Category: Marie

Movie Recommendation-McFarland USA


This is a feel good sports film that will inspire you, like many Kevin Costner movies tend to do. Now that there’s Disney behind the whole thing get ready for a tear jerker and motivational big film to get you in the mood to get up off your butt and do more for yourself. This isn’t a life changing film, however it does shed light on some underprivileged kids and communities that find their passion for a sport is their way out into the world of magic and dreams.

Check out the trailer right here and tell us what you think when you’ve had a chance to see it on twitter @ShiftWithSkip.

Movie Recommendation-Patch Adams (Remembering Robin Williams)


If you haven’t seen this film in particular of Mr. Robin Williams’ then you need to sit down, turn on the Netflix and watch it. We need to remember the people in our lives that made our hearts soar and our bellies ache from laughter. This film is one of the big staples in Robins’ career as an actor. He brought an icon to life. This film is based on a true story and deals with depression and a silver lining through it all–patient care. As doctors, many of the things they need to remember is take care of their patients with more than just medicine, but caring and emotion. It takes that extra big step to be more than just a good doctor, but an amazing human being. Robin Williams captures the essence in this every day life when he made all of us laugh and cry along with him. We will remember him best through his films.

Movie Recommendation-The Imitation Game

This film is one of those based on historical events films that we all love. When it comes to Keira Knightley and English film that depicts WWII this lady is a gem and offers the best supporting acctress role for the lead, Benedict Cumberbatch.

This is the film that depicts a mathematicians fight for a new technology that would help the allies win WWII with his invention of a machine that could crack the Enigma Code.

This breakthrough was the one that essentially won the war. The film is riveting and does a wonderful job of capturing the emotions that come with a situation as delicate as this with the world’s pressure on this man’s back with the odds against him. If you haven’t seen this one yet, it’s high time you go.

Movie Recommendation-Disney’s Cinderella

10710877_10152375997956193_5617944333811482258_nI don’t know about you guys, but when I saw this photo for the feature length real life film of a childhood favorite, Cinderella I thought, holy cow they’re using actors from my favorite show Downton Abbey! I absolutely love English films for their humor more than anything else. Plus, much of the time (in Downton Abbey) in particular, they have a touch of the classic times. The case looks amazing and how could you go wrong with,
‘A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.’ This film is a dream come true.

I know many of us have seen the latest film adaptation of Into the Woods and there was a little Cinderella there, but this is definitely the one you want to see. I personally love concentrated fairytale stories. This is one of the most highly anticipated of Disney’s in a  long time. Let’s see what magic they can do to this one. Let us know when you see it and what you think of it. It pops into theaters on the 13th!

Check out the trailer here.

Movie Recommendation-Still Alice

MV5BMjIzNzAxNjY1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDg4ODQxMzE@._V1_SX640_SY720_This film, Still Alice, tugs at the heartstrings and wakes you up to the terrible possibility of a neurodegenerative disease called Alzheimers. No one wants to talk about it, what happens to people when they are overcome by something that is out of their control such as Alzheimers. The scariest thing that this film will portray, is what happens to younger people who are overcome with Alzheimers when they had no idea they were at risk to start with.

In this film, Julianne Moore plays Alice Howland, a linguistics professor who is happily married with three children, who comes to find she has early onset Alzheimers. This woman is frightened, worried about her memories and her relationships with her family. There are limited days with a disease like this and they are all waiting for the day when she will no longer remember what she once was or the love she shared with her family. There’s a reason why Julianne Moore won the Oscar for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role for Still Alice, it’s a must see film!

– Marie

Rated PG-13
Director Richard Glatzer, Wash Westmoreland

More Info: Still Alice



The Shift Radio Guest- Dr. Denee Jordan of Already Well

Skip dives deep into an unconventional approach to therapy with leading clinical psychologist, Dr. Denee Jordan.  We’ll discuss the founding of her; “Already Well” program and how it it answers society’s pull on dictating how we should feel or what we should become. Don’t miss it.  Listen On-Demand

Dr. Denee Jordan takes pride in her idea that we begin where we are when it comes to therapy and life in general. She believes that we all are already well and shouldn’t let society dictate how we should feel or what we should become.

In addition, we’ll look into  Dr. Jordan upcoming performance later this month at the Lounge Theatre in Santa Monica California that focuses her “Already Well” program, Already Well, called ‘I Am Already Well’. Visit her  website at and to see her show please visit Brown Paper Tickets to get yours today.

Listen-in live.

Dr. Denee Jordan has been a practicing psychotherapist for 25+ years. She is both a CA. Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has an extraordinarily broad and varied background as a Mental Health practitioner, lecturer and trainer as well as former professional dancer.

Listen On-Demand

Skip’s segment with Dr. Denee Jordan is available on On-Demand here 

The ShiftWithSkip Radio are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Dr. Denee Jordan on her social media pages:


Twitter @AlreadyWell


The Lotus Kitchen-Vegetarian in the 7th Moon House Rolls

lotus-kitchen-book-300x300Welcome to The Lotus Kitchen, the title of my upcoming book with co-author Gwen and a place where yoga and vegetarian cooking entwine. This week’s recipe is  Vegetarian in The 7th Moon House Rolls. These house rolls make the perfect snack or appetizer and the hot mustard dip  is a natural decongestant, aids in circulation and helps restore bacterial balance. This dish warms you up inside with the heat and flavor of the ginger, garlic, and mustard.

This week’s yoga pairing is Sun Salutation (Suryanamaskara), which is used to heat the body. The Sun Salutation is designed to pay homage to the sun that heats the planet, and to activate our own internal sun from within.

Looking forward to your comments.


Vegetarian in the 7th Moon House Rolls


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 cup carrots, shredded
  • 1 each red and yellow bell peppers, sliced
  • 1 1/2 cups snow peas, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup green cabbage, shredded
  • 1 cup kale, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced
  • ¼ cup fresh cilantro, de-stemmed
  • 2 teaspoons sake
  • 2 teaspoons white wine vinegar
  • 1/4-cup vegetarian hoisin sauce
  • 1 tablespoon chili sauce
  • 1 package pot sticker wrappers
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Peanut or sunflower oil for frying


Heat wok (or stock pot if you are wokless) over high heat until very hot. Add oil then garlic and ginger. Cook for a minute and then add the vegetables and cook about 6 minutes more, stirring frequently. Transfer to a bowl and add sake, rice vinegar and hoisin sauce, chili sauce and cilantro.

To make Moon Rolls, place 2 to 3 tablespoons of vegetable filling in the center of the wrapper. Using your fingers or a pastry brush spread egg all around the edges. Fold in half and pinch the edges tightly. They will resemble little half moons. Wipe the wok clean. Heat 3 cups peanut or sunflower oil on high heat. Drop egg rolls in batches of three and cook for one minute, or until golden brown. Remove with slotted spoon, place on a cookie sheet lined with paper towel to drain oil and serve immediately with dipping sauce.

Dipping Sauce:

  • 3 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 1 inch fresh ginger, finely minced
  • ½ cup apricot preserves
  • ½ cup raspberry preserves
  • 4 tablespoons rice vinegar (and/or sake) In a small bowl whisk together until smooth.

Serve with: Chinese hot mustard. Everyone can create their own dipping sauce by blending the two.


Back-Basics-Sun-Salutation-BSun Salutation (Suryanamaskara) Instruction:

Stand at the front of your mat beginning in Mountain pose. Inhale; raise your arms above the head. Exhale, and hang from the hips to a forward bend. Inhale and lift the chest half way. Step back into plank position. Exhale and lower the body to the mat in a push-up. Inhale to Upward Facing Dog pose. Exhale, and push the body back to a Downward Facing Dog pose. Inhale and lift the heels, then exhale bending the knees, and step or hop forward with both feet. Inhale the chest half way up. Exhale and release the chest to the legs. Inhale the upper body to a standing position, and exhale the arms to Mountain, the first pose. During the Sun salutation, visualize the sun heating your body from the inside out. Also notice that each pose will move you in a complete 360◦ circle.

Producer Marie’s Book Review-Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Book Recommendation

October is all about fuPeculiar-Childrenn things for Halloween coming up. I absolutely love books and in particular, “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” by Ramson Riggs. It’s Mr. Riggs first novel and boy it’s good. In my opinion, it is along the same vein and aimed at Harry Potter fans looking for more adventure. Written in the first person, the story revolves around the strange life and journey of a boy named Jacob, who has grown up to form a special bond with his grandfather and his bizarre tales and photos of levitating girls and invisible boys.  Now 16 and coping with the sudden loss of his grandfather, he travels to the remote Welsh island where his grandfather grew up. There, he finds the children from the photographs- of his grandfather’s stories-alive and well–despite the islanders’ assertion that they’ve all been dead for decades. As Jacob dives deeper and begins to unravel more about his grandfather’s childhood, he suspects he is being trailed by a monster only he can see. If you like a little magic in your reading try this one out with or without your children. It’s a good book for the inner child in us too.

– Marie

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs is available at: Amazon, Goodreads and your local bookseller.

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