The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Emill Kim
Shifting Your Journey Toward Happiness
Join me as I have Emill Kim Join me for TheShiftWithSkip Radio Podcast. We’ll be discussing and diving into the subject of Shifting Your Journey Toward Happiness. When not working as an acupuncturist, Emill spends most of his time practicing yoga, studying the nuances of energy medicine, and incessantly bugging holy men, light worker, brujas, shamans and other healers to share their secrets and wisdom with him. I’m also happy to announce that he will be guest blogging from time-to-time. His first entry,
Stepping outside the Black Box: The Power of Invitation, is posted on the blog.
Listen On-Demand
My segment with Emill Kim is available On-Demand here
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My Live shows are currently on break, but return January 2015 every Wednesday’s at 10 AM PST