Category: Mind Body Spirit

I Got You!! Find Your YES During Challenging Times (Join me Friday + Saturday)

Below please find my latest published inspirational blog post in the Agape International Spiritual Center’s Inner Visions Online magazine.
Inner Visions
“Where is Your Church?”
Rev Skip Jennings

Quote: “Nature is my church.  Love is my religion.” – Anonymous

To church or not to church, is that really the question?  I know; the word church can be a trigger.  But take a breath and open your mind. What is the true meaning of church vs. what you were told?  When I was growing up, I learned that church is a place where I connect with God. It was a space where I experience community. In the traditional sense of church, it became a learning tool.  I received a foundational understanding of God and how to feel connected to a greater force than myself. As I began to open my mind, I outgrew my Baptist upbringing.  I became aware; the church is anywhere I deemed it to be.

Today, I continue to use this understanding but in a more expansive paradigm. I can commune with Spirit every moment of my life.  God and community are everywhere present, never  absent; therefore, my church is where I recognize the divine. Church can be in the garden, having lunch with friends, in a fitness class, driving down a busy highway, and even on the dance floor. Church is anything sacred; it is without walls and cannot be contained in religion.

I believe the sole purpose of our human life is to wake up to our divine selves. Our spiritual communities are created as a way to fellowship with like-minded individuals. Creating the new definition for the church is understanding the Omnipresence of Spirit, and we can activate the feeling of connection anywhere.

In our New Thought movement, we consciously use the word ‘center’ because of the baggage church carries, but I invite us to requalify and bring new meaning to church.  Webster calls it “a place of worship.” Where is your church today? Where do you worship?  Where do you connect with God?

Today, worship is everywhere.  I am the new church, and the doors are wide open for communion.  And so, I am.  And so, it is. Amen!
I want to help you Find Your YES during these challenging times
For words cannot express the heaviness I feel.
We live in a divided country.
But there is hope.
The Life Visioning Process, created by Michael Beckwith, is a spiritual technology designed to help catch a higher vision for our lives.
Join me, Rev Skip, this Friday, Nov 6th 7:00 AM On Insight Timer.

Together, we can consciously rise above the current state of affairs and create a paradigm shift. 
Racism + social inequality is a call for spiritual activists to rise.
You might not know what to do, but you feel the need to do something. This is a time for the action of activism, anchored in spiritual practice. This guided meditation invites us to ask, “What is mine to do?”
Join Rev Skip at the Practical Mystic’s Playground  Saturday, Nov 7th 8:00 AM PST
Gentle Reminder: Limited Course Offer on The Spiritual Life App, just for you!
Learn different spiritual technologies + how to apply them daily in my new 10-day course.

Take full responsibility for your spiritual evolution. (typically available on the app for premium members)

The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created
and curated by me to uplift, inspire + transform you daily!

Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH

The Spiritual Life App!! (Regularly $2.99/mo)

Make sure your register for Friday and Saturday’s event so that you know that you are not alone!
Peace + Many Blessings,


The Power To Create Is In Your Mouth! Morning Affirmations + Mantras (Free OFFER)

You, my powerful manifestor, literally have the power within you to create the life you desire.
The definition of Abracadra is: I create as I speak.
So, your very life experience is influenced by the words you speak, 
and, your self-talk.
My spiritual practice includes mantras + affirmations.
And, I want to share this with you

Mark Your Calendars —

Friday, October 23, 2020, 7am PDT

Morning Mantras + Affirmations

This live guided affirmation and mantra meditation will be a journey of spiritual awakening to kickstart your day.

Allow the “I AM Connection” to expand your conscious awareness of the Universe.

Be open and willing to shift your paradigm

To support you during these turbulent times + beyond, I have created something special, just for you!

Limited Course Offer on The Spiritual Life App

During these unprecedented times, we are dealing with a pandemic, racial injustice, and environmental concerns. These low-frequency challenges have our global community searching for solace and a vibrational upgrade.
In this 10-day course, you will learn the different spiritual technologies + how to apply them in your daily life.
Now is the time to take personal responsibility for your spiritual evolution, which is the spark for global change. (available on the app for premium members)
The classes I created on The Spiritual Life App will give you the opportunity to explore the practices that elevate your conscious awareness + give you hope.

I want to make sure you have access to  these teachings . . .  

For the next 30 days . . 

FREE access to The Spiritual Life App!! (Regularly $2.99/month)

The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created and curated by yours truly, Rev Skip, meant to uplift, inspire + transform you on a daily basis!

Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH

November 3 is right around the corner!
Your vote is your voice.
And, your voice matters!

Exercise your right as an American!

Make sure to register for Friday’s Morning Affirmations and Mantras on Insight Timer!

Peace + Many Blessings,


Here’s What You Can Do To Take Back Your Power! (RISE UP + FREE 10-Day Course )

You are powerful!
The million dollar question on everyone’s minds right now is,
What can I do?
Below I will provide actions of spiritual activism that you can take so that you will feel engaged + empowered.
Let’s start with this action: VOTE!
Vote as if your life depends on it and it does…  It’s your right!
Keep scrolling for more actions that I recommend.
Mark Your Calendars for:
Friday, October 16, 7 AM PDT
Racism and social inequality are a call for spiritual activists to rise. You might not know what to do, but you feel the need to do something.
This is a time for the action of activism, anchored in spiritual practice.
Join me Friday, October 16, 7 AM PDT for this guided meditation, which will help you discover, “What is mine to do?”
For your inspiration, please find below my latest Inner Visions, from the Agape International Spiritual Center’s monthly  newsletter.
“Spiritual Activist Rise Up”

Rev Skip Jennings

Quote: My ministry’s always been one of social activism. I think a responsible minister must be at some levels involved in the social order.”  Al Sharpton

George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tami Rice, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Jacob Blake, Alvin Cole, Philando Castile, so many new ancestors to remember as we shake our heads in disbelief. What we are seeing is a polar experience to the spiritual principle of Oneness.Racism, police brutality, and social inequality is a call for spiritual activists to RISE UP! This is a time for activism, anchored in our spiritual practice, to pave the way to change. You might not know what to do, but you feel the need to do something. We might not know what to do during this time of dis-ease, but we feel the need to do something. Our social justice inner warrior is being called into action. To begin, we must be clear, so let examine three questions.

What is Spirituality? 
Spirituality is the understanding and belief that there is something greater than the human incarnation and sensory experience. A trust that we are part of a cosmic or divine energy in nature.

What is Activism?
Activism is an intentional action to bring about social change. To right wrongs and usher in social justice and equality.

What is Spiritual Activism?
Creating change and transformation using spiritual technology as a tool for inspiration. Prayer, Meditation, Mantra Yoga, Visioning, Service, Gracious Giving, etc. inspire a personal transformation that sparks community activism. It is bringing together the path of spirituality and the action of activism.

God inspires spiritual activism, and action comes from love, compassion, and oneness to generate more of the same. To know ‘what is mine to do,’ we must first get quiet and contemplate. We are all called to do something, but only Spirit can guide us. I remember the wise metaphorical quote, “treat and move your feet,” but move with clarity and mindfulness.

Today, I am inspired by God and I move with purpose and intention.  Amen.

To support you during these turbulent times and beyond, I have created something special, just for you!

New Course Exclusive on The Spiritual Life App

During these unprecedented times, we are dealing with a pandemic, racial injustice, and environmental concerns.

These low-frequency challenges have our global community searching for solace and a vibrational upgrade.
In this 10-day course, you will learn the different spiritual technologies and how to apply them in your daily life.
We will explore the practices that elevate our conscious awareness and gives us hope.
It is time to take personal responsibility for our spiritual evolution, which is the spark for global change. (available for premium members)

To ensure that you avail yourself of these teachings . . .  for the next 30 days only . . . I am gifting you FREE access to The Spiritual Life App!!(Regularly $2.99/mo)

The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created and curated by yours truly, Rev Skip, meant to uplift, inspire + transform you on a daily basis!

Here’s your code: TSLFREEMONTH

I’ll see you Friday!

Please reach out to me and receive support

I am here for you.

Peace + Many Blessings,


Snacks For Your Body Mind + Spirit. And, It’s Church Ya’ll!

It’s Church Ya’ll on Saturday, October 3, 8:00-9:00 am PDT! (Details below)
Good health involves Body Mind Spirit Solutions.
So, first, let’s talk about how healthy snacking can keep your body + mind going strong!
Make sure to read through the end of my newsletter. 

I’ve got a FREE gift just for you!Keeping your immune system healthy is always important . . .

Not just now.
And, especially now.
I want to empower you to take responsibility for your health. 
Are you always on the go, even while sheltering in place? 
I know I am.
If you’re busy like me, here’s a health tip for you: (I have many)
Having snacks with you that you can eat when you’re hungry is as important as making sure that you have your ID + wallet with you at all times.
The purpose of eating a snack is to tide you over until your next meal . . .
and . . .
. . . to give you a boost of energy to help you carry on with your day.
To put some tiger in your tank, as they say. (old school, ya’ll)
Do you work in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment?
Then, I recommend that you prepare fruits + vegetables with a lot of crunch, high in fiber and low in carbohydrates.
Here are some suggestions:
  • raspberries, pear, apple, blueberries
  • raw broccoli/cauliflower florets
  • cucumber slices
  • celery and carrot sticks
  • roasted chickpeas.
Want to keep your sweet tooth in check? Try these options:
  • frozen grapes
  • bananas
  • mango
  • pineapple
  • cashews
  • almonds
  • dark chocolate with 70% cacao.
Snacking can be fun for sure. But you don’t want to fill yourself with empty calories that have no nutritive value.

What you eat truly matters!

Please let me know what you find works best for you

Okay, so we’ve covered the Body + Mind . . .
Now, let’s address the Spirit!
Join me Sat, October 3,  8:00am – 9:00am PDT
This month’s Church Y’all Soul Service, presented by Practical Mystics Playground,  invites you to contemplate the topic:
Who Am I?
Who Am I In The Time Of A Pandemic?
Meet me Saturday, Live on Zoom or on my Facebook page: @RevSkipJennings 

And, as I promised, here is my gift to you!!

For the next 30 days only . . .

I am gifting you with FREE access to The Spiritual Life App!!

 (Regularly $2.99/mo)

The Spiritual Life App is filled with premium content created and curated by yours truly, Rev Skip, meant to uplift, inspire + transform you on a daily basis!

You must use this code: TSLFREEMONTH

I’ll see you Saturday, come rain or shine!

Peace + Many Blessings,


Get Zen at 10 for $10!! We’re meeting LIVE on Mondays, 10 am PDT! Join us – C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation (on Zoom)

Good Morning!!
Gentle Reminder:
C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation
LIVE with me Rev Skip
10 am PDT Monday mornings!!
I am in to keeping mind body spirit solutions simple, y’all!
So, join me on Mondays, 10 am PDT, for C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation.
And, get Zen at 10 for $10/class.
This is all that you need:
>> Yoga mat.
>> Blocks. (if you need them)
>> Water.
>> Open mind + heart.
If you can’t meet us, no stress.
The Spiritual Life TV app has this class on it.

Just download it and you can get your Zen on . . . anytime, any place.

Can’t wait to be with you!!

Peace + Many Blessings,


It’s A Wrap! 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show First Season Ends. Saturday LIVE + C.A.R.E.S. (details enclosed)

I just have to crow for a minute or two, y’all!

Sheesh! This is a week!

Stay with me, now.

I created C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation on Mondays at 10 for $10 so that you can feel great in your body, mind + spirit at this time.
And, you keep showing up for yourself each week!!
I am so honored to serve you + inspired by your dedication to cultivating wellness in your life.
It’s so important that you focus on what is good in your life. 
That’s why Self-Love is the S in C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation.
Otherwise, the fear that is circulating in our world right now will appear as real, (which it is not).
Only Love is Real!
That’s why Monk Eternal and me, aka Rev Skip, will talk Love Over Fear on the finale of the, 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show, this Wednesday, September 16, 11 am pdt!
Not only that, it is also the title of Monk Eternal’s forthcoming book!!
So, you, my friend, will receive a preview of his great new book on our season!
Join us!
Please stay on until the end of 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show.
We have a special announcement to make. 
This Saturday, September 19, 9:00 am PDT, please join me on Insight Timer. 
I will be leading a special class, “Fitness As A Spiritual Practice.
  • How do you elevate your life through fitness?
  • How do you bring meaning to your everyday exercise regime?
You will leave this self-empowerment session with tools for transforming your workout into a spiritual practice.
We’ll use intention, affirmations + mindfulness so that your fitness practice becomes effective, meaningful, and fun.
Looking forward to this power packed week of activities with you!
Peace + Many Blessings,
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

Special Event for 9/11: Just Breathe- Insight Timer (+ C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation)

Please accept my invitation to join me on Friday, September 11, 6:00 am PDT, on Insight Timer. 



I will be leading a tailor-made meditation created exactly for this time in history, “Just Breathe.”



Please make sure to mark your calendars for C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation on Monday, September 14, 10 am PDT.

Special offer, $10/class.

Until then, stay well.

Peace + Many Blessings,


We’re LIVE in 1 hour! C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation 10 am PDT (on Zoom)

Woot! Woot!
I’m just so excited!
C.A.R.E.S. Yoga and Meditation begins at 10 am PDT this morning. 
$10/class at 10 am PDT.
Remember,  all that you need to bring with you is this:
Yoga mat.
Blocks. (if you need them)
Open mind + heart.
If you can’t meet us today, no worries. 

The Spiritual Life TV  will have this class on it so you can join me anytime, all the time!!

Can’t wait to be with you!!

Peace + Many Blessings,
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

Religion + Spirituality In the Black Community


Freedom has been on my mind a lot lately!

I’m sure I’m not the only one given all that’s happening in our world.

Consciously stepping away from old constructs that are constricting.

Embracing being free in a whole new way.

Letting go.
Standing in my truth.
Speaking my truth.

Because now more than ever, it’s time to do so.

On the 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show, Monk Eternal and I made a commitment to explore topics that push the envelope so we can educate and empower you.

So, this Wednesday, August 5, 11 am PDT, we are having a conversation with my good friend and ministerial brother, Jason Mitchell, on Religion + Spirituality in the Black Community.

Jason is a powerful brother who is the founder of the group, Our Daily Prayer, of which I am a member of the facilitation team.

This is a dialogue that we can’t wait to dive into.

You will want to be with us!

Wednesday, July 29, 11 am PDT!
SPECIAL 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show

Rev. Skip, Monk Eternal + Jason Mitchell

We’ll be having real talk about Religion + Spirituality in the Black Community!

Stay tuned for an announcement about my brand new online LIVE workout classes!!

Even though we’re in quarantine, I want you to enjoy the summer months.

Not only that, staying fit in Body, Mind + Spirit is crucial to keeping your immune system strong.

We’re working out some of the details.

And as soon as we have them, you’ll be the first to know!!

Until then . . .

See you LIVE on 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show, Wednesday, July 29, 11 am PDT!!

Peace + Many Blessings,
Rev Skip
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

My Biggest Fear


It feels odd to say that I am grateful for the national + international protests for racial harmony and equity that have occurred since Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd were murdered.

Protests happening in neighborhoods outside of black communities.
The Portland protests are beyond anything I’ve ever imagined.
Yet, my biggest fear is that we’re starting to forget.

It’s crucial that after the shock and outrage fades that we continue to stay awake, aware and elevated.
To ensure that change happens.

I feel compelled to keep the dialogue going.

So, I have participated in + facilitated several community healings since George Floyd’s murder.  White, black and non black folks have gathered in circles where they can speak freely about their feelings since these murders happened.  On top of murders of many black people that weren’t caught on video like Ahmaud’s, Breonna’s and George’s were.  Cos if you don’t name it, you can’t heal it.
And, unexpressed grief can cause health issues.

So much is coming to light that needs to be healed + transformed.
Wednesday, July 29, 11 am pdt!
SPECIAL 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show
Rev. Skip, Monk Eternal + Wendy Silvers, founder,
Million Mamas Movement
We’ll be having real talk about Health Freedom + Racism!

My friend and ministerial sister, Wendy Silvers, founder, Million Mamas Movement,
has been an ardent stand for the health, well-being and freedom of the Mamas and children.

And, she has some revelations that I want you to hear!

So, I have invited Wendy to join Monk Eternal and me, Rev Skip,
on a SPECIAL 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show, Wednesday, July 29, 11 am pdt
You will want to be with us!

See you LIVE on 2 Black Authors Web Talk Show, Wednesday, July 29, 11 am pdt!!

Peace + Many Blessings,
Rev Skip
Minister, Author, Speaker, Coach
Mind Body Spirit Solution L L C

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