Category: Skip Jennings

The Shift Radio Guest- Author of Fat to Fearless, Asher Fox


asher-foxAsher FoxAsher joins Skip as his guest on “The Shift With Skip” Radio Show to discusses how he built one of the largest personal training businesses and how his battle with food eventually led him to create the most comprehensive arsenal of psychological tools assembled to date to overcome, convert and enroll the subconscious mind in the healing process. Fat to Fearless: Enjoy Permanent Weight Loss and End Emotional Eating…For Good! .

Asher is a pioneer in the integration of several fields of study into a comprehensive therapeutic approach that creates rapid and lasting improvements in the lives of his clients where prior forms of therapy and treatment proved ineffective.

Listen-in and find out why Asher named his book Fearless and why reaching and changing the subconscious –  is so critical. It’s a terrific show!asher-fox-fearless

Listen-On Demand

Skip’s segment with Asher Fox is available On-Demand here 

The ShiftWithSkip Radio shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Asher Fox on his social media pages:

The Shift Radio Guest- Dr. Denee Jordan of Already Well

Skip dives deep into an unconventional approach to therapy with leading clinical psychologist, Dr. Denee Jordan.  We’ll discuss the founding of her; “Already Well” program and how it it answers society’s pull on dictating how we should feel or what we should become. Don’t miss it.  Listen On-Demand

Dr. Denee Jordan takes pride in her idea that we begin where we are when it comes to therapy and life in general. She believes that we all are already well and shouldn’t let society dictate how we should feel or what we should become.

In addition, we’ll look into  Dr. Jordan upcoming performance later this month at the Lounge Theatre in Santa Monica California that focuses her “Already Well” program, Already Well, called ‘I Am Already Well’. Visit her  website at and to see her show please visit Brown Paper Tickets to get yours today.

Listen-in live.

Dr. Denee Jordan has been a practicing psychotherapist for 25+ years. She is both a CA. Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has an extraordinarily broad and varied background as a Mental Health practitioner, lecturer and trainer as well as former professional dancer.

Listen On-Demand

Skip’s segment with Dr. Denee Jordan is available on On-Demand here 

The ShiftWithSkip Radio are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Dr. Denee Jordan on her social media pages:


Twitter @AlreadyWell


This Week’s Meditative Thought – Remember to Remember

remember-to-remember-mediativeWaking up is one thing, but staying awake is a completely different practice. As we approach the end of the first month of the year, we’ll tackle the theme of Remember to Remember for true change.

Remembering to remember our divine self can be more challenging than experiencing “Ah-Ha” moments. Each and every day there are eye-opening insights that activate evolution, but then comes the action required to implement true change.  Once we begin the journey to shift, we must continue the work in order to remember.  This could come from prayer, meditation, sacred study, fellowship, and self-contemplation.  Set the intention to “remember to remember” every day.

For this week’s Remember to Remember Action Plan we want to set the intention to stay awake. A quick mantra can always help: “I am one with God.”  Create your mantra that keeps you on track.  Commit to a practice of aligning yourself with the one power of God.


– Skip

The Shift with Skip Radio Guests- Kathleen Bywater and Emill Kim

emil-kim-700x275          revivejuicerymain-930x340

Skip talks exercise, alternative medicine, how to avoid colds during the height of season and more with Kathleen Bywater of Revive Juicery and Emill Kim acupuncturist on the latest episode of The Shift With Skip Radio.

revivefox-300x168Discover easy ways on how to avoid feeling fatigued, unwell or unmotivated as Emill and Kathleen share their excellent tips into loving your body naturally, fueling it with foods for the soul, and adding exercise can dramatically change your quality of life.

Click here to listen On-Demand


Kathleen Bywater: Founder and Owner of Revive Juicery who’s 100% Locally Grown Organic Produce are made  Unpasteurized into Cold Pressed Juice and Smoothies. Revive Juicery drinks are available throughout Southern California.

Emil Kim: Is a second generation acupuncturist living in Los Angeles, he spends most of his time practicing yoga, studying the intricacies of energetic medicine, and finding ways to live a long, healthy, more efficient life.

Listen to the Shift With Skip On-Demand

Skip’s segment with Kathleen and Emill is available on On-Demand here 

The ShiftWithSkip Radio are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.


Salad, Museums, Walking, Cycle for Survival and more…

A recap of the past week’s highlights:Unknown

The Lotus Kitchen-Cucumber Mint Salad

You will absolutely love the Lotus Kitchen – Cucumber Mint Salad. It’s so refreshing in so many ways, from a main dish on a warm day, to a light palette refresher.  This recipe and more is from my collection of vegan recipes from my upcoming book, the Lotus Kitchen with co-author Gwen Keannelly that combines good vegan eats with a yoga practice.




4 cups chopped cucumber (3 medium sized cucumbers)
2 cups fresh mint leaves, de-stemmed
1 cup fresh cilantro, de-stemmed
1 cup lime juice
1/3 cup grape seed oil
1 cup fresh yellow cherry tomatoes
Raw macadamia nuts, chopped
Fresh basil

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and serve. Serves 4

The Practice: The cucumber is the most perfect food for hydration, nutrients and releasing weight. The practice of yoga also helps release weight and unwanted heavy energy. One of the effects of yoga is building heat within, and allowing the body to sweat out everything we do not need. To balance the body, take the time to hydrate with water and cucumbers.

Mindful Eating Practice: This practice is to be aware that the salad is hydrating, nurturing, and creating a healthy body. With each bite be aware of the water of the cucumber that is hydrating the body. Be mindful of each quenching morsel that is blessing your mouth. Feel the energy that the salad is stimulating within the body. The vibration that is delivered from the food is helping to elevate the vibration of the soul. During the ritual create an affirmation that helps remind you that eating is a practice. For example, “I know my mind, body, and spirit are strong as I eat my cucumber salad.”


The Shift with Skip Radio Guest-Patricia Moreno of SatiLife


Join Skip Jennings on the #ShiftwithSkip Radio Podcast with his guest Patricia Moreno of Sati Life, as they discuss the power of words, mantras and affirmations. Ms. Moreno is the creator and author of The IntenSati Method: The Seven Secret Principles to Thinner Peace.

Patricia Moreno has been training, mentoring and educating people all over the world for over 30 years and created The intenSati Method, a life transforming workout which combines her expertise in fitness, dance, martial arts, yoga, nutrition, meditation and spiritual practices.

She has gone on to create several other workouts, courses, and workshops including  soulyogaSati, warriorSati,danceSati, danceSati and the Sati Life Institute and believes that through conscious, intentional living, a commitment to excellence and the power of love, every person is able to live a life filled with peace, happiness and joy.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Patricia Moreono is available on On-Demand by clicking here.
For information on SatiLife, click here.

My ShiftWithSkip shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST

Follow Patricia Moreno and SatiLift via:


Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Stephen Ewashkiw

Stephen Ewashkiw

International yoga teacher Stephen Ewashkiw is my guest on the ShiftWithSkip radio podcast. Stephen has taught almost everywhere — from Canada, Italy, Sweden to China, Russia, Indonesia and more. He strives to bring the joy of the practice to his students and his classes are a fun, challenging blend of Hatha yoga, alignment, meditation, and Tantric philosophy. Stephen believes a yoga class should involve laughing, learning, and sharing, coupled with the other benefits of yoga – a really incredible workout, getting fit, learning about yourself, being healthy.  In 2013 Stephen and his wife Jane decided to take a few months off and travel the world on their bikes and after 16 months of travel, visited 22 countries, and covering 10,000 miles all on bicycles.

Join us as we talk global yoga, the world bike trip and how those experiences shaped his yoga practice.

Stephen Ewashkiw-china

Stephen Ewashkiw

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Stephen Ewashkiw is available by clicking here.

For information on California Native plants and more visit: Theodore Payne Foundation

For real honest to good Vegan donuts from the Donut Friend visit: here.

Follow Stephen’s Journey via:





Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Happy New Year

HappyNewYear-2015Wishing you a Happy New Year!  2014 was busy year and one that took me across the country and around the world sharing what I love best and meeting both new and old friends.  I’m especially thankful for all my loved ones close and near and my team who keep me sane. I’m also especially grateful to my colleagues and to all of you for the encouragement you showed me this year. Let’s make 2015 and even better one.

In 2015,  let’s think about making promises to yourself. But instead of making a list of specific resolutions, make a promise to yourself that as you go along (living in the present moment) to live the best life that you can. Give yourself the opportunity to experience new things with much less stress. Let this coming year be productive no matter where you are at in your journey. Wishing you a happy and adventurous 2015!

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

Happy Holidays Message

This time of the year is one of my favorites as it encompasses the sacred holidays of light; “Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa”. It’s during these holidays that I encourage you to reflect your inner light to illuminate a world that appears to be shrouded in darkness. With the news seeming filled with dark events let’s embrace with an open heart the elements of the Devine Light of the universes such as: joy, compassion, power, abundance, grace, and prosperity.

This Divine Light lives within all of us and is an illuminating presence that is felt deep within an open heart. This Light was here at the beginning of all time and is with us throughout our lives. Let us tap this Light and share the Love, Joy, Compassion, Oneness, Abundance, and Grace in every situation in our lives. When we surrender to its existence, we will have a purpose, a calling, and our existence can have meaning. During this time remember the reason for the season. Go out and shine your Light.

Wishing you and all your love ones a very festive and happy holidays.


 – Skip

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