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Friday Body Connection and Affirmation – Joy

Skip Jennings AffirmationMeditating on Joy and setting intentions on what brings us joy has been our theme this week. When we connect with God within, we connect with the divine qualities of the Holy Spirit. Fun workouts are the best and most often filled with joy. When we choose to exercise in the enjoyable realm or happy vibrational field, we stick with it.

During a workout, be willing to experience the quality of joy as you run, walk, or jog. Let your heart be glad when you do your strength training and be in a state of joy always when you enter your yoga classes. The vibration you choose in the beginning will be the fuel and energy that lifts your practice. This is were mind overcomes matter.

This week’s affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, repeat to yourself that you are joy rising and  live a life filled with blessings.  Amen.

– Skip

The Lotus Kitchen-Cucumber Mint Salad

You will absolutely love the Lotus Kitchen – Cucumber Mint Salad. It’s so refreshing in so many ways, from a main dish on a warm day, to a light palette refresher.  This recipe and more is from my collection of vegan recipes from my upcoming book, the Lotus Kitchen with co-author Gwen Keannelly that combines good vegan eats with a yoga practice.




4 cups chopped cucumber (3 medium sized cucumbers)
2 cups fresh mint leaves, de-stemmed
1 cup fresh cilantro, de-stemmed
1 cup lime juice
1/3 cup grape seed oil
1 cup fresh yellow cherry tomatoes
Raw macadamia nuts, chopped
Fresh basil

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and serve. Serves 4

The Practice: The cucumber is the most perfect food for hydration, nutrients and releasing weight. The practice of yoga also helps release weight and unwanted heavy energy. One of the effects of yoga is building heat within, and allowing the body to sweat out everything we do not need. To balance the body, take the time to hydrate with water and cucumbers.

Mindful Eating Practice: This practice is to be aware that the salad is hydrating, nurturing, and creating a healthy body. With each bite be aware of the water of the cucumber that is hydrating the body. Be mindful of each quenching morsel that is blessing your mouth. Feel the energy that the salad is stimulating within the body. The vibration that is delivered from the food is helping to elevate the vibration of the soul. During the ritual create an affirmation that helps remind you that eating is a practice. For example, “I know my mind, body, and spirit are strong as I eat my cucumber salad.”


The Shift with Skip Radio Guest-Patricia Moreno of SatiLife


Join Skip Jennings on the #ShiftwithSkip Radio Podcast with his guest Patricia Moreno of Sati Life, as they discuss the power of words, mantras and affirmations. Ms. Moreno is the creator and author of The IntenSati Method: The Seven Secret Principles to Thinner Peace.

Patricia Moreno has been training, mentoring and educating people all over the world for over 30 years and created The intenSati Method, a life transforming workout which combines her expertise in fitness, dance, martial arts, yoga, nutrition, meditation and spiritual practices.

She has gone on to create several other workouts, courses, and workshops including  soulyogaSati, warriorSati,danceSati, danceSati and the Sati Life Institute and believes that through conscious, intentional living, a commitment to excellence and the power of love, every person is able to live a life filled with peace, happiness and joy.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Patricia Moreono is available on On-Demand by clicking here.
For information on SatiLife, click here.

My ShiftWithSkip shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST

Follow Patricia Moreno and SatiLift via:


Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Joy

joyThis entire week let’s meditate on setting the intention to do what brings us joy. When we connect with God within, we connect with the divine qualities of the Holy Spirit. Joy is the highest form of energetic vibrations. One spiritual practice is to always find the joy within our lives.  All of our master teachers encourage us to be in the joy always. No matter what you are going through, find your joy. Delight in the realization that you are an unique expression of the Universe. Rejoice and allow your light to shine.  When we understand who and what we are, it becomes easy to find our Joy.  No matter what, we are always in God; therefore we can always activate Joy.  Set the intention to remember you are joy, and it is waiting to rise up.

This week’s “Joy” action plan let’s focus all this week on doing what brings you joy.  Take time to meditate and to identify what brings you divine happiness, then go and do it!


Peace and Blessings,


Skip’s January Coaching Tips for Success – 15 Tips for Saving Money, Reducing Spending


15 Tips for, “Cutting Back—Saving Money and Reducing Personal Spending”

I put together these 15 tips to help you save money and grow your personal savings.

  1. Create a budget and know your spending limits.
  2. Get a budget App for your smart phone. Your budget will be with you wherever you go.
  3. Research online for the best quality and the best price on all of your purchases.
  4. Check to see if there are rebates or promotional codes available and use them.
  5. Before you buy always ask, “Do I really need this purchase?”
  6. Know the difference between NEEDs and WANTs
    • Needs are essential for living such as:
      • Food
      • Paying Bills
      • Rent/Mortgage
      • Utilities
      • Car Payment
      • Student Loans/Tuition
      • Medical Care
    • Wants: I can live without it…but I want it
  7. Remember, material things do not make us happy.
  8. Shop within you closet, drawer and/or cabinet before you decide to buy something new.
  9. Make a shopping list before you shop, and stick to it:
    • Grocery Shopping
    • Drug Store Shopping
    • Costco
    • Home Depot
    • Online Shopping
  10. Take a 30-Day Retreat from shopping.
    • Only buy the essentials
    • Take time to evaluate your past shopping habits
    • Journal your experience—learn
  11. Do not throw away change! Get a change jar, and when it is full, take it to the grocery store or the bank; exchange it for cash.
  12. Make a list of 10 ways you can cut back or cut out non-essential wants like coffee on the go. Make your own.
  13. Condense all ½ and ¼ used bottles of cosmetics to create a full container
  14. Buy one and give one away. If your closet is bursting at the seams, when you purchase a new item of clothing give one away.
  15. Be grateful for everything you have and you will always have enough.

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Revamping Routines

The beginning of the year is an excellent time to think about revamping routines from your training regime. Keep boredom away and stay fresh by willing to go within and asking yourself what’s missing in your fitness goals?

When we refresh, we renew the way we train our body-temples and infinite possibilities become our truth. There are many pathways to wholeness; be willing to shift directions and grow.

Affirmation:  Find your quiet moment and take a few breathes and as you exhale meditate that you are a new experience in the mind of God.  Your life is a fresh idea that blesses the planet.  Amen.

The Lotus Kitchen-Roasted Carrot, Asparagus and Ginger Soup

My latest recipe, a roasted carrot, asparagus and ginger soup is perfect for when you need that extra energy and open up your chakras. This recipe and more are from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen, with Gwen Keannelly, a vegan cook book that combines good eats with a yoga practice.

Let me know how you like it.


– Skip


1 tablespoon olive oil
2 medium red onions, sliced
1 (4 inch) piece fresh ginger, peeled
6 cloves garlic, peeled
8 cups vegetable stock
2 pounds carrots
2 pounds asparagus
Pinch of kosher salt
½ teaspoon white pepper

Roughly chop the carrots, asparagus, red onions, peeled ginger and garlic. Toss with olive oil and place on sheet pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and roast for about one hour until tender. Move to soup pot and add the stock. Simmer over medium heat until the carrots are tender. Puree and season with salt and pepper. Serves 4-6

The Yoga Practice:

As children we’re told to eat our carrots to improve vision. Jnana yoga is the practice of seeing clearly what is right and what is real. As we dive into this soup, ask the Universe to show you what is real, and what is the illusion you have made up for yourself to protect you from transformation. One pose that allows us to see the truth of our strength is the Warrior Pose. When we stand erect and channel the warrior within, we begin to clearly see our strength. The practice is to see who and what you are. You are a divine being who is strong and full or power.

Warrior One Pose (Virabhadrasana One) Instruction:

The Warrior pose cultivates the qualities of a warrior – honesty, righteousness, standing up for justice. Stand tall and focused on your mat. Step the left leg back into a long leg lunge and turn the foot diagonal to the left corner. Deepen the front knee to a 45-degree bend and reach the arms strong over head.


The Shift With Skip Radio Guest- Susan Johnson of the World Peace Caravan


Join us on the ShiftwithSkip Radio Podcast with my special guest Susan Johnson, Director of Operations for the World Peace Caravan 2015. As Director of Operations, Johnson is responsible for overseeing all operations and logistics pertaining to the World Peace Caravan, the World Peace and Health Conference, and the World Peace Concert. Click here to listen.






DECEMBER 15- 26, 2015

World Peace. A dream so big it hardly seems achievable. With wars raging constantly around the globe, we need a voice for peace so loud it can drown out the guns. The World Peace Caravan believes that voice can come from our youth.  Beginning December 15, 2015, the caravan will embark by camel, horse, and foot from Petra, Jordan on a 12-day journey for peace. It will be anchored by two landmark events, the World Peace and Health Conference at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre on the shore of the Dead Sea in Jordan on December 21 and 22, 2015 and the blockbuster Concert for Peace, which will celebrate the end of the caravan in Jerusalem on December 26, 2015. The caravan will create a delegation of young people from around the globe to begin an important conversation about the future that these youth have the power to create.

The WORLD PEACE CARAVAN is founded by the international D. Gary Young Foundation, a 501 © (3) non-profit organization. The foundation is looking for like-minded partners who share in the vision of a world at peace.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Susan Johnson is available on On-Demand by clicking here.

For information on the World Peace Caravan and how you can get involved visit: the World Peace Caravan.

To sign the World Peace Caravan Cease Fire petition, click here.

Follow the World Peace Caravan’s journey via:


Twitter: WPeaceCaravan

Facebook: worldpeacecaravan


Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Support Cycle for Survival


JOIN THE BATTLE. Fight rare cancers with me!

I’m riding in Cycle for Survival to raise money to fund lifesaving rare cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Together we can ensure tangible progress and give real hope to patients and their loved ones worldwide.


Here are two important facts you should know:

100% of every dollar you give will go directly to pioneering research within six months of the events.

Cycle for Survival has contributed to more than 100 clinical trials and research studies, and also to major research initiatives that will change the way cancer is diagnosed and treated.

Why do I ride?

When you add all of the rare cancers together, approximately 50% of all cancer patients are fighting a rare cancer. And these are familiar diseases: pediatric cancers, leukemia, lymphoma, and thyroid, ovarian and pancreatic cancers are all classified as rare.

There is a critical funding gap in rare cancer research, but we can change that. In the first eight years of events, Cycle for Survival already had raised more than $51 million, arming doctors and researchers with funding to discover new and better treatment options.

Cycle for Survival is my way of fighting back and making a difference.

What can you do today?

Donate to my ride to support lifesaving research!
Remember, every dollar helps cancer patients around the world.

Together, we can truly make an impact. Thank you for your support!


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