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Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey


This past month has been one of being on the go and being away from people near and dear to me including my spiritual family. While on the road I keep tuned via Oprah’s program, Super Soul Sunday. It’s a show that I cannot recommend enough.  The show is designed to help viewers awaken to their best selves and discover a deeper connection to the world around them and features conversations between Oprah and philosophers, authors, visionaries, and spiritual leaders. It presents an array of perspectives on what it means to be alive in today’s world. I’ve watched the show exploring themes and issues including happiness, personal fulfillment, spirituality and conscious living, guests who have appeared include: Nobel laureate Elie WieselMaya AngelouBrené BrownIndia.ArieWayne DyerGary ZukavIyanla VanzantMarianne Williamson, Coach Phil JacksonRam DassEckhart Tolle,Diana Nyad, Sarah Ban Breathnach, and Thich Nhat Hanh.

As I said, I cannot recommend it enough.

Peace and blessings,


A new season of Super Soul Sunday begins this Sunday Sept 7th. You can also watch past shows here





Music – Pump Up Your Workouts With Schwinn & Power Music!

Schwinn LogoI’m so happy to announce some fabulous New Music from some of the best Schwinn Master Trainers in Industry. We’re pumping up the volume and making workouts fun. Check out the Schwinn Master Trainer series indoor cycling music compilations by Julz Arney, Doris Thews, and Jeffrey Scott, all guaranteed to get your body moving.  Each of these mixes are geared with a Warm-Up, Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4, plus either a stretch or a cool down track.  Just click on any of the three compilations below for a more information, a quick listen, plus pricing.  Enjoy, – Skip

Julz Arney

Julz Arney

Doris Thews

Doris Thews

Jeffery Scott

Jeffery Scott

Meditative Thought – Release and Let Go

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeFor today’s Meditative though, I am reminded by a lyric from one of my favorite Rickie Byars and Rev Michael Beckwith songs, “I Release and I Let Go”. These lyrics remind me that I need to free myself on a daily basis, sometimes even moment-to-moment, breath-to-breath. 

It also reminds me that we are here for God, to be God as us. When we surrender and allow the Universe to unfold in our lives, as our lives, miracles happen.  Releasing our attachment to anything but God is breaking the chains of slavery.  Ask yourself, “Am I free from things that keep me in bondage, things that do not serve me any longer?” Do sex, food, drugs, alcohol, relationships, and other external vices control you? Are you free from self-sabotage, self-loathing, self-hatred?

The truth is, the Spirit can never be enslaved, hurt, damaged, or changed. The essence of God, which lives within us, is the power that frees us. Today, go within and celebrate the freedom of your Spirit. Know that you are always free in your consciousness. Freedom is a state of mind.  Active your new freedom from people, places, and things and know that the only union that is required is your union with your higher self. 

Vegan Recipes – Black Bean and Lime Quinoa

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

More of my recipes from my upcoming Cookbook with Gwen Kenneally. This week, Black Bean and Lima Quinoa.

Black Bean and Lime Quinoa

3 cups water or vegetable stock
Juice and zest from 3 limes
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 cup quinoa
1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
2 medium tomatoes, diced
4 scallions, chopped
3 cloves garlic
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Salt and pepper to taste

Whisk together lime zest and juice, oils, salt, pepper in a large bowl. In a medium sized pot cover the quinoa with the water or vegetable stock and bring to a boil, about 15 minutes. Cover and remove from heart and let sit until all of the water or stock is absorbed. Cut vegetables while you wait. When liquid is absorbed, fluff with a fork and toss in the bowl with the lime zest dressing and add the black beans, tomatoes, scallions and garlic. Season with salt and pepper to taste and garnish with cilantro.
Serves 4-6

The Practice: Side dish or main course, Black Bean and Lime Quinoa can be enjoyed either way.  Yoga is the same, it can be your complete physical practice or it can be a side dish to a physical practice you may already have in place.  You decide by using a contemplative meditation.  Go within during mediation and ask the simple question “is yoga my only practice?” or “what is it that my body needs?”  Once you have asked the question have faith that you will receive the answer.  Self-exploration is one of the main principles of yoga; know thyself.

Fitness – New and Fun Workouts

Exercise Flash Cards - ReviewI presented at the IDEA Health & Fitness Conference this past weekend and was it fun! There were so many wonderful classes, speakers, products and information galore. Whatever you were looking for in the fitness industry, you would have found it here for sure. Just like this product we are about to share with you. For those of you who are on the go all of the time and don’t want to put too much effort into thinking about what your workout routine will look like, these are for you.

We’re talking about Workout Labs workout cards. These cards come in sets for different parts of the body that show off different ways to workout and the routine that you would do based on that specific body part. No need to look through books or anything, these cards come in different sets for legs, abs, arms, what ever you can think of. Check out the review here.

– Skip

Foods That Fight Inflammation & Pain

Foods That FightFor those of us getting older, there are certain aches and pains that are difficult for us to get rid of. But of course we don’t always want to take medications to get rid of those pains because those medications also have their effects on the body that aren’t always the best trade off. The best way to get rid of these issues that come up is to eat well. Here are a list of some foods that you should be eating to help fight aches and pains.

  1. Cherries
  2. Edamame
  3. Almonds
  4. Yogurt
  5. Mint
  6. Ginger
  7. Coffee (believe it or not)
  8. Hot peppers
  9. Beets
  10. Kale

Music – ShockWave Master Series Music Soundtrack

Shockwave Master SeriesShockWave Master Series Music Soundtrack:
This pumped up music soundtrack will help you get your workouts done a lot faster than you ever thought you could. Don’t worry about anything when you have a track pushing you and giving you support from start to finish. I personally worked with our special trainers to put this together. This is what we all use to keep our classes going. Pick up your copy here.

Wednesday Spiritual Journal Assignment – Summer of 2014

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeSummer is still blazing, but we’re nearing the end which means we bring into mind our plans for the fall. We think about all the wonderful times that we’ve had with family and friends, the goals we met, new relationships we’ve created and what is to come. Each season comes and goes with grace, elegance and poise–as we should.

Summer blossoms and brings with it the tastes of new beginnings, with its closing we nurture those beginnings and tend to them all year long. I invite you to journal with me and remember all those wonderful things that you had the chance to experience and with whom. Take a moment to think of all that you are grateful for this summer. Think of all that you have accomplished. Now, live in that present moment of gratitude and joy. Remember what this feels like, being surrounded by joy–here you’ll find peace. 

– Skip

Share your gratitude journal tips with me on Twitter @SkipJennings

This Week’s Health & Fitness Tip – Yoga…Butterfly Pose (Badhakona)

www.thehealthsite.comThis Week’s Health & Fitness will be a Yoga one. The Butterfly Pose (Badhakonasana) Find a comfortable space. Sit with your spine erect and legs spread straight out. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Inner lace your hands around your feet. Begin to gently slap both legs up and down, like the wings of a butterfly. Start slowly and gradually increase the speed. While practicing Butterfly Pose, create a mantra or chant that states you are whole and renewed. “I am whole, renewed and complete now.”

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Dr. Susan Allison

Dr Susan AllisonLove and relationships are built into our DNA, it’s what makes us human. Love and be loved this week as Dr. Susan Allison joins me on the Shift Radio Wednesday at 9am PT. Dr. Susan Allison shares her tips for finding long lasting love. Join us as we talk dating, relationships, getting back into the dating life and so much more. Your questions on love will be addressed. There’s someone out there for everyone, we just have to know where to look.

Follow us on Twitter @ShiftWithSkip or on Facebook here
Tune in here LIVE this coming Wednesday morning Aug 20th @ 9 AM or anytime after as they are archived.

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