Category: Body Connection

The Shift with Skip Radio Guests- Kathleen Bywater and Emill Kim

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Skip talks exercise, alternative medicine, how to avoid colds during the height of season and more with Kathleen Bywater of Revive Juicery and Emill Kim acupuncturist on the latest episode of The Shift With Skip Radio.

revivefox-300x168Discover easy ways on how to avoid feeling fatigued, unwell or unmotivated as Emill and Kathleen share their excellent tips into loving your body naturally, fueling it with foods for the soul, and adding exercise can dramatically change your quality of life.

Click here to listen On-Demand


Kathleen Bywater: Founder and Owner of Revive Juicery who’s 100% Locally Grown Organic Produce are made  Unpasteurized into Cold Pressed Juice and Smoothies. Revive Juicery drinks are available throughout Southern California.

Emil Kim: Is a second generation acupuncturist living in Los Angeles, he spends most of his time practicing yoga, studying the intricacies of energetic medicine, and finding ways to live a long, healthy, more efficient life.

Listen to the Shift With Skip On-Demand

Skip’s segment with Kathleen and Emill is available on On-Demand here 

The ShiftWithSkip Radio are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.


Salad, Museums, Walking, Cycle for Survival and more…

A recap of the past week’s highlights:Unknown

Friday Body Connection and Affirmation – Joy

Skip Jennings AffirmationMeditating on Joy and setting intentions on what brings us joy has been our theme this week. When we connect with God within, we connect with the divine qualities of the Holy Spirit. Fun workouts are the best and most often filled with joy. When we choose to exercise in the enjoyable realm or happy vibrational field, we stick with it.

During a workout, be willing to experience the quality of joy as you run, walk, or jog. Let your heart be glad when you do your strength training and be in a state of joy always when you enter your yoga classes. The vibration you choose in the beginning will be the fuel and energy that lifts your practice. This is were mind overcomes matter.

This week’s affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, repeat to yourself that you are joy rising and  live a life filled with blessings.  Amen.

– Skip

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Revamping Routines

The beginning of the year is an excellent time to think about revamping routines from your training regime. Keep boredom away and stay fresh by willing to go within and asking yourself what’s missing in your fitness goals?

When we refresh, we renew the way we train our body-temples and infinite possibilities become our truth. There are many pathways to wholeness; be willing to shift directions and grow.

Affirmation:  Find your quiet moment and take a few breathes and as you exhale meditate that you are a new experience in the mind of God.  Your life is a fresh idea that blesses the planet.  Amen.

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Setting Intentions

As we mentioned earlier in the week, January is a natural month for setting new intentions in our lives. This also includes setting intentions for the body. To set this intention you must be willing to declare what condition you are looking to achieve. This transformation does not necessarily have to do with weight, but how you view your body temple. Setting intentions and the quest in transformation begins with setting this goal. Remember this truth: an external shift is temporary but an internal transformation is lasting. This year, focus on setting these internal intentions to embrace your desires. Be open to receiving and recognizing your wholeness, divinity, and self-love.

This week’s Affirmation:  Take a moment out of your schedule and begin with 2-3 deep breathes. Breathe in deeply and then slowly release. On the last one, exhale deeply and imagine yourself pushing the restart in your mind to create a new spiritual journey.

Peace and Blessings

– Skip

Christmas Radio Podcast, Meditating On The Light, Vegan Spring Rolls




Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Celebrating the Light

This week we prepared for the holidays with a focus on “Celebrating The Light” as our Meditation and Action plan. We end the week by taking that meditation message further with our Body Connection.

The Need To Move!

To really begin celebrating the light we need to move. So let’s move, shake, and take that dance, yoga, spin or  jogging class. That’s right, NO more excuses, because there will ALWAYS be a reason not to go. ALWAYS. As a trainer and fitness instructor for 20+ years I’ve heard it all and the most common excuse that people give for not working out is, “I have no time”.

Brothers and sisters, let me be straight with you….Time isn’t the problem; it’s the management of it that’s the problem. Have you heard yourself say this, “When I feel better I will start to work out.” The problem with this excuse is the fact that it is in the future, not the present. Unless of course you are suffering a 102F fever or under a doctors orders to limit exercise, then please stay home. Otherwise take a minute to circle “one day” on the calendar;


On this “One day” you commit to not jump ship. So say with me….It’s time to stop making excuses and get moving. I LOVE this quote by Wayne Gretzky, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take“. If we begin to live a better life, we begin taking those shots and sure we’ll miss some, but we also will make some too. The time to make the shots is today. Allow your inner light to shine. No more excuses.

This week’s Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath…..breathe… taking in the message and exhale…..breathe again and say to yourself I am the experience of Light that is my being. God’s Presence fuels my life and I am a blessing to all I meet and today I begin making my shots.

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

Chris Chen Eats Raw, Sweet Beet Soup, Body Connection, Inspired Conversations

Blog Highlights of the WeekKelli-custom hat1


Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Saying Yes

Have you said yes to your health? When we say yes to health and fitness, we say yes to letting our inner light shine. But before we head on out to tackle the sport or gym of our choice, take that time to prepare. Just like you wouldn’t go on a marathon run the first time out or begin a hard workout without a warm-up properly prep.

Prepare your mind and body for the journey of transformation

Prepping your mind is important in your journey of transformation. For example, if you decide that running or walking is your preferred form of exercise, then begin by choosing an area to run or walk that is pleasing to you. Research the different routes and paths you can take even the type of paths, grass, trail, asphalt, track etc…. Plus equip yourself by investing in a good pair of running shoes, and running gear. If yoga is your choice of exercise, get your own yoga mat, towels etc to help you have the best experience possible. If you are looking for a gym, find the place that speaks to you, and ask yourself, can I be here? Does it feel like a community? Not every workout place is the right one for you, so don’t settle. Preparation like a good warm-up means giving yourself the best opportunity to shine and be successful.

Our Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, Identify yourself with the Light within, and allow it to catch fire and shine bright. And so it is. Amen

Peace and blessings,


Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – The Illuminated Life

We’ll end the week by building on the illuminated life meditation from Monday’s post and look at water as way to connect with your body. Aqua aerobics and swimming are two of the best ways to get in shape. As your body-temple is forced to move through resistance as the water it creates a 360-degree weight room. The body is 60% water, so the natural flow of the pool supports your intention. Today, explore your neighborhood, find your community pool, and go get wet. As we continue to discover this world of health and fitness, we must be willing to try new forms of exercise. As we dance the dance of transformation, our paths give us new ideas to express the light that lives within us.

Our Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, and repeat; my life is the life of God and I live the life that illuminates this planet. And so it is. Amen

Have a terrific weekend!


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