that anchors our oneness with God.  When we are mindful of God as our life, there is this sense that everything within our lives is good.  There is no need for doubt, fear, lack or limitation thinking, there is only room to celebrate.

The type of celebration or what I call the ‘spiritual happy dance’ is personal.  It could be an act of giving, it could be a mantra, “God is, I am, and I celebrate.”  It could be the participation of a physical act like walking in the park, playing with your pet or loved one, or taking a yoga class.  It doesn’t matter how you rejoice, it only matter that we celebrate. There is a little song we sing at our spiritual community called, “Celibate.”  The first line says, “There is a light inside of you bother and I don’t know if you know there’s a light, a light that is so bright and I thought I tell you.” The chorus goes on to to say, “Celibate, celebrate, celebrate, celebrate.” Sometimes a little song that reminded you to rejoice or a prayer of “Thank you God” is a celebration of the life of the Holy Spirit that is within us.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, celebrate who and what you are.  Decide how you want to celebrate and consciously take the action to rejoice.  For the next 30 days create a ritual that will elevate your gratitude and thanksgiving for the blessing of your oneness with God, then celebrate.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I celebrate the God that lives within me.  Today I am Joy rising, and I am grateful.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT

Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:


DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 10 “Recognizing Eternity”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  31 Days of Setting Intentions Day 10 “Recognizing Eternity” 

Meditative Thought: The deepest awareness that we can have is our own eternity.  Once we realize that we are spiritual beings, having a human incarnation; that our spirit is never born and will never die, life becomes meaningful.  In 2011, I experienced a great deal of what appeared to be loss.  My nephew, 2 aunts, several close family friends and a student of mine made their transition in to ‘life after life.’  My ‘human incarnation’ experienced grief and pain, and some days I felt as if life did not have a purpose.  It wasn’t until I consciously began to do spiritual work around life eternal did my perception shift.  Daily I prayed and meditate on life never-ending.  I asked the Universe to show Eternity to me.  Every time I did, I felt the presence of my loved ones around me.  I felt comfort and a sense of peace.  For me this is evidence of eternity.

Another lesson that I learned through this experience is I do not have to wait until someone leaves this side of existence to anchor an eternity consciousness.  A daily practice builds spiritual consciousness so that I am prepared when the rocky waves of the sea of life hits.

We are all created from God; therefore we are everlasting.  Set the intention to know your infinite self.  It is the spiritual practice that allows us to tap into the open space of Divine Eternity.

Spiritual Assignment:  Today, ask to know eternity.  Close your eyes and breath in.  Contemplate life eternal through your daily meditation.  Be still and know your eternity.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment… just for this breath, I live the eternal life of God with high intentions.  My life is the blessing that empowers the world and all is well.  And so it is.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT

Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:


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