Category: Health

From My Heart to Yours: Sharing Tools for a More Balanced You in 2024

Sharing Tools for a More Balanced You in 2024.
As we embark on this new year, I am filled with hope and a profound sense of purpose. The turning of the calendar reminds us that life is a continuous journey of growth and transformation, both spiritually and physically. I’d like to share with you some thoughts and principles that I believe can help guide us toward a healthier, more balanced existence in 2024 and beyond.
1. Your Body as a Sacred Home

Our physical bodies are the temporary homes of our spirits during our human incarnation. It is our responsibility to care for and nurture this vessel with the same reverence we hold for our spiritual development.

2. Holistic Transformation

Spiritual growth cannot be separated from our physical well-being. When we set intentions to transform our lives, it must be a holistic approach, aligning our mind and body with our spirit.

3. The Importance of Self-Care

While our souls are inherently whole and complete, our physical incarnation requires ongoing care. We may not live forever, but during our time on Earth, we should strive for the most effective and pain-free life possible.

4. The Trinity of Wellness: Exercise, Nutrition and Rest

To care for your body temple, focus on these key components: regular exercise, nourishing nutrition, and ample rest. Choose exercises that resonate with you, and maintain consistency.

5. Wellness as Meditation

View your health and fitness practices as essential as your meditation. It is an integrated experience, fostering harmony between body, mind, and spirit.

C.A.R.E.S. Philosophy for Transformation:


To manifest change, connect deeply with your intentions. What do you wish to transform? Establish a profound connection with your goals.


Every intention necessitates action for manifestation. Take deliberate steps toward your desired transformation.


Never forget that you are a divine being first. Keep your intention in mind, recognizing your power and dominion over your life. You can achieve everything you desire.


Realize that you possess the inner strength and resources to shift your life in the direction you desire. Empower yourself with this knowledge.


Understand your inherent worthiness and deservingness of a healthy and well life. Self-care is essential for any meaningful transformation.

The PMM Agreement for Transformation

P – Prayer Treatment

Incorporate prayer as a part of your daily routine to strengthen your spiritual connection.

M – Meditate

Practice meditation to center your mind, find inner peace, and enhance self-awareness.

M – Move

Engage in regular physical activity that suits your preferences and capabilities.



Make your commitment to transformation nonnegotiable, treating it with utmost dedication.

A Daily Practice

Implement these principles into your daily life consistently.

Positive Mind-Set

Cultivate a positive mindset that reinforces your belief in your ability to transform.

Journal Your PMM Experience

Keep a Soul Fitness Journal for the next thirty days. Use it to record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences throughout this transformative journey.

Glow + Grow For Good!! Wednesday, Thursday + Friday (see inside)

Spiritual growth and unfoldment is an ever evolving process.
As I say, transformation is a choice!
Even when you go through the transition of leaving your earthly suit, you are presented with the choice to grow. (as told to me by my medium friend, Wendy)
So, the invitation that lies before you on a daily basis is this:
>> Will I choose to grow + glow or resist that which is seeking expression through me?
Thank you for your responses to the transformational spiritual practices found in my book!!
Here’s DAY 4 from Little Book for Big Transformations!
Renewing the Mind, Body and Spirit
“And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect the will of God.”
~Romans 12:2
Many of my “Aha” moments are downloaded during my daily workouts, which I have come to call “physical spiritual practice.” For example, there are times when a run clears my mind, allowing me to enter a receptive mode and begin catching inner guidance about various facets of my life. The physical practice is a conduit for new ideas to flow and for contemplation to take place within my soul. Those who dance the tango, a vigorous dance of surrender have compared its energy to meditation. The practice of yoga is a form of mental focus, experiencing our capability to improve physical flexibility. Movement cross trains body, mind and spirit, creating a whole-person immersion in the Self.
A good cardio workout focuses our attention on our breath, reminding us that the breath connects us to the soul. Strength training anchors a strong connection to Spirit. Yoga postures remind us not only to be flexible in our body, but in all aspects of our lives. Physical movement enlivens and rejuvenates us and the more we relate to it as a spiritual practice we will become encouraged to include it in our daily routine. Caring for our body temple as the vehicle of our soul represents a deep bow of gratitude to Spirit for the miracle the body is.
I welcome you to consider how you can connect movement to your spiritual practice by inviting yourself to consciously notice if there are “Aha” moments that occur during your exercise routine that you simply haven’t yet recognized. It is our thoughts which separate us from the awareness of God so build your mental strength. The physical practice helps us to restore and heal the temple of the Holy Spirit. Today, as we train the body we empower the mind and we unleash our greatness. Set the intention to connect with God fully, mind body and spirit.
Affirmation: Today, I renew my mind, body, and spirit with the Love of God and movement. I infuse love, during my daily practice. I I am blessed and a blessing. And so it is. Amen
Join me Wednesday, February 10, 11 am PST where my next guest on High Conscious Conversations is my friend, John Jacob Mubarak.
You will, as I do, love John Jacob, or, JJ, as he is affectionately called by friends.

Please see his bio below.


John’s role as the Marketing Director at Rythmia is un doubtedly a universally aligned match considering his history and deep connection with Michael Bernard Beckwith, Agape International Spiritual Center Founder and Rythmia partner.
Founded in 2014, Rythmia is an  all-inclusive, medically licensed luxury resort that has  helped over 6,000 people experience life-changing mir acles through plant medicine ceremonies, ancient and  modern wisdom teachings, and leading-edge healing  technologies.
In 2009, John Jacob discovered Agape and subsequently studied directly under the auspices of Rev. Michael Beckwith. During this period, John found a singularity of purpose – a deep commitment to spiritual growth and development, both his own and to walk that path with others. John found within him a deep desire to work to wards the vision of the fullest evolution of our collective  consciousness through a world that works for the best  and highest individual, and collective good.
John has devoted his life’s work to the spirit of Truth and in-service to spiritual truth-seekers through leading workshops, retreats, public speaking engagements, spiritual counseling sessions, prayer treatments, and in his  role as a Spiritual Practitioner at Agape and as a Director  at Rythmia Life Advancement Center.
Please join me on High Conscious Conversations on Wednesday so that you can hear JJ’s wisdom.
Yogic wisdom is that a supple spine creates a supple mind.
Join me Thursday, February 11, 12 pm PST for Gentle Yoga and Sound Bath with me.
And, then, join me on Friday, Friday 12, 7 am PST, for one of my favorite topics, Fitness As A Spiritual Practice.
These Masterclasses are gifts from the heart.
While there are no class fees, I welcome love donations, in any amount, in support of the law of circulation. PayPal or Venmo


Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

3 Ways You Can Thrive This Wednesday, Thursday + Friday (see inside)

The question my clients ask me now is, “what’s next?
Even though there is a new administration, there is still much work to be done.
And coupled with relief and expectation, a low level anxiety frequency is wafting through the air waves.
There is a deluge of information daily.
Does the constant negative news have you feeling on edge?
Well, I’ve got some good news for you!
Here are 3 simple ways you can thrive this week:
1. Keep your conversations high frequency

>> Surround yourself with people who are authentic and focused on solution rather than problem.

>> Feed your mind organic, nutrient rich, high vibe thoughts and information.

How, you might ask?

Join me this Wednesday, February 3, 11 am pst on my High Conscious Conversations Webcast.
I will be in a divine dialogue with some of my visionary ministerial brother and sister graduates from the Michael B. Beckwith School of Ministry. (there are more of us)
We are a powerful posse of praying, be-ing + doing folks!
And next, . . . 
2. Move Your Body
>> Yogic wisdom is that you must laugh and sweat daily to achieve optimal wellness.
>> It is scientifically proven that moving your body alleviates depression and rumination.
3. Sound heals
>> Dis-ease can manifest within our body temple, creating physical and mental trauma.
>> Mainstream is catching up to what mystics knew from the beginning of time — sound heals.
>> A Sound Bath bypasses the monkey mind and activates your body’s natural healing energies  
Join me, Rev Skip, for Meditation, Prayer, and Sound Bath for healing and clearing the Chakra System on
Friday, February 5, 7 am PST 
Step away from the TV + socials feed for just for an hour on WednesdayThursday and Friday and return to the activities of you life renewed, restored, refreshed, revitalized.


Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

PS:  Remember you can go HERE to download Day 1 of The Little Book for Big Transformations!!


Spirituality In Troubling Times . . . High Conscious Conversations . . . Little Book . . . (+ New World)

Did you enjoy Christmas? Different this year, wasn’t it?
Today is day 4 of the 7 day festival of Kwanzaa, which celebrates African and African-American culture.
Each day represents a principle; today’s is ujamaa, which represents cooperative economics.
How interesting is that for these times + stimulus checks being issued!
So, we are 3 days away from saying Buhbye to 2020.
I am counting my blessings and letting go of that which no longer serves me! 
How bout you?
Anything you’d like release and let go of with the closing of 2020?
I’ve got a special Master Class planned.
Join me for a guided meditation + intention setting Master Class to set the vibrational tone for a happy, healthy, wealthy and prosperous New Year!
Activate your connection with the Divine + begin 2021 infused with inspiration, focus and direction.
I know firsthand that finding your center during troubling times is a spiritual practice!
So I created, Spirituality During Troubling Times, a 10-day cutting-edge course to help you stay grounded + centered!
‘Cos I have a strong sense that 2021 will bring new opportunities to implement spiritual practices.
And, you will want to have your spiritual toolkit easily accessible!
These are unprecedented times, in which we are dealing with a pandemic, racial injustice, environmental concerns and more!
These challenges carry a low-frequency vibration, which has compelled many in the global community to search for meaning, solace + high vibrational experiences. Digitally, that is.
In this 10-day course, Spirituality During Challenging Times, you will learn different spiritual technologies + how to apply them in your daily life.
You will receive practices that elevate your conscious awareness and give you hope.
Now is the time to take personal responsibility for your spiritual evolution!
Embodying your sovereign nature is the spark for global change!
My book, The Little Book for Big Transformations: 31 Days of Inner Visions and Spiritual Practices is a great accompaniment to the 10-day course,  Spirituality During Troubled Times course is.
In this book, you will find 31-day daily devotions, teachings + affirmations that will help you develop a more positive and loving mindset.
The Little Book for Big Transformation (2nd edition) will be available January 21st on Amazon, Ibooks  + Audible
It is crucial to keep your consciousness high!
And, I can help you do this through my private coaching, classes and, my webcast, High Conscious Conversations. 
Please join me this Wednesday, January 30 where my guest will be Kimberly Spreen-Glick.

Kimberly has served as a teacher, trainer, coach, program developer and director, working with countless great programs, companies and people in the health, fitness and wellness industry for decades.

Kimberly was the senior director of group fitness + yoga at Life Time for over 10 years and received the 2015 IDEA Program Director of the Year Award.

After spending over a decade immersing herself in the studies of positive psychology, spirituality, brain science and various wisdom traditions, Kimberly took a risk. She gave up the security of the corporate world in 2017 to begin The Inspired Life, an online platform focused on educating people on all aspects of well-being.
You will learn much from her!
You are a powerful, sovereign being! Here on purpose, with purpose!
The future is calling you to activate your innovative visionary self now!
You are being called to be a stand for what is possible.
Will you answer the call?
Join me on the Birthing A New World, docuseries, January 1 to 3, 2021, hosted by my friend and colleague, Wendy Silvers.
We will usher in the series on January 1 at 1pm PST with an auspicious, sacred ceremony led by Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr.
After we are activated by this powerful blessing, three days of cutting edge insightful dialogues with electrifying and inspiring visionaries, revealing how we will create a healthier, compassionate and sustainable world for ourselves, the children and future generations will follow.
I will dialogue with Wendy and other spiritual leaders, Lola Wright, Rev. Kev Ross, Akuyoe Graham, on the topic of Spiritual Activism.
Join me and let’s create a more beautiful world!


Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

PS:  My gift to help you ring in the New Year:
FREE Access toThe Spiritual Life App for the next 30 days!!
PPS: Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH

5 Immune Boosters: High Conscious Conversation Wednesday (+ C.A.R.E.S. Meditation)

Now, more than ever, it’s important for your immune system to stay in tip-top shape during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the best ways to stay healthy is by maintaining a nutritious diet.

See this article below to help you stay healthy during this time, and, beyond.

5 Immune Boosters To Keep You Healthy
UC Davis Health registered dietitian Tiana Carey shares some foods that can help boost your immune system.
As a wellness professional, I can tell you that a vegan food plan, exercise, meditation, prayer, Vit. A, Vit. C, Vit. D, Zinc and organic, non-gmo and glyphosate foods keep me very healthy + strong!!
Last week’s inaugural High Conscious Conversations with Preston Smiles was off the hook!!
This Wednesday, November 18, 11 am PDT, I am thrilled to share my colleague and friend, Rev. Julie Moret with you!
Here’s a thumbnail about Rev. Julie and what she has accomplished.
Rev. Dr. Julie Moret, author of What’s Your What? How to Ignite Your Unique Brand, is an accomplished inspirational speaker and teacher.  She holds degrees in a wide range of healing modalities including Psychology, Neuro‐Linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnosis, Hands-on energy healing and Shamanism.
Julie’s work has been featured on the Lifetime television channel. She is proud to be an ordained Agape International Spiritual Center minister, speaker, & member of the Leadership Board and G5 team. Julie was knighted by the Order of the Orthodox Knights of St. John Russian Grand Priory alongside Jack Canfield, Don Miguel Ruiz, Michael Bernard Beckwith, and Lisa Nichols.
Julie also serves on the Spiritual Advisory Board for the College of Sacred Surgeons in Princeton, New Jersey and her TEDx talk, How to Clarify Your Uniqueness and Live a Life that Matters, is currently available online.
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 18, 11 am PDT and join Rev. Julie and me, Rev. Skip, for a High Conscious Conversation!
We’re goin deep, y’all!!
Join me, Friday, Nov 20,  07:00 am PDT for C.A.R.E.S. Meditation For Transformation.
CARES stands for Connection, Action, Remember, Empowerment and Self-Love.

I will be your transformational guide to help you embody this blueprint for transformation.

Set your clocks for 7:00 am PDT, Friday, November 20, so that you can join me for a talk, sound bath and guided meditation to reveal your highest potential.

Do you remember Cher’s disco hit single, Take Me Home?
If you were someone who used to go dancing like I did, maybe
 you’ll remember that towards the end of the night, the dj’s would play her song.
In it she sings these lyrics, . . .
Take me home, take me home . . . 
With you is where I want to be . . .
Well, . . . I have an irresistible offer that will give you the opportunity to take me home + help you thrive!
Spiritual Technology During Unprecedented Times
Learn empowering technologies in my new 10-day course.
I will help you embrace your spiritual evolution. (typically available on the app for premium members)

The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created
and curated by me to uplift, inspire + transform you daily!

Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH

The Spiritual Life App!!(Regularly $2.99/mo)



Get your Zen on! We’re LIVE at 10 am PDT! Join us – C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation (on Zoom)

Good Morning!!
Can’t wait to see you!

C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation
LIVE with me Rev Skip

at 10 am PDT this morning!!

$10/class at 10 am PDT.

Remember,  all that you need to bring with you is this:
Yoga mat.
Blocks. (if you need them)
Open mind + heart.
If you can’t meet us today, no worries.

The Spiritual Life TVwill have this class on it so you can join me anytime, all the time!!


Can’t wait to be with you!!

Peace + Many Blessings,


Special Event for 9/11: Just Breathe- Insight Timer (+ C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation)

Please accept my invitation to join me on Friday, September 11, 6:00 am PDT, on Insight Timer. 



I will be leading a tailor-made meditation created exactly for this time in history, “Just Breathe.”



Please make sure to mark your calendars for C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation on Monday, September 14, 10 am PDT.

Special offer, $10/class.

Until then, stay well.

Peace + Many Blessings,


Just Breathe. Elevating Men of Color – 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show (details enclosed)

One of my greatest joys is helping people discover who they are . . .
. . . and fall in love with what they find.
Another is supporting people in expressing their greatness.
That’s why I created C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation (our inaugural class on Monday — wooweee! – it was so sweet!)
It’s vital that you find ways to thrive on all levels during this time.
And, that’s why Monk Eternal and me, Rev Skip, host the weekly,
2 Black Authors Web Talk Show.
Not only are we two fabulous black men who are authors, speakers, coaches and wellness experts . . . 
. . . but it gives us great joy to highlight others doing great things in the world.
Thank you for all of your great feedback!
You are going to love our show this week, too!!

Join Monk Eternal and me, Rev Skip, tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9, 11 am pdt on 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show, presented by That Guy’s House. Our guest will be Dr. Shaka Hatcher.
We are going to dive deep into attaining wellness at this time in history as well as Shaka’s forthcoming event, Men of Color Elevation Collective.
Shaka has 14 years of experience as a practicing chiropractor in Australia. His educational experiences are gathered from traditional and non-traditional experiences, which we can’t wait to talk about.
Please stay on until the end of 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show.
I have a special gift for you. 
This Friday, September 11, 6:00 am pdt, please join me on Insight Timer. 
I will be leading a tailor-made meditation created exactly for this time in history, “Just Breathe.”
Until then, stay well.
Peace + Many Blessings,
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C
PS: I am here for you! 

We’re LIVE in 1 hour! C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation 10 am PDT (on Zoom)

Woot! Woot!
I’m just so excited!
C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation begins at 10 am PDT this morning. 
$10/class at 10 am PDT.
Remember,  all that you need to bring with you is this:
Yoga mat.
Blocks. (if you need them)
Open mind + heart.
If you can’t meet us today, no worries. 

The Spiritual Life TV  will have this class on it so you can join me anytime, all the time!!

Can’t wait to be with you!!

Peace + Many Blessings,
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

The Spiritual Life

Skip has launched a new app where spirituality and fitness meet toward a balance of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of good health, loaded with inspiring content for the mind, body and spirit.

Many of us are affected by how we handle the stress that life brings us.  As we journey through life, it is essential to find our balance.  Our mind can control most of our natural healing capabilities.  For the Mind, I have videos of inspirational talks, such as “The Gratitude Practice”, “The Power of Three, and “How Do We Get Back to Love”, designed to guide you into  feeling more connected to all living things and learn the power of our deep mind.

Keeping our Body healthy includes eating foods that are nutritious, exercising to keep our body strong and understanding the importance of the natural wonders of fresh air, sunlight and clean water.  The app features several videos and  tips on fitness, including “Yoga, Cardio Zen Elevation, Workout, Fitness for Love and Gratitude, which are complimentary recipes for holistic healing to experience wellness on a deeper level.

Our spiritual health is another important part of our overall-wellness.  It connects us to a greater being and helps shed light on life and purpose.   I have put together videos on “Guided Meditation and several podcasts on “The Journey to Spiritual Greatness”, “Self Love, Part I: Learning to Love Ourselves Fully”, “Messages from the Divine,” and “Global Healing During Covid 19″.

When our body, mind, and spirit are aligned, we can achieve optimal wellness through each element.

Sign up for “The Spiritual Life” app today at and watch the content at anytime and anywhere on your phone, TV, laptop, tablet or desktop.

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