The Little Book For BIG Transformations! I got married! ???? (+ Community and Fellowship)
Mark Your Calendars:
The Little Book for Big Transformations: 31 Days of Inner Visions and Spiritual Practices will be released on January 21, 2021!!
In The Little Book for Big Transformation (2nd edition),
I take you on a 31-day journey of daily devotions, teachings + affirmations to help you develop a positive and loving mindset.
I take you on a 31-day journey of daily devotions, teachings + affirmations to help you develop a positive and loving mindset.
When you apply the daily principles of this book in your life, you will develop a greater sense of spiritual + emotional health.
And, you will feel a deeper level of inner peace than ever before!
Coming to you January 21st on Amazon, Ibooks + Audible.

I am so happy to share that the next guest on High Conscious Conversation is Rev. Wendy Silvers.
Rev. Wendy is a sought-after Wisdom Teacher, Spiritual Midwife, Author, and, Sacred Activist. For almost two decades, she has been helping moms heal themselves so that they can consciously raise their children + change the world. She believes that empowered mothers in touch with their immense value as sovereign beings create a thriving society. Rev. Wendy founded the Million Mamas Movement to educate, empower and evolve the power of the Mother in our world.
I have known Rev. Wendy for the past 12 years. (We began our ministerial journey together)
As a matter of fact, in one of our classes, Rituals and Ceremonies, we were married. This ceremony upset her daughter, who was nine at the time, and in class with us that night, since Rev. Wendy was already married to her dad.
Not only that, I am a proud gay man. 🙂
We’ve had a laugh over this throughout the years.
And, we’ve grown through a lot together.
We share a deep + abiding love for the Divine . . . meditation, affirmative prayer, visioning, a commitment to spiritual activism.
And, having fun.
You’ll get to know Rev. Wendy (+ love her) when we speak on Wednesday’s, High Conscious Conversations, December 9, 11 am pst.

One of the primary needs of humans is to connect with one another!
And, one of the most significant challenges in recent times, has been the pandemic, where mandating physical distancing seems to be the, “new normal.”
All usual group activities have been abruptly interrupted with no end in sight, which I know has led to your feeling isolated.
So, I want you to know that you are not alone!
Join me Friday, December 11, 7 am pst on Insight Timer, for my live, guided meditation.
We will explore the practice and benefits of Community and Fellowship.
Please know that I am here for you!
See you Wednesday, 11 am PST for High Conscious Conversations
and Friday, 7 am PST, for Community and Fellowship!