Category: Events

Spirituality In Troubling Times . . . High Conscious Conversations . . . Little Book . . . (+ New World)

Did you enjoy Christmas? Different this year, wasn’t it?
Today is day 4 of the 7 day festival of Kwanzaa, which celebrates African and African-American culture.
Each day represents a principle; today’s is ujamaa, which represents cooperative economics.
How interesting is that for these times + stimulus checks being issued!
So, we are 3 days away from saying Buhbye to 2020.
I am counting my blessings and letting go of that which no longer serves me! 
How bout you?
Anything you’d like release and let go of with the closing of 2020?
I’ve got a special Master Class planned.
Join me for a guided meditation + intention setting Master Class to set the vibrational tone for a happy, healthy, wealthy and prosperous New Year!
Activate your connection with the Divine + begin 2021 infused with inspiration, focus and direction.
I know firsthand that finding your center during troubling times is a spiritual practice!
So I created, Spirituality During Troubling Times, a 10-day cutting-edge course to help you stay grounded + centered!
‘Cos I have a strong sense that 2021 will bring new opportunities to implement spiritual practices.
And, you will want to have your spiritual toolkit easily accessible!
These are unprecedented times, in which we are dealing with a pandemic, racial injustice, environmental concerns and more!
These challenges carry a low-frequency vibration, which has compelled many in the global community to search for meaning, solace + high vibrational experiences. Digitally, that is.
In this 10-day course, Spirituality During Challenging Times, you will learn different spiritual technologies + how to apply them in your daily life.
You will receive practices that elevate your conscious awareness and give you hope.
Now is the time to take personal responsibility for your spiritual evolution!
Embodying your sovereign nature is the spark for global change!
My book, The Little Book for Big Transformations: 31 Days of Inner Visions and Spiritual Practices is a great accompaniment to the 10-day course,  Spirituality During Troubled Times course is.
In this book, you will find 31-day daily devotions, teachings + affirmations that will help you develop a more positive and loving mindset.
The Little Book for Big Transformation (2nd edition) will be available January 21st on Amazon, Ibooks  + Audible
It is crucial to keep your consciousness high!
And, I can help you do this through my private coaching, classes and, my webcast, High Conscious Conversations. 
Please join me this Wednesday, January 30 where my guest will be Kimberly Spreen-Glick.

Kimberly has served as a teacher, trainer, coach, program developer and director, working with countless great programs, companies and people in the health, fitness and wellness industry for decades.

Kimberly was the senior director of group fitness + yoga at Life Time for over 10 years and received the 2015 IDEA Program Director of the Year Award.

After spending over a decade immersing herself in the studies of positive psychology, spirituality, brain science and various wisdom traditions, Kimberly took a risk. She gave up the security of the corporate world in 2017 to begin The Inspired Life, an online platform focused on educating people on all aspects of well-being.
You will learn much from her!
You are a powerful, sovereign being! Here on purpose, with purpose!
The future is calling you to activate your innovative visionary self now!
You are being called to be a stand for what is possible.
Will you answer the call?
Join me on the Birthing A New World, docuseries, January 1 to 3, 2021, hosted by my friend and colleague, Wendy Silvers.
We will usher in the series on January 1 at 1pm PST with an auspicious, sacred ceremony led by Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr.
After we are activated by this powerful blessing, three days of cutting edge insightful dialogues with electrifying and inspiring visionaries, revealing how we will create a healthier, compassionate and sustainable world for ourselves, the children and future generations will follow.
I will dialogue with Wendy and other spiritual leaders, Lola Wright, Rev. Kev Ross, Akuyoe Graham, on the topic of Spiritual Activism.
Join me and let’s create a more beautiful world!


Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

PS:  My gift to help you ring in the New Year:
FREE Access toThe Spiritual Life App for the next 30 days!!
PPS: Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH

Oh Holy Night!! Star of Bethlehem – Merry Christmas + Happy Kwanzaa (Guided Meditation)

And, here we are . . . 
Christmas . . .
Kwanzaa . . .
We entered the Age of Aquarius on December 21, where we, personally and collectively, are called to anchor love.
Jupiter and Saturn aligned so closely in the skies that they formed a radiant point of light referred to as, the Star of Bethlehem, or, Christmas Star.
In keeping with these powerful energies, join me, Rev. Skip,  for a Guided Meditation + Sound Bath Christmas Morning.
We’ll celebrate the birth of the Christ Consciousness on the eve of Kwanzaa.
And, set the intention to embody the 7 Sacred Principles.
This Wednesday, December 23, 11 am PST, on High Conscious Conversations, my guest is my  soul brother, Rev. Jason Daveon Mitchell.
Rev. Jason Daveon Mitchell is a 2020 graduate in the inaugural class of the Michael B. Beckwith School of Ministry. As a staff member of Agape International Spiritual Center, Rev. Jason manages Agape’s prayer ministry and supports the Practitioner Core. In addition to these roles he serves as the director for Agape’s Sacred Service Ministry. For the past 8 years Rev. Jason has facilitated Our Daily Prayer Call, a morning devotional call where people from around the world gather in prayer, affirming Truth.

More than anything, Rev. Jason says that he’s here to extend an invitation for us to all become our highest selves and to embrace the divinity within creation.

This is gonna be deep y’all.
What you’ll learn:
During these unprecedented times, we are dealing with a pandemic, racial injustice, and environmental concerns.
These low-frequency challenges have our global community searching for solace and high vibration.
In this 10-day course, you will learn the different spiritual technologies and how to apply them in your daily life.
We will explore the practices that elevate our conscious awareness and gives us hope. It is time to take personal responsibility for our spiritual evolution, which is the spark for global change.
The Little Book For Big Transformation
In The Little Book for Big Transformation (2nd edition), Skip Jennings takes you on a 31-day journey of daily devotions, teachings and affirmations to help you develop a positive and loving mindset.
When the daily principles of this book are applied, you will develop a greater sense of spiritual and emotional health as well as feeling a deeper level of inner peace than ever before.
Coming January 21st on Amazon, Ibooks  and Audible
See you Wednesday, 11 am PST for High Conscious Conversations
and Friday, 7 am PST, for the live guided meditation + message about Christmas Day and Kwanzaa Celebration !


5 Immune Boosters: High Conscious Conversation Wednesday (+ C.A.R.E.S. Meditation)

Now, more than ever, it’s important for your immune system to stay in tip-top shape during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the best ways to stay healthy is by maintaining a nutritious diet.

See this article below to help you stay healthy during this time, and, beyond.

5 Immune Boosters To Keep You Healthy
UC Davis Health registered dietitian Tiana Carey shares some foods that can help boost your immune system.
As a wellness professional, I can tell you that a vegan food plan, exercise, meditation, prayer, Vit. A, Vit. C, Vit. D, Zinc and organic, non-gmo and glyphosate foods keep me very healthy + strong!!
Last week’s inaugural High Conscious Conversations with Preston Smiles was off the hook!!
This Wednesday, November 18, 11 am PDT, I am thrilled to share my colleague and friend, Rev. Julie Moret with you!
Here’s a thumbnail about Rev. Julie and what she has accomplished.
Rev. Dr. Julie Moret, author of What’s Your What? How to Ignite Your Unique Brand, is an accomplished inspirational speaker and teacher.  She holds degrees in a wide range of healing modalities including Psychology, Neuro‐Linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnosis, Hands-on energy healing and Shamanism.
Julie’s work has been featured on the Lifetime television channel. She is proud to be an ordained Agape International Spiritual Center minister, speaker, & member of the Leadership Board and G5 team. Julie was knighted by the Order of the Orthodox Knights of St. John Russian Grand Priory alongside Jack Canfield, Don Miguel Ruiz, Michael Bernard Beckwith, and Lisa Nichols.
Julie also serves on the Spiritual Advisory Board for the College of Sacred Surgeons in Princeton, New Jersey and her TEDx talk, How to Clarify Your Uniqueness and Live a Life that Matters, is currently available online.
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 18, 11 am PDT and join Rev. Julie and me, Rev. Skip, for a High Conscious Conversation!
We’re goin deep, y’all!!
Join me, Friday, Nov 20,  07:00 am PDT for C.A.R.E.S. Meditation For Transformation.
CARES stands for Connection, Action, Remember, Empowerment and Self-Love.

I will be your transformational guide to help you embody this blueprint for transformation.

Set your clocks for 7:00 am PDT, Friday, November 20, so that you can join me for a talk, sound bath and guided meditation to reveal your highest potential.

Do you remember Cher’s disco hit single, Take Me Home?
If you were someone who used to go dancing like I did, maybe
 you’ll remember that towards the end of the night, the dj’s would play her song.
In it she sings these lyrics, . . .
Take me home, take me home . . . 
With you is where I want to be . . .
Well, . . . I have an irresistible offer that will give you the opportunity to take me home + help you thrive!
Spiritual Technology During Unprecedented Times
Learn empowering technologies in my new 10-day course.
I will help you embrace your spiritual evolution. (typically available on the app for premium members)

The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created
and curated by me to uplift, inspire + transform you daily!

Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH

The Spiritual Life App!!(Regularly $2.99/mo)



High Conscious Conversation Webcast Premieres Wednesday (+ Healing The Trauma of Racism)

 As an author, speaker, minister, and podcaster, communicating is  my business.
I love the opportunity to speak with spiritual leaders, and movers and shakers, about their life journey!
So, I am excited to announce, High Conscious Conversation Webcastwhich premieres this Wednesday, November 11, 11 am PDT.
This is a dream come true!
High Conscious Conversation will feature dialogues with my friends, teachers and spiritual influencers about what inspires them, and, how they are influencing change.
We are going to have a real conversation about everything.
My inaugural guest is Preston Smiles.

Preston is a Conscious Businessman, Trailblazer, Personal Freedom coach, Speaker, Social Media influencer, and, author. His books include, Love Louder: 33 Ways to Amplify Your Life and Now or Never: Your Epic Life in 5 Steps (both published by Simon & Schuster). He is founder of Kaboom Coaching, Co-founder of The Bridge Method and badass messenger of love.
Preston is a force to be reckoned with on the personal growth scene leading cutting edge workshops all over the world with his equally as powerful wife Alexi Panos.
He has won awards like Millennial Mentor of the Year, graced the cover of Inspired Coach Magazine and Millennial Magazine, and has been featured on some of the biggest podcasts and shows in the world, such as Impact Theory and School of Greatness.
As Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith have identified him, “Preston is unstoppable.”
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 11, 11 am PDT and join us for what will be a High Conscious Conversation!
The multigenerational trauma of racism affects everyone.
When unaddressed, we continue to pass the pain and shame on to generations to come.
Join me on Friday, November 13, 7am PDT on Insight Timer for my master class, Healing The Trauma of Racism.
We will discuss racism and the effects of low vibrational energy on us individually and collectively.
We will evoke the ancestral plane and begin the healing process.


Gentle Reminder:

Limited Course Offer on The Spiritual Life App, just for you!

Learn different spiritual technologies + how to apply them daily in my new 10-day course.

Take full responsibility for your spiritual evolution. (typically available on the app for premium members)

The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created
and curated by me to uplift, inspire + transform you daily!

Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH

The Spiritual Life App!! (Regularly $2.99/mo)

See you Wednesday for High Conscious Conversation and Friday for, Healing the Trauma of Racism!


I Got You!! Find Your YES During Challenging Times (Join me Friday + Saturday)

Below please find my latest published inspirational blog post in the Agape International Spiritual Center’s Inner Visions Online magazine.
Inner Visions
“Where is Your Church?”
Rev Skip Jennings

Quote: “Nature is my church.  Love is my religion.” – Anonymous

To church or not to church, is that really the question?  I know; the word church can be a trigger.  But take a breath and open your mind. What is the true meaning of church vs. what you were told?  When I was growing up, I learned that church is a place where I connect with God. It was a space where I experience community. In the traditional sense of church, it became a learning tool.  I received a foundational understanding of God and how to feel connected to a greater force than myself. As I began to open my mind, I outgrew my Baptist upbringing.  I became aware; the church is anywhere I deemed it to be.

Today, I continue to use this understanding but in a more expansive paradigm. I can commune with Spirit every moment of my life.  God and community are everywhere present, never  absent; therefore, my church is where I recognize the divine. Church can be in the garden, having lunch with friends, in a fitness class, driving down a busy highway, and even on the dance floor. Church is anything sacred; it is without walls and cannot be contained in religion.

I believe the sole purpose of our human life is to wake up to our divine selves. Our spiritual communities are created as a way to fellowship with like-minded individuals. Creating the new definition for the church is understanding the Omnipresence of Spirit, and we can activate the feeling of connection anywhere.

In our New Thought movement, we consciously use the word ‘center’ because of the baggage church carries, but I invite us to requalify and bring new meaning to church.  Webster calls it “a place of worship.” Where is your church today? Where do you worship?  Where do you connect with God?

Today, worship is everywhere.  I am the new church, and the doors are wide open for communion.  And so, I am.  And so, it is. Amen!
I want to help you Find Your YES during these challenging times
For words cannot express the heaviness I feel.
We live in a divided country.
But there is hope.
The Life Visioning Process, created by Michael Beckwith, is a spiritual technology designed to help catch a higher vision for our lives.
Join me, Rev Skip, this Friday, Nov 6th 7:00 AM On Insight Timer.

Together, we can consciously rise above the current state of affairs and create a paradigm shift. 
Racism + social inequality is a call for spiritual activists to rise.
You might not know what to do, but you feel the need to do something. This is a time for the action of activism, anchored in spiritual practice. This guided meditation invites us to ask, “What is mine to do?”
Join Rev Skip at the Practical Mystic’s Playground  Saturday, Nov 7th 8:00 AM PST
Gentle Reminder: Limited Course Offer on The Spiritual Life App, just for you!
Learn different spiritual technologies + how to apply them daily in my new 10-day course.

Take full responsibility for your spiritual evolution. (typically available on the app for premium members)

The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created
and curated by me to uplift, inspire + transform you daily!

Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH

The Spiritual Life App!! (Regularly $2.99/mo)

Make sure your register for Friday and Saturday’s event so that you know that you are not alone!
Peace + Many Blessings,


I’m Celebrating Y’all! Activate Global Gratitude!! Join me. (Details inside)

I am so proud to share that on this coming Saturday, September 26, I am celebrating, along with 17 other ministers, our yes to sharing the light!
 This ceremony of completion is long in coming yet right on time!
This journey taught me so much!
Saturday night’s celebration is the culmination of  a 10-year
journey that at one point, I wanted to stop.
I wanted to give up!
I had had enough.
Can you relate, y’all?!!
But . . . I’m here to tell you this: stick with your calling, stick with your intentions! It is worth it!
You got this.
This Friday, September 25, 7am PDT, on Insight Timer, I will teaching,  The Activation of Global Gratitude.
Because we are connected we can experience fear + worry as social consciousness.
During this brief talk and guided meditation, we will explore the spiritual technology of Gratitude and how it affects the Collective.
Join me in uplifting the planet through mindfulness + intention.
Get Zen at 10 am PDT for $10/class.
Until then, stay well.
Peace + Many Blessings,
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

It’s A Wrap! 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show First Season Ends. Saturday LIVE + C.A.R.E.S. (details enclosed)

I just have to crow for a minute or two, y’all!

Sheesh! This is a week!

Stay with me, now.

I created C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation on Mondays at 10 for $10 so that you can feel great in your body, mind + spirit at this time.
And, you keep showing up for yourself each week!!
I am so honored to serve you + inspired by your dedication to cultivating wellness in your life.
It’s so important that you focus on what is good in your life. 
That’s why Self-Love is the S in C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation.
Otherwise, the fear that is circulating in our world right now will appear as real, (which it is not).
Only Love is Real!
That’s why Monk Eternal and me, aka Rev Skip, will talk Love Over Fear on the finale of the, 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show, this Wednesday, September 16, 11 am pdt!
Not only that, it is also the title of Monk Eternal’s forthcoming book!!
So, you, my friend, will receive a preview of his great new book on our season!
Join us!
Please stay on until the end of 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show.
We have a special announcement to make. 
This Saturday, September 19, 9:00 am PDT, please join me on Insight Timer. 
I will be leading a special class, “Fitness As A Spiritual Practice.
  • How do you elevate your life through fitness?
  • How do you bring meaning to your everyday exercise regime?
You will leave this self-empowerment session with tools for transforming your workout into a spiritual practice.
We’ll use intention, affirmations + mindfulness so that your fitness practice becomes effective, meaningful, and fun.
Looking forward to this power packed week of activities with you!
Peace + Many Blessings,
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

Salad, Museums, Walking, Cycle for Survival and more…

A recap of the past week’s highlights:Unknown

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest- Susan Johnson of the World Peace Caravan


Join us on the ShiftwithSkip Radio Podcast with my special guest Susan Johnson, Director of Operations for the World Peace Caravan 2015. As Director of Operations, Johnson is responsible for overseeing all operations and logistics pertaining to the World Peace Caravan, the World Peace and Health Conference, and the World Peace Concert. Click here to listen.






DECEMBER 15- 26, 2015

World Peace. A dream so big it hardly seems achievable. With wars raging constantly around the globe, we need a voice for peace so loud it can drown out the guns. The World Peace Caravan believes that voice can come from our youth.  Beginning December 15, 2015, the caravan will embark by camel, horse, and foot from Petra, Jordan on a 12-day journey for peace. It will be anchored by two landmark events, the World Peace and Health Conference at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre on the shore of the Dead Sea in Jordan on December 21 and 22, 2015 and the blockbuster Concert for Peace, which will celebrate the end of the caravan in Jerusalem on December 26, 2015. The caravan will create a delegation of young people from around the globe to begin an important conversation about the future that these youth have the power to create.

The WORLD PEACE CARAVAN is founded by the international D. Gary Young Foundation, a 501 © (3) non-profit organization. The foundation is looking for like-minded partners who share in the vision of a world at peace.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Susan Johnson is available on On-Demand by clicking here.

For information on the World Peace Caravan and how you can get involved visit: the World Peace Caravan.

To sign the World Peace Caravan Cease Fire petition, click here.

Follow the World Peace Caravan’s journey via:


Twitter: WPeaceCaravan

Facebook: worldpeacecaravan


Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

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