Articles Tagged with: transformation

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 22”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 22”

Meditative Thought: Humility is fully surrendering to God.  Humility allows us to be teachable to the lessons that we have said yes to.  Because we are the likeness, being, and an idea in the mind of God, we are not limited to the growth we can experience.  Today stay teachable, and humble yourself to the divine lessons of life.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I say ‘yes’ to the expansion of my soul.  And so it is.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 21”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 21”

Meditative Thought: Rev Cheryl Ward once said to me, “You can not jump into the river and get a little wet.”  We must understand that we can’t just play in the river of life a little bit.  Once we have said yes, we must fully commit to the journey.  When we have one foot in the door and one foot out, we create a life of confusion and frustration.  God is calling us to a place of full surrender.  Because our life is the life of Spirit, let go, and let God be your life.  Today, jump into the river of life and begin to swim with the stroke of devotion.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I jump into the ocean of devotion and I get wet with God’s love.  And so it is.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 20”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 20”

Meditative Thought: Surrendering to God is the true healing that we search for.  Let go and see the divine presence of the Holy Spirit.  Today, allow true healing to be your vision.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, every step I take is infused with the power of God.  I allow my highest potential to come forth as I live my greatest life yet to be seen.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 19”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 19”

Meditative Thought: Because we are one in God, we must be willing to take care of our self, with love and self-healing.  We must learn to be a lover of our own mind, body and soul.  But the truth is, God’s love is so much deeper than our human care-taking.  Everything we do to take care of our self has a deeper spiritual meaning to it.  We can receive a message, but the truth is we are in fellowship with spirit.  We can take time to take a nice soothing bath, but the truth is that we are baptizing our spirit.  A day off from the human grind of work is a day that we can play in the mind of God.  Today, go deeper with your self-care.  Recognize God in the blessings and take care of yourself.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I surrender to the care-taking of my body temple because I deserve it.  My mind, body, and spirit are fueled by love, and it is good.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 18”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 18”

Meditative Thought: One of the greatest lessons in life is the surrender to the impersonal nature of God.  God simply is.  God does not play the favorite game.  The mind of God is always flowing infinite blessings upon us all.  God does not reward or punish based on the way we act.  The absolute presence of God is just that, absolute.  There is no duality.  God does not show grace to some, and not to others. We only need to open our heart and receive.  Our consciousness is the only thing that holds us back from the abundant flow of the Universe.  We must surrender to the fact that God is in the blessing business.  Today be open to realize the blessing that is your life.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am open and receptive to the blessings of the Universe.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 17”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 17”

Meditative Thought: Jesus said, “Not my will, but thine be done.”  When that master teacher spoke those divine words, it became a call to surrender, an invitation to allow God to be his everything.  God’s will is the most powerful thing that one can surrender to.  The will of God is to be more of it self as us.  More love, more power more compassion, more joy expressing as our life. Today, anchor yourself in the will of God.  Allow your will to become God’s will.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I allow God’s will to be my primary intention for my life.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 16”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 16”

Meditative Thought: God’s love and blessing are always flowing, we only need to be still and surrender to the moment.  Like a water fountain that is always flowing, blessing, and giving gifts we are constantly ready to pour forth, but I control the faucet. I can turn water on a little or full force; the control comes from my consciousness. Today, surrender to the flow of God, allow the water to run free.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I surrender to the flow of God.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 15”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 15”

Meditative Thought: We go to God to commune with God, nothing else.  When we surrender to a daily practice of deep fellowship with Spirit, our life has meaning.  Communion with God is the greatest spiritual tool we can incorporate within our life.  Today, bless your journey with a deep fellowship.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I bless my journey with a deep fellowship in the Spirit.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 14”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 14”

Meditative Thought: God only knows Love; therefore all blessing comes from a place of Love.  Each divine gift is an invitation for surrender to Love.  Today, surrender to the practice of blessing yourself and others with Love.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I surrender my life to Love.  And so it is.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach



DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: “Surrendering To God – Day 13”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  “Surrendering To God – Day 13”

Meditative Thought: There are times in our life that we cannot experience the goodness of life.  We must surrender to the mind of God.  Kindness and compassion are divine gifts that the Universe blesses each and every one of us.  We must build a consciousness that allows us to receive the blessings.  Today, surrender to the work that builds a consciousness to receive kindness and compassion.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, the power of God is my life.  Everything I see is blessed and highly favored.  Amen.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:



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