Articles Tagged with: unity consciousness

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Celebrating Light – Day 6 “Let Your Light Shine”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Celebrating Light – Day 6 “Let Your Light Shine”

Today’s Body Connection:  One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “What should I do first: cardio or strength?” My answer is whatever you dislike the most, do it first and get it out-of-the-way.   If cardio is your favorite, your energy is always greater when you are participating in that activity.  When you do something you love you will let your inner light shine.  End your workout with a high vibration and you will feel successful.

Today’s Meditative Thought:  “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…”  What a great song, but it is a challenging song for me to sing with the lyrics as is.  There is nothing little about the Light that is shinning.  The light is everything, everywhere present, always active.  The only thing that is little is our consciousness of the Light.  Once there is spiritual growth and we begin to recognize God, we begin to see the Light everywhere.  We begin to understand that there is nowhere the Divine is not.  When we use the word “Omni,” we declare that there is only one.  The Omnipresence of the Light is a statement that God shines everywhere. We must allow the Light to be the biggest awareness within our lives. So, “This big light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…”

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, notice where your light is small and allow it to be the biggest thing in your consciousness.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, the light of my life is large and in charge.  With a massive awareness, I live, move, and have my being in God.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

Exercise with Skip online at

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DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Celebrating Light – Day 5 “Bringing the Darkness to the Light”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Celebrating Light – Day 5 “Bringing the Darkness to the Light”

Today’s Body Connection:  Sometimes a plateau in your workout regime can have the appearance of stagnation. These periods in our lives can appear to be dark and ineffective.  The truth of the matter is you only need new ideas about how to push past this stage.  H.I.I.T. stands for high intensity interval training and it is the format that professional athletes use to stay in shape.  It’s when you push yourself at a high intensity for a short period of time, and then you recover, repeating the intervals several times.  When you work at a high level, you burn more calories for a shorter period of time.  H.I.I.T. training will give you a sense of how powerful and amazing you are.  You will activate a new frame of mind and energize your workouts. If you are looking to revamp your physical practice, try incorporating interval training one to two days a week.  This shift in your training is the light you require to push past the “flat land.” Activate your radiance in the dark areas with a new way of exercising the body-temple.

Today’s Meditative Thought: We cannot bring Light to the dark places.  It is the Light that is desired in one’s heart.  We become influenced by the Divine Presence to transform our lives.  It can be a person, place, song, or book that inspires change, but, ultimately, we must be willing to go on the journey of transformation ourselves.  As we begin to say yes to the journey, the path becomes lighter.  As we move down the road of enlightenment, we begin to know that the Light was always there; we just didn’t know it.  The Illuminated life is a journey of attraction; God does not need promotion.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, recognize where the Light is calling for transformation in your life.  Be willing to travel the road of enlightenment.  Be aware of the dark areas in your life being illuminated with God.  Take the time to journal your experience of awakening.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I walk boldly on the path of enlightenment and my pathway is bright, infused with the Light.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

Exercise with Skip online at

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Celebrating Light – Day 2 “Identifying With the Light”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 31 Days of Celebrating Light – Day 2 “Identifying With the Light” 

Today’s Body Connection:  When we say yes to health and fitness, we say yes to letting our inner light shine, but it takes preparation.  We must prepare our minds and our bodies for the journey of transformation.  If you decide that running or walking is your preferred form of exercise, choose an area to run or walk that is pleasing to you.  Research the different routes and paths you can take.  Invest in a good pair of running shoes, and you also might want to purchase running gear.  If yoga is your choice of exercise, buy your own yoga mat to help you have the best experience possible.  If you are looking for a gym, find the place that speaks to you.  Not every workout place is the right one for you.  Preparation means giving yourself the best opportunity to shine and be successful.

Today’s Meditative Thought: Malcolm X once said, “A man must stand for something or he will fall for anything.”  What do you stand for?  What do you identify with?  Do you identify with your job, the size of your home, or the size of your bank account?  These are all nice things to have, but they are an illusion, a false God that we have created to give our lives meaning.  The truth is our true identity is the One Presence, the One Mind, and the Universal Power of Love.  We must put into practice prayer, meditation, fellowship, and service that cultivate the “oneness consciousness” within our lives.  Once we know that there is no separation between God and us, we become free to identify with the light that lives within.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, begin to identify with the God that lives within you.  Every moment remind yourself that you are one with Mother, Father, God.  Create an affirmation that reminds you of the “oneness consciousness.”

Today’s Affirmation:
  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I identity with the Light within, and I allow it to shine bright.  And so it is.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

Exercise with Skip online at

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 27 “Oneness”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 27 “Oneness”

Today’s Body Connection:  Oneness is the energy of unity, connection to all things.  When we work out we must be willing to see the connection of the mind, body, and spirit.  A mindful training session is one that effectively uses the mind and the spirit to help you achieve the physical task at hand.  We can either zone out while we train, mindlessly moving weights, prone to injury, or we can exercise with the awareness of breathing, movement, and how our body feels.  Mindfulness brings your self back to the present moment.  Do not lose focus; stay awake and keep the unity consciousness alive.

Meditative Thought: Yoga is the practice of yoking together two things that appear to be different, like strength training and stretching your mind and body.  During the practice there comes a time when you become aware that there is no separation of the two, only the unique expression of “The One.”  Our prayer time is our commitment to know the power of God that is our lives.  This communion with the Universal presence elevates our awareness that our life is the life of God; there is no separation.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, meditate on your oneness with God.  Spend time in deep contemplation to up level your consciousness.    Take at least ten minutes and be more aware of your connection to your higher self.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am the unique expression of the oneness presence of God.  And so I am.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

Exercise with Skip online at, discount code: 6391

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 23 “Stay Awake”

DAILY SPIRITUAL NUGGETS:  30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 23 “Stay Awake”

Today’s Body Connection:  As our practice grows and expands, the challenge is to stay awake.  We begin to see the payoff of living a healthy life.  We drop the pounds and inches and we love what we are seeing.  We begin to connect with the outer results and forget that we are feeling better than ever before.  After having a moderate amount of success, we tend to forget that it’s not about fitting into the next dress size down, or being able to squeeze ourselves into our skinny jeans.  It’s about connecting with our inner strength and tapping into Spirit through prayer.  The physical practice has only one purpose and that is to let us know our own divinity.”

Meditative Thought: One of the greatest advantages of prayer is the ability to stay awake to the presence of God that lives within us.  The practice of prayer is not to gain any material possession; it is to know more God.  Remember that the Universe only knows itself, which is love, joy, abundance, peace, prosperity, compassion, oneness; our prayers are to know more of these divine qualities that create our authentic self, our true being.  Anything that is not of God is a low vibration of prayer.  Not to say that these human delights are not a part of our everyday life, but just stay awake.  These superficial things are not real, and have no true power.  The only authentic experience is the presence of God.

Today’s Action Plan: Today, pray with the intention to stay awake and to experience more God.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I pray with the highest intention of love.  My life is the life of God; therefore I am blessed.  And so it is.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

Exercise with Skip online at, discount code: 6391

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 15 “The Practice that Unites Us”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 15 “The Practice that Unites Us”

Today’s Body Connection:  Understand that you are not the only one on this journey of transforming your body-temple.  You do not stand alone in your goals.  There are those who desire the same transformation you desire.  There are people who have bigger goals than you.  You want to drop ten pounds, while your neighbor wants to drop 25.  You have a wedding dress that you want to look amazing in, while there are million of brides with the same intention.  You have a pair of skinny jeans, and so do I.  If you could take a survey of your community I would bet that three-quarters of your neighbors have set the intention to feel better, look better, and improve the condition of their health.  If you have dropped 25 pounds, there is someone who you will meet that will be blessed by your experience.  Transformation is the one factor that we all have in common on some level.  Your journey will empower someone else who desires to be better.  Stay open and willing to help someone or look for that person that will inspire you to be the best you can be.

Meditative Thought: “Prayer is a tool that unites the world.” — Skip Jennings, “Spirit Explosion”                                                                                                                                                                                               Because we are one with the spirit of God, when you pray for someone else, you are praying for yourself.  With that in mind, we pray only for the highest good for everyone.  I am always looking for the opportunity to pray.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, search for opportunities to pray for someone; I know you will find them.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am aware of my oneness with the most high.  I sing a song only I can sing.  I am playing in the playground of the Universe where everyone is welcome.  When I speak a word for others, I bless myself.   And so it is.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

Exercise with Skip online discount code:6391

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”


DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 11 “Unification with Your Higher Self”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 11 “Unification with Your Higher Self”

Today’s Body Connection:  Unification is all about your perception and awareness.  We can move through our day without ever acknowledging our higher self.  Have you ever finished a challenging workout and asked yourself, “Is that it?”  Or have you completed a goal, dropped the weight or dress size, and felt nothing or even worse than when you started? We can move from workout to workout feeling unfulfilled, not knowing why.  Our disappointment comes from the appearance of separation.  Unless we give the physical practice a deeper meaning, our journey can never fulfill us. Today, unify your workout with the Divine.  Every step you take and every squat you do is for the soul unfoldment.  Run with a purpose. Stretch to know your inner love.  Align our workout with an intention to expand your consciousness.

Meditative Thought: Affirmative Prayer Step 3 – Unification:  The unification stage is about awakening to our oneness with The Universe.  “God is, I am,” is a defining affirmation that helped me to expand my Unity consciousness.  During this step, I speak words like, “One Life, one sprit, one mind, one God,” and I know my life is one with God.  Reverend Kathleen McNamara from Agape says to stay in the unification step until you know that you are one with God.  Don’t move from this stage until, without a doubt, you can say that you and God are one.  When this unification awareness happens, you activate the power of the Universe.  The more you realize your oneness with God, the more you are able to activate Divine power in your life.


Today’s Action Plan:  Today, activate the unification vibration in your life.  Speak the affirmation: “God is, I am” every hour on the hour until you know unification for sure.  During your workout, set the intention to know oneness with Love.  Journal your process at the end of your day.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, God is, I am and we are one. And so it is.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 8 “Treatments”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 8 “Treatments”

Today’s Body Connection:  The word treatment means action and management.  When I think of body treatments what comes to mind is healing and recovery.  Whether we are already physically active or just beginning our practice, we must remember our healing treatments and management.  Stretching the body before and after every workout is key.  Taking time to see your massage therapist allows you to activate deep recovery during your period of the physical transformation.  A weekly healing session with your holistic practitioner takes you to a deeper level of physical, mental, and spiritual empowerment.  Yes, we must work hard, but we must heal even harder.  One of the most successful practices to repair the body is meditation.  If we constantly breakdown the body without equally nurturing it, we will never know wholeness.

Meditative Thought: I attended The University of Transformational Studies and Leadership at the Agape International Spiritual Center, where we study a form of prayer called Affirmative Prayer; It’s also known as prayer treatments or mind treatments.”  I am asked quite frequently what is the difference between prayer and a prayer treatment.  The easiest way to differentiate between the two is to remember that prayer treatment is a prayer, but not every prayer is a treatment.  Ernest Holmes says a treatment is when you acknowledge the Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence of God and recognize man’s unity with spirit.  During Affirmative Prayer, there are specific steps a spiritual practitioner conducts, 6 step in all: Gratitude, Recognition of God, Unification of the One, Realization of the truth, Thanksgiving, and Release.  Each step aligns the mind and body, with the Divine.  Today dive into your prayer practice so that you may know your authentic self.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, acknowledge the Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence power of God in your prayer time.  Speak a word about the greatness of the Universe.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I recognize the omnipresence of God.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 5 “Higher Communication”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 5 “Higher Communication”

Today’s Body Connection:  What is the body?  This is the question that we must answer and remember on a daily basis.  The body is a temple for your spirit.  We must come to the realization that we are more than just bones and muscles and that our purpose expands far beyond what we can see.  When we truly know who and what we are, transformation becomes a priority.  We must take care of our body-temple so that we may do the work that we have said yes to.  The practice of good stewardship of this gift called life is a sacred act; let’s not take it lightly.



Meditative Thought: When is a good time for prayer?  Prayer is our communication with our inner spirit, our time with God.  Prayer is our anchor in the rocky sea of life.  Our spiritual work should be centered on praying without ceasing.  It’s not easy, but it will expand or consciousness.  Because we are one with the Universe we have a choice about how we approach every situation.  We can show up as the Divine, and speak the words that affirm that connection.  Remember, you are God speaking to God, words from God, to God.  It’s about your awareness.  Every moment can be a moment of constant communication with Spirit.


Today’s Action Plan:  Today, let’s be mindful of what we say, how we say it, and to whom we are saying it.  Be in constant prayer.  Speak words that uplift vibrations.  Take the time to meditate on your experience.  See what new insights arise for you.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I speak only words that uplift my mind, body, and spirit.  And so it is.

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 4 “Freedom”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: 30 Days of Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude – Day 4 “Freedom”

Today’s Body Connection:  The reason for exercising the body is to activate freedom within our lives.  When the body hinders us, our “dis-ease” is all we think about.  When de-condition is the way of life, it has a way of dimensioning our hope.  Allow your physical practice the opportunity to improve your quality of life.  You are worth it.  The goal is always to feel better.  Today set the intention to improve your life with a strong physical practice.

Meditative Thought: Affirmative Prayer is the practice of freedom.  When we speak an affirmation or affirmative prayer we choose to co-creation with the Universe.  When we speak with authority we begin to lose the chains of bondage.  Praying to a God outside of us, hoping that a blessing will come…is powerless.  When we realize our oneness with the Universe, we empower our lives.  Affirmative Prayer is the knowing that you have everything you need and that you’re free to live your fullest life.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, pray to a God that lives within you.   Speak to Spirit like you would to an old friend, because it is.  The Universe has been with you since before time, and it will never leave you.

Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I pray to God that lives within me.  I am one with infinite Spirit.  I allow my prayers to activate Divine inspiration in my life.  And so it is.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

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