Category: Exercise

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Emill Kim

emil-kimShifting Your Journey Toward Happiness

Join me as I have Emill Kim Join me for TheShiftWithSkip Radio Podcast. We’ll be discussing and diving into the subject of Shifting Your Journey Toward Happiness. When not working as an acupuncturist, Emill spends most of his time practicing yoga, studying the nuances of energy medicine, and incessantly bugging holy men, light worker, brujas, shamans and other healers to share their secrets and wisdom with him. I’m also happy to announce that he will be guest blogging from time-to-time.  His first entry,

Stepping outside the Black Box: The Power of Invitation, is posted on the blog.


Listen On-Demand

My segment with Emill Kim is available On-Demand here

Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

My Live shows are currently on break, but return January 2015 every Wednesday’s at 10 AM PST


Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Faith, Hope, Prayer and Gratitude


This week’s Body Connection we continue our focus on this month’s theme of “Faith, Hope, Prayer and Gratitude” via “Practice“. We have all heard the saying, “practice makes perfect.” Now let’s change it around: “perfect makes practice.” What I mean by that is when we understand our divine perfection we free ourselves to do the practice required to sustain that awareness. For the next 30 days commit to a physical practice.

When I move my body I can feel the activation of the spirit of hope. It’s what gives me that energy in class and one that I love to share. Every time we say yes to fitness, everything else becomes a reflection of the practice. Walk, run, dance, weight train, for God’s sake shake it! LOL  It doesn’t matter; get moving and watch your life unfold to greatness.

Today’s Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath, in the mind of God I have no problems or issues. God is bigger than any worries I could have. And so it is. Amen

Have a terrific and blessed weekend!

– Skip

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Download Directions of the Devine

Download Directions of the Devine

Skip Jennings AffirmationI hope that you all have been meditating on our theme this week. “Download Directions of the Divine I posted Monday. LOL No worries, it’s here to ponder. We’ll continue the theme moving it into the weekend with our Body Connection.

There have been times during a run when I have received great insight about my life. In fact, many of my Aha moments have been “downloaded” during a workout. I’m a strong believer that the activity of movement creates a clearer mind for thoughts to be received and processed. I encourage everyone to get up and move, take a walk, run, to sweat a little. The physical practice can be a conduit for new ideas to flow and for contemplation to take place. During your strength-training session, yoga, run, cycle any workout time, ask a question that you have been pondering for a while. Or you can simply ask, “What insights about me do I need to learn today?” Trust that all things are connected and can lead to a deeper awareness of self if we are open and willing.

Friday’s Affirmation: Take a moment from the bustle of the week and the start of the weekend to affirm. Ready? Just for this moment… just for this breath, I download my divine direction for transformation and I live my life’s purpose. Amen

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip


Vegan Pre-Workout Prep

Vegan Pro DrinkThe team here at has been sampling a variety of pre-workout drinks. To be honest, some of them were better suited for places we’ll not share. Well, this past week we sampled  #VegaSport Pre-Workout Energizer and my goodness it tastes so much better than any other brand we’ve tried so far. It tastes great and gave us hope that there are good pre-workout drinks that are good for you AND taste delicious. Vega Sport doesn’t use any harsh additives only mother good natural ingredients that make you feel ready for your workout.

Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer comes in individual packaging that’s measured out just right so you can rip off the top and add it to your water bottle in seconds flat. No need to measure out. It’s convenient and really does give you the energy you need without a crash. Natural supplements like this won’t make you feel sick, you feel great. Learn more about VegaSport here

– The Skip Jennings Team

Fitness – New and Fun Workouts

Exercise Flash Cards - ReviewI presented at the IDEA Health & Fitness Conference this past weekend and was it fun! There were so many wonderful classes, speakers, products and information galore. Whatever you were looking for in the fitness industry, you would have found it here for sure. Just like this product we are about to share with you. For those of you who are on the go all of the time and don’t want to put too much effort into thinking about what your workout routine will look like, these are for you.

We’re talking about Workout Labs workout cards. These cards come in sets for different parts of the body that show off different ways to workout and the routine that you would do based on that specific body part. No need to look through books or anything, these cards come in different sets for legs, abs, arms, what ever you can think of. Check out the review here.

– Skip

This Week’s Health & Fitness Tip – Yoga…Butterfly Pose (Badhakona)

www.thehealthsite.comThis Week’s Health & Fitness will be a Yoga one. The Butterfly Pose (Badhakonasana) Find a comfortable space. Sit with your spine erect and legs spread straight out. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Inner lace your hands around your feet. Begin to gently slap both legs up and down, like the wings of a butterfly. Start slowly and gradually increase the speed. While practicing Butterfly Pose, create a mantra or chant that states you are whole and renewed. “I am whole, renewed and complete now.”

Fitness Tools and Tips: Arm Bands

Fitness ArmBandsResistance bands They take up virtually no space and are extremely portable. Plus they are so much fun to work with. They not only do a terrific job at toning, but help me in my post workout with stretched too. I always throw a few in my travel bag when traveling for a conference or show and they come in cool colors that you can mix and match. Plus you don’t need to travel to enjoy these, they also work extremely well when you need a break from your desk work. Learn more about them here.

– Skip


Three Weeks Until….IDEA World Fitness Convention 2014

IDEA_world_2014IDEA World Fitness Convention 2014

Three Weeks Until

IDEA World Fitness Convention 2014
Aug 13-17 Anaheim, CA

Join me and 12,000 fitness pros from over 60 countries and partake in 360+ sessions presented by the most knowledgeable, innovative and motivating leaders in the fitness industry. I’ve been asked to present this year and invite all of you to join me in for the fun. Plus it would be great to have my team there for support!

Below are the days and times of the courses that I will be presenting

Thursday Aug 14th

Yoga D.A.N.C.E
Thursday, 7:00-7:45am
Yoga is the pathway to our higher self. When it is achieved, we see an elevation in the mind, body, spirit and within our lives. This is an experiential approach to the practice of…

Schwinn® Cycling: Rock Stars, Preachers and Party People-How to Win in the New Era of Coaching
Thursday, 8:10-10:00am
Co-Presented with:  Julz Arney, and Jeffrey Scott
To teach a truly unforgettable ride, you must be more than just a good coach. To be an addictive, inspirational instructor, you need to discover and amplify your personal style…

Schwinn® Cycling Presents Skip Jennings’ Favorite Ride: Rhythm Revival
Thursday, 2:00-3:50pm
We all want to know what the experts are saying, playing and doing in their classes, and here is your chance! Join Skip Jennings for a unique and memorable ride filled with…

Friday Aug 15th

ShockWave Circuit: The Most Efficient Total-Body Workout in the World!
Friday, 10:10am-12:00pm
Co-Presented with: Julz Arney, Gregg Cook, Josh Crosby, Amy Dixon, Paul Katami, Keli Roberts, and Doris Thews Don’t miss your chance to learn to teach the ultimate group fitness workout. Build community, interaction, competition, retention and adherence with ShockWave Circuit. It&…

ShockWave Circuit: The Most Efficient Total-Body Workout in the World!
Friday, 2:00-3:50pm
Co-Presented with: Julz Arney, Gregg Cook, Josh Crosby, Paul Katami, Jeffrey Scott, and Doris Thews Don’t miss your chance to learn to teach the ultimate group fitness workout. Build community, interaction, competition, retention and adherence with ShockWave Circuit. It&…

Saturday Aug 16th

The Yoga Groove
Saturday, 1:30-3:20pm
Looking to put a little spice in your vinyasa? Unleash the power of music to enhance your yoga class. Step out of the traditional mind-body sounds, and flow to the vibration of…

Schwinn® Cycling Presents the All-Star MPower™ Super Ride
Saturday, 3:40-5:10pm
Co-Presented with:  Julz Arney, Gregg Cook, Amy Dixon, Keith Irace, Keli Roberts, Jeffrey Scott, Doris Thews, Tatiana Kolovou, and MB
Grab your spot quickly for this indoor cycling celebration taught by our most popular master instructors. Discover the thrill of training with wattage, RPM, heart rate, calorie thumping…

For the full list of 350+ sessions click here

$30 Discount Ends Today for IDEA World Fitness Convention

IDEA_world_2014Attention all fitness pros and more my $30 special savings coupon code PIPCA14+Jennings for IDEA World Fitness ends tonight. This year’s convention is gearing up to be the best yet. Don’t miss it! Plus save $30 OFF on your 1-day or full registration price. Hurry! register before the price increase midnight tonight!.

Conference dates are August 13-17 in Anaheim, CA. Register now and Lock-in the Lowest Rates. 

Training @Equinox – Unleash The Ride


Join me as I take your body, mind and heart out of its comfort zone and go breathless in this state of the art interval based ride. This class is thoughtfully designed to increase your performance and transform your body. Go big, go breathless and feel the difference. full throttle ride that will be a guaranteed breathless adventure. Using the MPower consoles to reach new goals, surpass current thresholds and unleash your inner athlete. Fearless fitness, full throttle power and fun! Unleash: Let’s Ride!!!

– Skip

I teach at the following locations. Please note that an Equinox membership is required.

Unleash The Ride Equinox Pasadena
Tuesdays from 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Saturdays from 7:30 am – 8:30am 

Unleash The Ride  @ Equinox Downtown

Wednesdays from 6:00pm – 7:00pm


Unleash The Ride  @ Equinox Westwood
Fridays from 9:30am – 10:20am


Please check links as times can change

equinox-logo 200x101

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