Category: Skip Jennings

Good ways to make things better, and will help with back pain.

I know that back injury can sometimes be triggered by simply bending down to pick up a pencil or a violent sneeze, and the back gives out. For many, injury can also be caused by strenuous activities or lifting heavy weights. Whatever the cause may be, back pain is no joke. Luckily, there are various exercises to strengthen the lower back that can help alleviate the pain and also strengthen the core, leg and abdominal muscles.

Yoga therapy is a growing field and scientific evidence has begun to emphasize its efficacy. I have found that Yoga is as effective as standard physical therapy for treating moderate to severe chronic low back pain. Yoga incorporates stretching and relaxation which reduces the tension in stress-carrying muscles. It promotes good posture, balance and body alignment, which helps to maintain the natural curvature of the spine, which is an important factor in reducing or avoiding low back pain.

Best Practices to do before and after Back Surgery

I highly recommend these practices, I had to go through back surgery at the beginning of the year. Here are basic guidelines that will help prepare your body before surgery. The pre-operative period can be very stressful and some patients use alcohol, tobacco, pain medications, drugs or food to ease pain or discomfort. These habits and/or practices have the potential to negatively affect the outcome of your surgery and must be avoided at least 2 weeks before your scheduled surgery. Do not lift weights and avoid prolonged sitting and/or standing.

Planning ahead for your homecoming can also make for a smooth transition from the hospital to home.

Post-surgical practices and essentials include the following: staying hydrated to allow the nutrients to flow properly, helping with joint and organ maintenance. Eliminate processed foods from your diet to help heal your body efficiently. The use of ice packs and heating therapy can be helpful to alleviate pain. A walker or cane can help add support and security as you take your first steps around your home. Take your prescribed pain medicines as directed only. Avoid prolonged sitting as it puts most stress on your back. Begin physical therapy and/or home exercises to help you regain and build strength, flexibility and physical endurance.

Finally, notify your surgeon immediately if you have fever or chills, night sweats, pain or shortness of breath.

Benefits of Morning Walks in Nature

Human beings find nature essentially interesting.  Our affinity toward nature is genetic and deep rotted.  When we look at the beauty in nature such as the expanse of the sea, the prominence of a mountain, the pigments in fruits and flower, we are dazzled by overwhelming feelings of wonder, amazement and awe.  A walk in the woods or a stroll by the beach on a chilly early morning while the ocean breathes, the whispering waves can awaken our innermost thoughts and feelings of happiness and peace.  Just by being outdoors and using all senses to appreciate nature and absorb the pleasant sensations surrounding us can help us feel more lively and be in a state of calm relaxation.

Nature walks are uplifting and energizing.  It is also calming and sedating   It helps reduce the diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and lowers the stress hormone cortisol.  Being in nature is a place to reflect, discern, plan and exhale from the stress of life. Studies have shown that people living close or spending time in natural green spaces have better mental health, physical and spiritual well-being.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – You Are the Light of God

Happy Labor Day! I hope that you all have been enjoying the long holiday weekend. I know I have. This week we kick-off with a focus on letting your inner light shine.  Remember, you are a gift to this planet and that the Universe is keyed to support that gift. It’s what allows us to step out and boldly approach your destiny. Cultivate God’s light through your gifts and talents and let your light shine.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment:

Throughout this week remember that you are the light of God and that you are meant to let that light shine.  Take a breath, be still, and contemplate what it means to shine your light as God. For the next week; morning, noon, and night take five to ten minutes to meditate and cultivate the light that is you.


Many blessings and have a terrific week.



Celebrating Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend. It’s the official start of summer with the pools, trips, BBQ’s and fun. Once called Decoration Day for the placing of flowers on fallen soldier’s grave after the Civil War, Celebrating Memorial Day has grown to one of the biggest holidays in the United States, the beginning of the days of summer. 

Wishing you a terrific holiday weekend, please drive safely where ever your journey takes you to family or friends.

Peace and Blessings,


The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Dr. Kat Van Kirk

This week, we invite Dr. Kat Van Kirk back to the Shift with Skip to talk with us about a few different issues going on in the US, transgender and gender identity in general. She has some wonderful insights on what’s going on in terms of the individual and the role that society plays in all of this. You have all heard about the flagship media issue surrounding the statement of Bruce Jenner to the identity of “She”. We will discuss these sensitive issues and bring them to light.

Dr. Kat is a renowned sexologist who knows how to live life to its fullest with her philosophy of Life, Love and Sex and creating a lifestyle of passion, confidence, and the opportunity to be your most optimal self.

She educates individuals on various kinds of sexuality issues and also hosts, the Sex Chat with Dr. Cat in addition to authoring a wide array of videos and e-books such as; “Sex Tips from Hawaii“,  “Friday Night Fun” and more.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Dr. Kat Van Kirk is available On-Demand here
Visit Dr. Kat’s web page: 

Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Shows are LIVE Wednesday at 10 AM PST

Are Cheat Days Worth It?

Are diets a mind game?

Are cheat days worth it? Now, it may not feel like a bad thing but cheat days aren’t necessarily good. When you think of cheating, it’s automatically something that’s against the rules or bad. When we’re looking to get back to a healthier lifestyle, the last thing we want to think of is that we’re cheating ourselves and our progress. Getting into a healthy routine is tough and it only takes one day of a fall back to take everything back to step one. No one wants to start all over again.

The idea is that we don’t want to think of diets at all. Diets are a mind game all on their own. You don’t ever want to feel deprived of anything and have to throw away all of your hard work. Instead of cheat days, think of slowly substituting some unhealthy things for healthier items that actually taste good. Cheat days will keep that craving taste in your mouth for the days following.

The point of weeding certain things out of your fridge is that we want to get rid of those naughty cravings. Instead of a cheat day, keep pushing through and soon you won’t miss the bad things. 

– Skip

The Shift Radio Guest – Kelly Johnson

This week’s guest is Kelly Johnson, coauthor of Feeling Great: Creating a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm, and Contentment. She joins Skip as they talk shifting the way you take control of your life and live it to the fullest, contented. Kelly Johnson has worked in the publishing industry for many years reading, selling and marketing other people’s books. When the opportunity to write Feeling Great with Peter Vegso and Dadi Janki came along, it was an unexpected honor. Johnson gratefully lives near the sea in Satellite Beach, Florida, writing and doing the work she loves.

Feeling Great is a complete guidebook that offers a simple blueprint for a lifelong embodiment of true contentment. Feeling Great, Creating a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm and Contentment (HCI Books), by a triad of leading wisdom keepers–Dadi Janki, Peter Vegso, and Kelly Johnson–lets you really OWN a permanently elevated state of mind and way of life.

Click Here to Listen in LIVE on April 22nd at 10am PT.





The Shift Radio Guest-Sheila Gale

The Shift With Skip Radio

Come join Skip Jennings on this inspiring experience of prayer and belief with Sheila Gale. Sheila Gale’s daughter was waging a battle against a prolonged mystery illness-wasting away in the hospital attached to tubes and wires. Miserable to see her daughter endure such suffering, the longtime host of the hugely popular The Sheila Show, reached out to her listener base for a desperate favor in the form of prayers.

Inundated with her prayer responses, she read them to Natasha–all 450 of them–and within 48 hours, her daughter was healed and on her way home!

It was this remarkable experience that inspired, a website to unite people who need prayers with those who are so willing to offer them.

Sheila realized that there are many people in need from all parts of the world and from all different religious and theological backgrounds.  They require a helping prayer from time-to-time. Prayer is the great unifier as all of the spiritual pathways believe in the power of prayer. will offer an extraordinary worldwide network for prayer requests to be answered by concerned spiritual seekers and healers from around the globe!

Listen Skip’s interview with Sheila Gale On-Demand – here

Follow Sheila:

Websites: ,

Twitter @thesheilashow


The Lotus Kitchen-Zucchini Pie

The Lotus Kitchen, Zucchini Pie


In a saucepan cook sliced zucchini, sugar, lemon juice, and cinnamon until zucchini is tender (about 10 minutes).


  • 1 1/2 CUPS BUTTER

Mix together the flour, sugar, salt, and butter until crumbly. Pat 1/2 crust mix into 9×13 pan. Bake 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Add 1/2 cup crust mix to hot cooked zucchini mix; cool. Pour over baked crust. Add one teaspoon cinnamon to remaining crust mix. Spread over zucchini filling. Bake at 375 degrees for 35 minutes; cool. Cut into squares.

The Practice:

When we think of pie, we often think of a singular slice of a pie. Yoga is about discovering your wholeness. Like a pie, each slice is essential to create the entire pie. See your mind as a part of the pie, see your body as another part of the pie, and your spirit as the final slice of your wholeness. You are a complete, whole pie of goodness. Today we TK your divine wholeness, and honor how complete you really are.

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