Category: Monday Meditative Thought

The Lotus Kitchen-Cucumber Mint Salad

You will absolutely love the Lotus Kitchen – Cucumber Mint Salad. It’s so refreshing in so many ways, from a main dish on a warm day, to a light palette refresher.  This recipe and more is from my collection of vegan recipes from my upcoming book, the Lotus Kitchen with co-author Gwen Keannelly that combines good vegan eats with a yoga practice.




4 cups chopped cucumber (3 medium sized cucumbers)
2 cups fresh mint leaves, de-stemmed
1 cup fresh cilantro, de-stemmed
1 cup lime juice
1/3 cup grape seed oil
1 cup fresh yellow cherry tomatoes
Raw macadamia nuts, chopped
Fresh basil

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and serve. Serves 4

The Practice: The cucumber is the most perfect food for hydration, nutrients and releasing weight. The practice of yoga also helps release weight and unwanted heavy energy. One of the effects of yoga is building heat within, and allowing the body to sweat out everything we do not need. To balance the body, take the time to hydrate with water and cucumbers.

Mindful Eating Practice: This practice is to be aware that the salad is hydrating, nurturing, and creating a healthy body. With each bite be aware of the water of the cucumber that is hydrating the body. Be mindful of each quenching morsel that is blessing your mouth. Feel the energy that the salad is stimulating within the body. The vibration that is delivered from the food is helping to elevate the vibration of the soul. During the ritual create an affirmation that helps remind you that eating is a practice. For example, “I know my mind, body, and spirit are strong as I eat my cucumber salad.”


This Week’s Meditative Thought – Joy

joyThis entire week let’s meditate on setting the intention to do what brings us joy. When we connect with God within, we connect with the divine qualities of the Holy Spirit. Joy is the highest form of energetic vibrations. One spiritual practice is to always find the joy within our lives.  All of our master teachers encourage us to be in the joy always. No matter what you are going through, find your joy. Delight in the realization that you are an unique expression of the Universe. Rejoice and allow your light to shine.  When we understand who and what we are, it becomes easy to find our Joy.  No matter what, we are always in God; therefore we can always activate Joy.  Set the intention to remember you are joy, and it is waiting to rise up.

This week’s “Joy” action plan let’s focus all this week on doing what brings you joy.  Take time to meditate and to identify what brings you divine happiness, then go and do it!


Peace and Blessings,


This Week’s Meditative Thought – Creating Open Spaces

Huaraz, Peru

Last week we tackled setting intentions. This week let’s build upon this theme by opening our consciousness and creating a space to grow.  To begin we must be willing to release our old ideas so that we may have new experiences on our spiritual walk.  Our intentions set into motion the clearing away of old paradigms that no longer serve us.  It is the open space that gives us breathing room so that new and powerful transformative work can take place.  When we set the intention to be more, there must be a willingness to ask the question, “What must I release? What must I become?”  The intention to transform is the intention to become more. 

This week’s Action Plan: Today, set aside everything you think you know about your journey so that you are open and free to have a new and fresh experience in God.  Use the “set aside prayer”;

“May I set aside everything I think I know about ____ (fill in the blank) so that I may have a new experience.”  Be willing to release everything that no longer serves you.  Create a space for transformation.



– Skip



Photo: Huaraz, Peru, Mauricio Osorio

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Celebrating the Light

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeI absolutely love this time of the year as it marks the beginning of the celebrations of Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa. This week I want to ground ourselves as we prepare for these holidays and focus on “Celebrating The Light” as our Meditation and Action plan.

When celebrating the Light, ask yourselves what is Light? In my own experience and understanding, the Light is God, the One Power, the One Mind, and the One Presence that I call Love. The Light is everything, everywhere active, and is within us all. The qualities of the Light are always, joy, compassion, power, abundance, grace, and prosperity. The Light can only to be seen when we are willing to perceive it. It gives off such an illuminating presence that it is an undeniable, unmistakable likeness that can only be explained as a miraculous presence felt deep within the heart. This divine Light can only be experienced with an open heart.

This Week’s Action Plan: As we begin celebrating this time of the year with family and friends, open your heart and be willing to experience the Light. During your meditation focus on feeling the Light instead of thinking about what it is. Be open to having an experiential experience instead of an intellectual one.

Peace and Blessings.


Stepping outside the Black Box: The Power of Invitation by Emill Kim

Anxiously clutching rosary beads in my hand, I walked through the quiet church. Every one of my movement possessed a certain gravitas in the still of this sacred space. This was the church of my boyhood; I had gone to school here, learned my catechism, grown up here, and lost my faith here.

I stood quietly at the foot of the statue of the Virgin mother. I have been a student, a scientist, a doctor, some would say a scholar at times. But here, in this place I was a penitent asking for grace.

In this internal and external space, I felt my energy release.

I wept openly.


There are several expressions.

“We don’t know what we don’t know.”
“We are blind to our own problems.”
“It’s hard to see when you are in the middle of it.”

These are a few common aphorisms that transcend language and culture; The instinctual acknolweldgement of the limits of our perspective coming from our mortal origins.

One of the biggest clinical challenge I have is when someone cannot understand that their lifestyle, fears, and beliefs is the source of their pathology.

That chronic disorders, debilitating pain, lack of healing can comes from a belief structure not rooted in truth but in fear.

If the mind believes something to be true then it will be expressed as truth in their reality. Physical reality starts first in the body. They are a locked self contained black box. Not aware of what they don’t know.


A question, “Why does one meditate?”

There are several answers but one popular response is that it “quiets the mind.” Although a great answer my follow up question is always

“Toward what end?”

There is an esoteric framework that we all hold reverent when practicing traditional spiritual practices. Their ways and promised outcomes we hold sacrosanct and beyond question. After devoting my adult life to studying such phenomena, I have developed a certain amount of pragmatism concerning everything.

The most desirable quality in any and all of my personal practices is efficacy coupled with efficiency.

I need it to work.
I need my efforts to affect a desireable change.

Thinking in the black box does not do this.
The self contained system is self referential.


I posed this question to my friend, Ken, a highly gifted intuitive and one of the few people I have met who has used their gift to live a very comfortable life. Ken, once a civil servant, started developmenting his intuitive skills in adulthodd and began using his insights and impressions in both his investments in stocks and real estate. Coming from a relatively small humble start, he has reached a point in his life where he has amassed a considerable amount of wealth.

He told me the reason he meditates is to see things that is hidden from his mortal perspective. The goal of his meditation is reaching a particular point of resonance where he feels connected to the universe (or the collective unconscious). In that space he opens himself (asks) for information and insight.

This is a far cry and much different practice than thinking about nothing and performing triangle pose. Ken is explicitly connecting to the source with the intent of transcending his small self to connect to the larger Self.


Our lives are on a path created by our lives up to this point.
The readjustments and recalibrations of this path are continually made but solely by our own manipulation of information.

As I’ve already described, some people are on paths of pain, suffering, and misery that are caused by misinformation. Their recalibrations are based on a narrative that has perpetuated illness. Although I can provide information to help them to change their course, their cognitive filter can also be altered by fear, ignorance, weariness, and closed energy


As I sat weeping in the church, I could feel the weight of the intents imparted into this space, the collective reverance, my own connection, hit me strongly. In that moment, my personal moment connection, I asked to be given grace.

Grace isn’t a particularly Catholic or Christian term, it is the invitation of our larger essence into our lives. When we set an intention for something good to come into our lives, we are asking for enormity of what we are to channel into our existence for our to receive our hearts longing.

This is grace.

My friend Ken had shown me that meditation was more than ‘thinking about nothing.’ It was an invitation for the cosmos, universe, God consciousness, collective unconscious, God, Allah, Ascended masters, angels, whatever, to come into our lives to provide special insight and wisdom.

If the overt spirituality of this is disagreeable, then we call call it the subconscious or collective mind. Whatever the case, when we are lost, feeling powerless, or just completely confused about our life path, journey, this is a good moment to ask for:

The spiritual non-sequitor.

Insight that comes from “left field,”

Something beyond the black box of our body, of our community, of our humanity, of our known world, to come grace us with energy and a glimpse of our divinity.


In those moments of inhertied fear, doubt, anger, and uncertainty, I have made it my practice to take a deep breath and ask for help. The more I have been asking, the more I get a response. It’s been frankly wonderful but,

This takes practice.

Although a very powerful tool, it takes practice to,

Admit that you don’t know.
Surrender control.
Ask for wisdom.
Recognize the connection.

These blog post is my way of saying thank you for my gifts of grace.
These blogs are more than an invitation to you into something larger.
They are are reminders to recognize your connection.

Ernest Holmes, noted spiritual philosopher, once said,

“It is the nature of the Universe to give us what we are able to take.
It cannot give us more.
It has given all, we have not accepted the greater git.”

To receive more, sometimes you just have to ask for more.
Give an invitation and accept the invitation.
Reach out and you’ll be met halfway 


Emill (aka Dr. Kim).

Thanksgiving Meditative Thought

A thanksgiving decoration sign over a white backgroundMeister Eckhart wrote, “If the only Prayer you said in your life was ‘Thank You,’ that would suffice.” This month we’ve been meditating on an affirmative prayer. As we enter Thanksgiving week we’ll continue with affirmation and discuss faith; faith that it is done. By saying thank you it becomes the affirmation of the appreciation for God and its infinite expression of giving. The more we say thank you, the more we affirm to be thankful for.

This week’s Meditation Action Plan: Seek out and affirm to say thank you every chance you get.

Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving,

– Skip

This Week’s Meditative Thought and Action Plan – Freedom

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeThis week we build upon the freedom we gain from our Affirmative Prayer . When we speak an affirmation or affirmative prayer we choose to be an active participant with the co-creator with the Universe. When we speak with this authority we begin to be part of the fabric of the reality around us and lose the chains of bondage that makes us powerless in the events that seem outside our control. Just praying to a God outside of us, hoping that a blessing will come…is powerless. When we realize our oneness with the Universe, it empower our lives. An Affirmative Prayer is the knowing that you have everything you need and that you’re free to live your fullest life.

This week’s Action Plan: All week seek to pray to God that lives within you and aim to speak to Spirit like you would to an old friend, because it is. The Universe is part of you and has been with you since before time, and it will never leave you.

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

This Week’s Meditative Thought and Action Plan – The Affirmative

affirmative prayerAffirmative Prayer

Most people believe in God, a Universal force that governs our existence. Prayer is a way to access and commune with that energy. In the past I used to pray to a God outside myself, asking and beseeching a gray, old father figure for the desires of my heart. Now I understand that God is within each and every being. I am one with this all-powerful force. I pray with an understanding that I am one with the source of life. I use a form of praying called, “Affirmative Prayer.”

Instead of begging for something, affirmative prayer states the truth of life. Affirmative prayer declares our unification with God. I believe we have everything we need. Affirmative prayer is a tool to anchor that belief. It is no longer whom I am praying to, it is where I am praying from. I am praying from a place of knowing that I am Love, Joy, Abundance, Wholeness, Peace, Order, Balance, Gratitude, Oneness, and Compassion. Affirmative prayer is a prayer field anchored by the universe, immersed in God.


This week’s Action Plan: All this week during your prayer time, practice affirmative prayer. Speak the truth of who you are. Say, “I am Abundance, Love, Joy, Grace, Compassion, Creativity, Wholeness, and Prosperity.” Take the time to journal your feelings and the vibration affirmative prayer gives you.

New Classes, Practice, Sexy Radio, Lotus Kitchen, Peculiar Children

Some blog highlights of the past week

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

– Skip

Monday Meditative Thought – Faith, Hope, Prayer, and Gratitude

Creating a Practice

This month we’ll focus on Faith, Hope Prayer and Gratitude as our theme with “Practice” being the key this week. Most researchers agree that to do something for 30 days in a routine can become part of your consciousness. I invite you this month to explore the practices that empower your life, experiencing prayer, meditation, affirmations, and a commitment to physical activity. It doesn’t matter what you believe; just know that there is one universal force that expresses itself in so many ways. For the next 30 days focus on the space we practice from, not who we practice to. Make a commitment to pray for your family and friends, and be grateful for the people in your life.


This week’s action plan. Throughout the week, take take all your cares and worries to prayer. Write a letter to God. Tell the Universe about what ails you. Now imagine a God bigger than your problems.

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