Category: Skip Jennings

Friday Affirmation Celebrating A New Communication

Friday Series of Affirmation with Skip JenningsWe end this week’s theme of “Celebrating A New Communication”, with this affirmation that builds on the meditation and journaling that we did earlier this week. Ready? Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am a child of God and am willing to unleash my God energy everywhere I go. I activate God qualities with my spirit, and I allow them to flow freely. The vibration of the Infinite feels my heart. I am God’s beloved, and God is pleased. And so it is. Amen

The Shift With Skip Radio – Liz Gaspari

This week’s guest is well known in a fitness world and runs one of the largest companies to ever hit the fitness and nutrition world, Liz Gaspari.

Join me as I speak with Liz as she shares what it took to be one of the most powerful and influential people in the sports nutrition industry. Liz’s portfolio includes taking the Gaspari Nutrition brand from a regional supplier and turning it into a global presence. She is responsible for helping to build Gaspari Nutrition into a monster business that has generated over 100 million dollars a year in sales. Click Here to listen

Monday Meditative Thought – Celebrating a New Communication

Monday Meditative Thought: If we believe that God is everywhere active, then God is present and active within ourselves.
So many times we forget that simple sacred principle. The Omni presence of the Universe means that there is nowhere that God is not. When we become aware of this truth, we begin to see with our third eye, our spiritual eye, and we move with a new focus. Remembering that God is always active changes our language. We will change how we talk to others and to ourselves. A question that keeps us aligned and awake is, “Would I talk about God that way?”  When we are in conversation with someone or even talking to ourselves, check in with the language and how we choose to communicate. Remember that God is always listening.

21 Day Meditation Experience – Day 11

Day 11 – Activating Love

This week we have been activating the key energies of our chakras—security, happiness, and power. Today, we continue the journey by activating that part of our life energy that is precious, potent, and can be considered the nectar of our human experience—love. With abundant love flowing from the heart, everything in life is sweeter, brighter, and more enjoyable.

Today’s meditation takes us to the source of love as we activate the fourth energy center, our heart chakra. In our time together, we will open the heart center and gently dissolve the blocks to love—so that this powerful energy can flow into every part of our lives.

Love is compassionate and forgiving . . . it unites even while it celebrates differences. You don’t need to look outside yourself to awaken this love. It is present in your heart chakra, right now and always. – Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra

Today’s Quote

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself you have built against it.” —Rumi

Wednesday Spiritual Journal Assignment – How Your Vision Will Pull You

Wednesday Spiritual Journal Assignment:  Monday we meditated on this week’s theme, “Your Vision Will Pull You”. Today you will continue with this theme with a journal about your vision.  If you don’t know what it is, go into the meditation and allow God to reveal what your vision is.  Spend time within contemplation and allow the vision to take hold of your soul until it is pulling you to a new level of existence.

The Shift With Skip Radio – Guest Marianne Williamson

The Shift With Skip Jennings

The Shift With Skip Jennings

This week a rebroadcast of our interview with Marianne Williamson author of, “Return to Love, The Gift of Change, Woman’s Worth “and the latest novel, “A Year Of Miracles”. Marianne is one of the world’s leading transformational voices that has altered the way that we see the world and ourselves. Join us as she shares about her latest novel and more…  Listen Here  Please note, since it is a replay, we will not be taking calls for this show. Thank You

21 Day Meditation Experience – Day 7

Day 7 – Finding Consciousness

Congratulations! Today, we complete the first week of our journey together. In these few days, we have connected to the core energies of who we really are. As we align with these natural energy currents we open to a life flowing with peace, joy, and fulfillment. By tapping in, one-by-one, we have learned how to directly access our natural state of security, happiness, strength, passion, creativity, and wisdom. These qualities are always present—what you are experiencing this week is the power of your authentic self.

Today we explore our true self as light. Light is around us and within us—it is our guide on the path toward self-realization. Light is what triggers us to wake every morning, allowing us to see . . . dissipating the darkness and shadows. As we open to the light within, we connect to the divine light that illuminates our soul, awakening us to our real Self, and the light that connects all things. We find that we are one light connected to all light, universal connection, and consciousness. As this energy is awakened, there is no more searching or striving. Experiencing yourself as infinite consciousness is the state of enlightenment. – Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra

Today’s Quote

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back.” ―John O’Donohue

Personal Training Services

Personal Trainer

Stretch Park

Why wait? A Summer’s body begins now. I have a room for a couple of openings. As a personal trainer and fitness coach I can help you transform your body temple. My expertise in personal training, spiritual counseling and motivational speaking gives new thought to the meaning of personal growth. For over twenty-five years I have worked with every body type and personality from clients to trainers all over the world. Whether you’re a personal trainer looking to expand your fitness skills and enhancing your holistic healing knowledge, or an individual seeking a multi-faceted full body metamorphosis, I can help. Please contact me for a free consultation:

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