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Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Embracing The Shift

Embracing The Shift

I’m currently away at a fitness convention in Orlando this weekend and to say that I’m busy at these wonderful events is an understatement, but the energy of my fellow participants is fabulous.  That said I still find time in the hustle and bustle to find a quiet to meditate and take in an affirmation. This week’s affirmation reflects on the meditation of: Embracing The Shift So find your quiet place to steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance:

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I expect only greatness for my Life, embracing the shift. I humble myself as the Universe continues to teach me. I Love, because Love is all there is. Faith, Humility, and Love is the order of the day. And so it is. Amen,

Have a blessed weekend,


The Shift With Skip Video Blog – This Is The Day

This week’s The Shift With Skip Video Blog – This Is The Day

Take some time out to recognized the beauty that fills that day. that you keep moving in nature and fill your mantra with: “This is the Day, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Click the video above or here .

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Dr. Kat Van Kirk

This week, we invite Dr. Kat Van Kirk back to the Shift with Skip to talk with us about a few different issues going on in the US, transgender and gender identity in general. She has some wonderful insights on what’s going on in terms of the individual and the role that society plays in all of this. You have all heard about the flagship media issue surrounding the statement of Bruce Jenner to the identity of “She”. We will discuss these sensitive issues and bring them to light.

Dr. Kat is a renowned sexologist who knows how to live life to its fullest with her philosophy of Life, Love and Sex and creating a lifestyle of passion, confidence, and the opportunity to be your most optimal self.

She educates individuals on various kinds of sexuality issues and also hosts, the Sex Chat with Dr. Cat in addition to authoring a wide array of videos and e-books such as; “Sex Tips from Hawaii“,  “Friday Night Fun” and more.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Dr. Kat Van Kirk is available On-Demand here
Visit Dr. Kat’s web page: 

Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Shows are LIVE Wednesday at 10 AM PST

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Embracing the Shift

Embracing the Shift

Who hasn’t been through the difficulties that life presents us? New beginnings always require the act of embracing the shift, embracing the change. Sometimes these changes are are voluntary at other times they feel forced.  As we integrate our awareness into God’s spirit, we are challenged to become new and that act activates new insight into our spiritual growth. Live from a perspective of an openness and a willingness to shift and watch your life expand beyond recognition. Say yes to the shift; say yes to your new beginnings; say yes today.

Your Spiritual Assignment:

This week’s assignment, do everything that will embrace your shift. Whenever you find yourself resisting, surrender to it. The ego does not like change and it will do everything it can to stop it. Be willing to release the resistance and fall into the arms of transformation.

Peace and blessings,


Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Letting Go to Be More

Letting Go to Be More

I love affirmations. They get my weekend going and are great when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So find your quiet place to steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance: This week, we’ll take a look int an affirmation that reflects our meditation theme this week of: letting go to be more

Just for this moment…just for this breath, my life is an open canvas, and I allow the colors of Spirit to paint a new masterpiece. I embrace the Divine Creativity that I am; my soul expresses hues of the Universe. I see myself as God sees me: Lovely, Magnificent, and Whole.. I nurture my inner artist with Love and Compassion. And so I let it be.Amen

Have a blessed weekend,

– Skip

Are Cheat Days Worth It?

Are diets a mind game?

Are cheat days worth it? Now, it may not feel like a bad thing but cheat days aren’t necessarily good. When you think of cheating, it’s automatically something that’s against the rules or bad. When we’re looking to get back to a healthier lifestyle, the last thing we want to think of is that we’re cheating ourselves and our progress. Getting into a healthy routine is tough and it only takes one day of a fall back to take everything back to step one. No one wants to start all over again.

The idea is that we don’t want to think of diets at all. Diets are a mind game all on their own. You don’t ever want to feel deprived of anything and have to throw away all of your hard work. Instead of cheat days, think of slowly substituting some unhealthy things for healthier items that actually taste good. Cheat days will keep that craving taste in your mouth for the days following.

The point of weeding certain things out of your fridge is that we want to get rid of those naughty cravings. Instead of a cheat day, keep pushing through and soon you won’t miss the bad things. 

– Skip

The Shift Radio Guest – Kelly Johnson

This week’s guest is Kelly Johnson, coauthor of Feeling Great: Creating a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm, and Contentment. She joins Skip as they talk shifting the way you take control of your life and live it to the fullest, contented. Kelly Johnson has worked in the publishing industry for many years reading, selling and marketing other people’s books. When the opportunity to write Feeling Great with Peter Vegso and Dadi Janki came along, it was an unexpected honor. Johnson gratefully lives near the sea in Satellite Beach, Florida, writing and doing the work she loves.

Feeling Great is a complete guidebook that offers a simple blueprint for a lifelong embodiment of true contentment. Feeling Great, Creating a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm and Contentment (HCI Books), by a triad of leading wisdom keepers–Dadi Janki, Peter Vegso, and Kelly Johnson–lets you really OWN a permanently elevated state of mind and way of life.

Click Here to Listen in LIVE on April 22nd at 10am PT.





This Week’s Meditative Thought – Letting Go to Be More

Letting Go to Be More

This week we’ll dive into the reasons for letting go of what no longer services us and to be more of our true selves. When we hold on to the old ways of living there’s no room for the New. Before rebuild a new spiritual consciousness, we must clear out the clutter of our minds. The action of letting go is a sacred practice that is required on a daily basis.

Transformation is the most challenging journey we face within our lives. Letting go of what we are used to takes courage and determination. We must be willing to self-examine our lives and see what is no longer serving our journey. All this week, identify what is holding you down, let it go, and begin to fly. A new beginning must start with an ending to an old way of life.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

Today, journal about why you continue to do something that is not for your highest good. There is something about this proverbial “ball and chain” that is serving you, but not fulfilling you. Go into a deep contemplation and be willing to hear what is holding you back. This is an honest conversation between you and the Universe.

Productivity and Success


It’s easy to think of ourselves as procrastinators so we don’t have to take responsibility for our own laziness. The fact is, the sooner you get into the mindset of being better and doing more, you will be just that–better. Getting into a pattern of productivity and success at times seems daunting, but truthfully once we get the ball rolling it’s easier than putting things off.?

First things first. Get up at least a half and hour earlier than usual. This means getting to bed half an hour earlier every night. When we give ourselves more time to get ready in the morning it means we have more time to dive into our work. 

Make a list

Making lists is a great way to actually see what you have on your plate for the day or week. We recommend getting yourself setup with a monthly or weekly calendar where you can list your to do’s. Checking things off can make you feel more accomplished and get your head in the game for future projects. Making schedules means you’re always looking ahead and thinking ahead. 


This helps get your brain pumping in some endorphins to pick up your mood; plus the oxygen being sent through the heart and brain, will help you loosen up and make you feel more energized instead of the all day fatigue.

Try out some of these tips and let us know how it works for you. 



Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

Ending the week with an affirmation is a great way to usher the weekend. They are especially powerful when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So find a quiet place to steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance: This week, we’ll take a look int an affirmation that reflects our meditation theme this week:

Spiritual Awakening

Just for this moment…just for this breath, abundance is my inheritance. I am one with the absolute abundant field of God. My life is full of supply, and I am only subject to the goodness of the Universe. Like the birds in the air and the lilies of the field, I worry not. I am blessed. And so it shall be. Amen

Have a blessed weekend

– Skip

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