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Meatless Mondays – Recipes from my book Lotus Garden – Seitan and Quinoa Salad

Seitan and Quinoa Salad

For the next few weeks I’ll be sharing recipes from my upcoming Cookbook with Gwen Kenneally. This week we’ll share our Seitan and Quinoa Salad. Seitan is a popular vegetarian meat substitute and has been consumed in Asian countries for generations. It is derived from the protein portion of whole wheat and you’ll find it stands in nicely in a variety of meat recipes. And seitan has more protein than either tofu or tempeh.
2 cups quinoa
3 cups vegetable stock
Salt to taste
1 cup pine nuts, toasted
4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
Pepper to taste
4 tablespoons olive oil
3 cups cooked seitan, finely chopped (recipe follows)
1 1/2 cups green and red grapes, quartered
Bring quinoa and vegetable stock to a hard rolling boil. Remove from heat and cover, fluffing with a fork every 10 minutes until all of the liquid is absorbed and it has cooled down.  Whisk vinegar and oil. Add seitan, grapes, pine nuts and quinoa. Toss well and add salt and pepper to taste. Serves 4
Grilled Seitan
8-ounce piece of seitan
Poultry seasoning
2 tablespoons olive oil
Mix olive oil and poultry seasoning. Add seitan and let marinade for 1 hour. Preheat grill to medium heat. Grill for four to five minutes, until slightly charred. Flip and cook the other side for four to five minutes.
The Practice:  Quinoa and seitan are each an independently perfect source of protein.  They could happily and effectively stand alone but when combined, they offer an explosion of great taste.  It reminds us of the saying, “some things are better done with someone else.”  Group practice is the same way.  We could do Butterfly Pose at home by ourselves, but it is so much more fun with a group of practitioners holding that pose simultaneously in one accord.  If you are a home Yogi, it might be time for you to step out of your box and experience the collective.

Today’s Journaling Question – Mindful Eating

Today’s journaling is an extension of this week’s radio show topic on Mindful Eating with my guest, author Margaret Marshall. I have three questions that will revolve around the topic of mindful eating.

1. Are you mindful of what you are eating? Do you know what you put in your body effects the way you live. Are you aware of how a candy bar or piece of fruit affects your body?

2. What can you do shift the way you are eating today? Change your routine, smaller portions, exercise?

3. What does food mean to you? is it nourishing your body temple, a way of celebration, dealing with your stress? Why do you eat?

Get honest with yourself. Remember that journaling is not about sharing, but for yourself.

– Skip

Fitness Tools and Tips: Arm Bands

Fitness ArmBandsResistance bands They take up virtually no space and are extremely portable. Plus they are so much fun to work with. They not only do a terrific job at toning, but help me in my post workout with stretched too. I always throw a few in my travel bag when traveling for a conference or show and they come in cool colors that you can mix and match. Plus you don’t need to travel to enjoy these, they also work extremely well when you need a break from your desk work. Learn more about them here.

– Skip


Monday Meditative Thought – Embracing Study

Welcome back, I hope that you enjoyed your weekend. For today’s Meditative thought I would like to focus on practice. It’s a fact that the more we practice, the better we become. That said, the more we spend in the practice of sacred study it expands our spiritual consciousness.  It is like a bank account; it is accumulative.  When there is an embrace of spiritual academia, there is always a growth that takes place.  Each word, each sentence, each phase activates your personal intention to know more.  When we study, there is an activation of divine knowledge within our souls that has always been there; we are now simply turning it on.

We must fully surrender to the call of our spirit; it wants to know more God.  Sacred study feeds the hunger.  When we find ourselves in a class or a spiritual community, feeding our spiritual souls, we become a beacon for goodness.  We begin to radiate this knowledge that we are taking in.  We illuminate the darkness as our consciousness grows.

Vegan Recipe Corner – Amazon Acai Bowl

Amazon Acai BowlThis little recipe comes straight from Charles Chen‘s web page full of recipes, tips of raw eating the Vegan way and more. Charles made his full transformation to healthy just a few years ago and been an advocate of healthy eating and maintaining life ever since. 

In this lovely Amazon Acai Bowl all you need are a few essentials and you are ready to go. The contents help burn fat, give you energy and keep you fuller longer. This is the perfect healthy snack. 

Ingredients: Strawberries, Acai, Banana, Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Almond Butter Topped with Apples, Bee Pollen, Raw Honey & Gluten Free Granola! #acai #glutenfree #amazon (at Kreation Juicery Beverly Hills).

If you’re in the area (LA), Charles has a weekly class on Saturdays at Suncafe Organic. Check out the details here on MeetUp

Friday Affirmation – Just Breathe…

If you were in my morning class today you saw my T-shirt. It’s a customized tee that I had made for me for my CARES Corporate Wellness Workshops. On the front I had the words “just breathe” I love this simple and easy action that provides me the perfect reset I need when all of life’s little and big things come knocking.  So for today’s Affirmation Celebration, go ahead and….”Just Breathe”  taking as much air as your can and slowly release…. Do this three times, now don’t pass out OK.. and feel the restart of creating a new spiritual journey. Reminds yourself that you live the newness of God that is your life. 

Peace and Blessings,


Three Weeks Until….IDEA World Fitness Convention 2014

IDEA_world_2014IDEA World Fitness Convention 2014

Three Weeks Until

IDEA World Fitness Convention 2014
Aug 13-17 Anaheim, CA

Join me and 12,000 fitness pros from over 60 countries and partake in 360+ sessions presented by the most knowledgeable, innovative and motivating leaders in the fitness industry. I’ve been asked to present this year and invite all of you to join me in for the fun. Plus it would be great to have my team there for support!

Below are the days and times of the courses that I will be presenting

Thursday Aug 14th

Yoga D.A.N.C.E
Thursday, 7:00-7:45am
Yoga is the pathway to our higher self. When it is achieved, we see an elevation in the mind, body, spirit and within our lives. This is an experiential approach to the practice of…

Schwinn® Cycling: Rock Stars, Preachers and Party People-How to Win in the New Era of Coaching
Thursday, 8:10-10:00am
Co-Presented with:  Julz Arney, and Jeffrey Scott
To teach a truly unforgettable ride, you must be more than just a good coach. To be an addictive, inspirational instructor, you need to discover and amplify your personal style…

Schwinn® Cycling Presents Skip Jennings’ Favorite Ride: Rhythm Revival
Thursday, 2:00-3:50pm
We all want to know what the experts are saying, playing and doing in their classes, and here is your chance! Join Skip Jennings for a unique and memorable ride filled with…

Friday Aug 15th

ShockWave Circuit: The Most Efficient Total-Body Workout in the World!
Friday, 10:10am-12:00pm
Co-Presented with: Julz Arney, Gregg Cook, Josh Crosby, Amy Dixon, Paul Katami, Keli Roberts, and Doris Thews Don’t miss your chance to learn to teach the ultimate group fitness workout. Build community, interaction, competition, retention and adherence with ShockWave Circuit. It&…

ShockWave Circuit: The Most Efficient Total-Body Workout in the World!
Friday, 2:00-3:50pm
Co-Presented with: Julz Arney, Gregg Cook, Josh Crosby, Paul Katami, Jeffrey Scott, and Doris Thews Don’t miss your chance to learn to teach the ultimate group fitness workout. Build community, interaction, competition, retention and adherence with ShockWave Circuit. It&…

Saturday Aug 16th

The Yoga Groove
Saturday, 1:30-3:20pm
Looking to put a little spice in your vinyasa? Unleash the power of music to enhance your yoga class. Step out of the traditional mind-body sounds, and flow to the vibration of…

Schwinn® Cycling Presents the All-Star MPower™ Super Ride
Saturday, 3:40-5:10pm
Co-Presented with:  Julz Arney, Gregg Cook, Amy Dixon, Keith Irace, Keli Roberts, Jeffrey Scott, Doris Thews, Tatiana Kolovou, and MB
Grab your spot quickly for this indoor cycling celebration taught by our most popular master instructors. Discover the thrill of training with wattage, RPM, heart rate, calorie thumping…

For the full list of 350+ sessions click here

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Nancy Rue

Nancy Rue

According to the Ambassadors 4 Kids Club, one out of every four students is bullied—and 85% of these situations never receive intervention. This week on The Shift we’re talking with teen novelist Nancy Rue, who’s latest novel, “So Not Okay”, deals with bullying in schools.

We’ll discuss the issue of human kindness, and what we can do to stop bullying. Parents, students, and teachers alike have amped up the discussion of how to solve the bullying problem for a networked generation of kids. Help us push this movement forward and stop this once and for all.

Call in and ask your questions. Plus we’re giving away a couple copies of the book to share with your tween.

Follow us on Twitter @ShiftWithSkip or on Facebook here. #bullying #sonotokay
Tune in here LIVE this coming Wednesday morning July 23rd at 9 am or anytime after.


Journaling with the Gratitude Journal App for iPhone

Journal App
Gratitude Journal App for iPhone

Everything that is good and loving in my life is by writing in my journal every single day. I always say that journaling is honesty transferred from pen to paper. For those of you who think, I don’t have the time for something like that, I’m just too busy. Make the time.

We need to stop our lives every once in a while and thank God for everything that we have and everything that we will have. I don’t just mean material things in your life, but dig a little deeper than that. Think about love and family. Think about opportunities and all of the times you’ve been lucky.

I found this awesome new app for my iPhone that’s great for people with limited time to journal. The Gratitude Journal App allows you to write a little something each day, no matter how long, wherever you are. You can check it out here.

Do you already journal? If you do, share your methods and planning with me on Twitter @ShiftWithSkip #gratitude.

– Skip

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