Category: Body Connection

How ‘House Music’ has influenced workouts, exercise classes and yoga classes.

I love listening to house music during my workouts. It gives me energy and pushes me to go further.

By definition, “House music” is a genre of dance music with broad range of percussive electronic sounds, mechanical beat and deeper baselines created by DJs from Chicago’s underground culture in the early and mid 1980’s.

The electronic mix of House music gets the brain excited and makes you want to move. The beat gets your heart pounding and motivates you to keep going. House music has transformed the boring and mundane workout classes to high energy dance hall training events. The creative process of syncing beats of House music has also grown its popularity in the yoga community. DJs supply the soundtrack which varies from soft ambient sounds to electronic mix. The vibration of sounds helps students to dive into a challenging movement or pose and motivates them to move freely.

In general, music takes you into places you may not normally go.

Tai Chi, Chi Gong – The Art of Slowing Down

Tai Chi (Tai ji quan) is an ancient Chinese form of martial art that is now widely used for health benefits and wellness.  The concept of tai ji refers to the yin and yang – two halves that together complete wholeness.  It is a series of low impact, gentle slow motions, taking small steps, focusing your attention as in some kind of a meditation, while you breathe deeply and naturally.

Chi Gong (Qi Gong) is an ancient Chinese form of mediation/exercise.  The concept of Qi means air or breath as in life giving force, or vital energy.  Gong means work or disciplined manner.

The benefits of mind-body practices and exercises are becoming more evident from scientific researches.  Mindfulness mediation have been found to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, treat eating disorders, contribute to cell longevity, reduce inflammation-related genes, improve mood and sleep quality.


Healing the Body – Acupuncture, Massage, Chiropractor, Foam Rollers

The theory and practice of acupuncture originated in China. It is a form of treatment
that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points to
various depths with the aim of balancing the extremes of “yin” and “yang” energy forces
said to flow through pathways in the human body. Sometimes the needles are heated or
stimulated with electricity after insertion. Acupuncture points are seen as places where
nerves, muscles and connective tissues can be stimulated, which increases blood flower
which at the same time triggering the activity of the body’s natural painkillers. The
frequency and number of treatments differ from person to person. Benefits of
acupuncture range from Muscoloskeletal problems to headaches, reduce stress, anxiety,
chronic pain, depression, and infertility.

Chiropractic care focuses on disorders of the muscoloskeletal and nervous systems, and
the effects of these disorders on general health. Most chiropractors seek to reduce pain
and improve the functionality of the patient by using a variety of non-surgical treatments,
called “manipulation or adjustment.” An adjustment is given mainly to the spine by
applying a controlled, sudden force to the joint to increase the range and quality of motion
in the area being treated. In addition to adjustment, most chiropractors also massage
therapy, heat and ice packs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation or TENS (transcutaneous
electrical neuromuscular stimulation), magnetic therapy and rehabilitation home
exercises. These treatments are commonly used in helping to decease or eliminate pain.

Foam Rollers are long and cylindrical used for self-massage, soft tissue mobilization,
improve muscle flexibility and tightness, decrease lactic acid, warming up your muscles
and promote good posture. By using your body weight, you apply pressure through your
muscles by rolling slowly in order to regulate the muscle tightness in that spots that
needed it. You have complete control of where and how much pressure to use. However,
if you experience any pain, immediately stop performing the exercise.

Strength Training Using Weights

Strength Training and muscular strength are just one component of physical fitness. Strong muscles are essential for supporting the skeleton and enables ease of body movement, good posture, decreases risk of injury, and overall performance of everyday activities.

Strength training is beneficial if your muscles are weak. It can help make you stronger and improve your balance and flexibility. Strength exercises work your muscles by using resistance like dumb bells, resistance bands, weight machines or your own body weight. This type of exercise increases lean muscle mass, which is vital for weight loss or weight maintenance because muscle burns more calories that other types of tissues.

Most physical activity guidelines recommend doing strength training exercises at least two to three days per week. The major muscle groups in the body that requires training include the legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulder and arms. Start with a low weight, you may even use your own body for resistance, and slowly build up as you feel stronger.

The Importance Of Meditation

Meditation is an essential part of a focused, balanced and healthy lifestyle.  When you mediate on a regular basis you will begin to see the positive impact it has on lowering levels of stress, anxiety and depression.  As well as increasing your overall clarity of thought throughout the day.  There are also many physical benefits of meditation such as lowering your blood pressure, strengthening your immune system, and improving the quality of your sleep.

It has been found that meditation helps you to control brain waves called alpha rhythms, which helps you to diminish distracting sensory information that leads to your ability to focus. Meditating regularly will reduce the production of stress related hormones like cortisol and increases the production of good chemicals like serotonin.

Move More, Eat and Stress Less

Being physically active, eating a balanced diet and drinking lots of water promote overall good health and mental well-being. Stress affects us all. It’s an automatic response when the body feels or thinks it is under attack, releasing hormones and chemicals to prepare the body for the physical action. When trying to manage stress, do not use the band aid approach.

Doing 30 minutes of walking everyday can boost your mood and reduce stress. Take a moment to stand up and stretch the muscles that store tension. Eating the right foods such as avocados, fatty fish, whole grains, lean protein, handful of nuts, citrus fruits, a mug of warm milk or herbal tea can actually help reduce stress, improve cognitive function, lower blood pressure levels and offer a major benefit to cardiovascular health.

Modern life is so busy. Whatever you do, find an activity that you enjoy, whether its hiking, playing basketball or a meditative meander down the park, eat well and live life to the fullest.

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation + Bonus Body Connection – Transformational Commitment

This Weekend’s affirmation has a bonus Body Connection.

As we begin our journey of transformation, there must be a commitment to embrace growth and a willingness to be better. There are four elements of fitness that are required: cardio, strength, flexibility, and mindful eating.

Sometimes we get one or two of these requirements going, but we have not committed to all four and our transformation is slow-moving.   I encourage my clients to have an “all in and all out” attitude. We commit to being all in to win and we go for the goal all out; we don’t hold back. Remember, what we put in to transformation is what we get out of it.

This weekend’s affirmation:

Just for this moment… just for this breath, I commit to the transformation within my soul. Amen

Workout with me for 30-days Free!

On the road or live too far away from my home gym in Pasadena?  No worries, I got together with the online team of  SpiroFit ( and created three fantastic programs to allow my friends and followers endless opportunities to workout with me regularly, with a ton of different Free for 30-days.  Then if you like it only $4.95 per month (unlimited viewing!)

Strengthen Your Mind, Body, and Spirit With My Fitness Systems

I’ve developed three AMAZING systems below that can be done anytime at your place from anywhere. All challenge your muscles in different ways to keep your body fresh and energized. Each system is designed to help you slim your waist line and gain core strength in less time.

Cardio Zen (Intermediate and advance)

Cardio Zen is an interval class incorporating H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) and Yoga. Your balance will be challenged experiencing a complete holistic experience.

Yoga with Skip (All levels)

For alignment, balance, strength, power, flexibility, detoxifying organs, calming the mind and connecting to the inner self.

Meditations (All levels)

Discover who you truly are! Recognizing the true inner spirit is very difficult. It is because of self limitations that restrictions are felt at all: limited beliefs, view points, and goals all contribute to the constraints felt on a daily basis.

Get Your First 30 Days FREE!
Workout with me. Click Here to get started.

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation + Bonus Body Connection – God Revealing

This Weekend’s affirmation will have a bonus Body Connection. I truly believe that a balance between our spiritual and our physical being is essential for living your life to its biggest potential. Remember, the body-temple is the God in the flesh and deserves to be treated as such. When we choose to exercise, we choose to play in the field of God.

When we begin to activate our internal strength in our physical practice, we allow the Universe to express itself fully. It’s not only the mind and the spirit that requires a practice to grow; the body is in need of work for its edification, too.

God wants to express it self in every way; allow each workout to be an expression of what is going on inside of you. Bottom line, move your body, be it a walk, a climb, yoga, spinning whatever your movement it will power both the spirit and body.

That said, here’s this weekend’s affirmation:

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember that I am bathed in God’s love and I am blessed. Amen

Have a wonderful and safe weekend.

– Skip


Sunset Yoga

This Event Has Been Cancelled

Please Note: Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled due to location conflicts. Stay tuned as I’m currently seeking another location.

Peace & blessings,


Join me in the heart of DTLA  for a fun filled evening blend of Chakras, Art, Hors d’oeuvre and Wine!

In addition to yoga I will be presenting my own ‘Ohm’ and ‘Chakra’ Yoga series artwork plus so much more! Don’t miss it.

Please bring a Yoga Mat, Towel, and your beautiful self. Yoga session will take place from 5 to 6:30 PM

Hurry, Space Is Limited:


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