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The Shift Video Blog – Prayer and Meditation

This Week’s Shift With Skip Video Blog

This week I explore Prayer and Meditation and discuss the three types of prayer and how I define Meditation. Don’t forget to visit my YouTube page for more tips of body, mind, spirit and how to live life to the fullest! Click video below or here to see this week’s video.

The Shift Radio Guest-Shifting Positivity with Shola Richards


Why become a victim of things that ‘happen to you’ every single day when we can challenge the world and take it on with positivity in mind?

Listen On-Demand here!

Don’t miss this terrific segment as Shola Richards is Skip’s guest on The Shift With Skip. A dynamic public speaker, Richards is a leadership trainer/consultant, and an award-winning Director of Training for UCLA Health, and a positivity blogger with a passionate worldwide following.  Shola is a certified Emotional Intelligence practitioner, he has appeared on national television numerous times, hosted his own television show for the CBS affiliate in New York, and proudly notes that the late literary icon Chinua Achebe was his godfather.

Some people grow up wanting to be pro athletes, some want to be platinum-selling recording artists, some want to find the cure for a major disease. Shola has been insanely passionate about doing everything in his power to make the world a happier, nicer, and more inspired place.

His unshakable optimism and unquenchable passion for creating a more positive world at work and home for millions of people have caught the attention of mainstream media. He is regularly called upon Huffington Post Live and newspapers throughout the US and Australia as an expert on workplace happiness and engagement.

The author obtained his Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology from one of the top Liberal Arts colleges in America (Union College in Schenectady, NY), he is a

Listen On Demand

Click-here to listen or download the podcast on iTunes here.

The ShiftWithSkip Radio shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Shola Richards on his social media pages:





Movie Recommendation-Disney’s Cinderella

10710877_10152375997956193_5617944333811482258_nI don’t know about you guys, but when I saw this photo for the feature length real life film of a childhood favorite, Cinderella I thought, holy cow they’re using actors from my favorite show Downton Abbey! I absolutely love English films for their humor more than anything else. Plus, much of the time (in Downton Abbey) in particular, they have a touch of the classic times. The case looks amazing and how could you go wrong with,
‘A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.’ This film is a dream come true.

I know many of us have seen the latest film adaptation of Into the Woods and there was a little Cinderella there, but this is definitely the one you want to see. I personally love concentrated fairytale stories. This is one of the most highly anticipated of Disney’s in a  long time. Let’s see what magic they can do to this one. Let us know when you see it and what you think of it. It pops into theaters on the 13th!

Check out the trailer here.

The Lotus Kitchen-Garlic Minty Roasted Potatoes

This week’s recipe and yoga thought from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen, is a delicious Garlic Minty Roasted Potatoes and for yoga we’ll explore Easy Post Meditation. Each week I’ll showcase new recipes that explore and engage the meaningful pathway to empowerment through food and yogaStay tuned next week for another recipe and more. 

Garlic Minty Roasted Potatoes



Preheat oven to 350. Prick the potatoes with the tines of a fork and arrange them on a baking sheet. Bake for 1 1/2 hours. Cut the potatoes into quarters and place them in a serving bowl. While they are still hot, toss them with the oil, salt, pepper and garlic. Gently toss in the mint. This twist on a potato salad can be served warm or at room temperature. Serves 8.

The Practice: 

Potatoes are considered one of the brain foods, considered to help memory and to stimulate brain cells. Swadhyaya, the yoga principle of Self-Education, is the quest for knowl- edge. What a great combination. The practice while creating this dish is to know that all situations are an oppor- tunity to expand your consciousness. Every situation is a learning situation. The Easy Pose (Sukhasana) is the posture that we surrender our self to while learning the experience of Yoga.

The Easy Pose Meditation Instruction:

Sitting with your buttocks on the mat, cross your legs with your ankles under your thighs. Rest your hand on your knees, pressing both hips toward the floor and close your eyes, and breath. Allow your thoughts to open to knowledge and learning. Set the intention to know more as you practice.

Book Recommendation-Silence by Thich Nhat Hanh

Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 1.01.46 PMYou’re going to love this. Thich Nhat Hanh’s latest book, Silence, is out and ready for us all to absorb and learn from. Hanh brings  a concise, practical guide to understanding and developing our most powerful inner resource—silence—to help us find happiness, purpose, and amazing inspiration when it comes to all things relating to the self and its’ connection with the world surrounding as well as our fellow humans. There is a much deeper meaning to simple silence that should be mastered. In order to find some of the things we desperately want within our lives, we must look within ourselves. Everything we desire can be found if we just listen to the silence we’re so afraid of: Love, Compassion, Healing, Happiness.

Some call Thich Nhat Hanh a Zen master and I have to agree.

Silence shows us how to find and maintain our equanimity amid the barrage of noise. Thich Nhat Hanh guides us on a path to cultivate calm even in the most chaotic places. This gift of silence doesn’t require hours upon hours of silent meditation or an existing practice of any kind. Through careful breathing and mindfulness techniques he teaches us how to become truly present in the moment, to recognize the beauty surrounding us, and to find harmony. With mindfulness comes stillness—and the silence we need to come back to ourselves and discover who we are and what we truly want, the keys to happiness and well-being.

Check out a sample of the book here and get to know what true beauty and happiness can be.





This Week’s Meditative Thought – What Is Prayer

photo-1414073875831-b47709631146What is Prayer

Prayer practice is a consistent activity that helps us to builds a strong spiritual awareness and helps us expand our faith creating a connection with God. Our greatest gift is the ability to connect with our higher self where true power truly is. Our worship and communion to the Universal Presence remind us that we are alive and living with a purpose. Prayer is the invocation or invitation to spend time with Love, Joy, Bliss, and Divine Happiness. When we feel our life is out of balance, try prayer..

Your Spiritual Assignment:

This week begin your prayer practice. Set the intention daily to connect and don’t make a move until you have asked your higher self the question “Is this for my betterment?”

Have a blessed week,



Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – Embracing The Practice

Skip Jennings AffirmationEmbracing “The Practice” is this week’s theme and this week’s Affirmation. Affirmations are a terrific way to end a week and are most effective when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance.:

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I embrace my highest potential and I am anchored by my sacred practice. All is well and good in my life and I am blessed. Amen

Peace and blessings,


Movie Recommendation-Still Alice

MV5BMjIzNzAxNjY1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDg4ODQxMzE@._V1_SX640_SY720_This film, Still Alice, tugs at the heartstrings and wakes you up to the terrible possibility of a neurodegenerative disease called Alzheimers. No one wants to talk about it, what happens to people when they are overcome by something that is out of their control such as Alzheimers. The scariest thing that this film will portray, is what happens to younger people who are overcome with Alzheimers when they had no idea they were at risk to start with.

In this film, Julianne Moore plays Alice Howland, a linguistics professor who is happily married with three children, who comes to find she has early onset Alzheimers. This woman is frightened, worried about her memories and her relationships with her family. There are limited days with a disease like this and they are all waiting for the day when she will no longer remember what she once was or the love she shared with her family. There’s a reason why Julianne Moore won the Oscar for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role for Still Alice, it’s a must see film!

– Marie

Rated PG-13
Director Richard Glatzer, Wash Westmoreland

More Info: Still Alice



Wells Fargo – Cycle for Survival

Thank You Wells Fargo!CycleForSurvial_WP_v2

Great Companies and Great People

wells-grp-cfs wells-check-cfsIt’s no secret that great companies are built with great people. Companies create culture through nice perks like karaoke at a holiday party, a breakfast bar or summer Fridays but what about through giving? What if all brands came together for a cause?

On February 15th, 72 employees of Wells Fargo came together and teamed up with me at Equinox Pasadena to Spin and fight back against rare cancers through Cycle for Survival. The team raised $10,000 critical funds for rare cancer research. I want to thank the whole Wells Fargo team and Jonathan Weedman for their time, efforts and fabulous donation on helping us pioneer new and better treatments for cancer patients worldwide.

100% of every donation to Cycle for Survival is directly allocated to research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center within six months of the events.

Memorial Sloan Kettering researchers collaborate with institutions around the world, and have led the way in developing new ways to diagnose and treat cancer.

Thank you, again Team Wells Fargo!




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