Category: Skip’s Blog

The Lotus Kitchen-Vegetarian in the 7th Moon House Rolls

lotus-kitchen-book-300x300Welcome to The Lotus Kitchen, the title of my upcoming book with co-author Gwen and a place where yoga and vegetarian cooking entwine. This week’s recipe is  Vegetarian in The 7th Moon House Rolls. These house rolls make the perfect snack or appetizer and the hot mustard dip  is a natural decongestant, aids in circulation and helps restore bacterial balance. This dish warms you up inside with the heat and flavor of the ginger, garlic, and mustard.

This week’s yoga pairing is Sun Salutation (Suryanamaskara), which is used to heat the body. The Sun Salutation is designed to pay homage to the sun that heats the planet, and to activate our own internal sun from within.

Looking forward to your comments.


Vegetarian in the 7th Moon House Rolls


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 cup carrots, shredded
  • 1 each red and yellow bell peppers, sliced
  • 1 1/2 cups snow peas, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup green cabbage, shredded
  • 1 cup kale, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced
  • ¼ cup fresh cilantro, de-stemmed
  • 2 teaspoons sake
  • 2 teaspoons white wine vinegar
  • 1/4-cup vegetarian hoisin sauce
  • 1 tablespoon chili sauce
  • 1 package pot sticker wrappers
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Peanut or sunflower oil for frying


Heat wok (or stock pot if you are wokless) over high heat until very hot. Add oil then garlic and ginger. Cook for a minute and then add the vegetables and cook about 6 minutes more, stirring frequently. Transfer to a bowl and add sake, rice vinegar and hoisin sauce, chili sauce and cilantro.

To make Moon Rolls, place 2 to 3 tablespoons of vegetable filling in the center of the wrapper. Using your fingers or a pastry brush spread egg all around the edges. Fold in half and pinch the edges tightly. They will resemble little half moons. Wipe the wok clean. Heat 3 cups peanut or sunflower oil on high heat. Drop egg rolls in batches of three and cook for one minute, or until golden brown. Remove with slotted spoon, place on a cookie sheet lined with paper towel to drain oil and serve immediately with dipping sauce.

Dipping Sauce:

  • 3 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 1 inch fresh ginger, finely minced
  • ½ cup apricot preserves
  • ½ cup raspberry preserves
  • 4 tablespoons rice vinegar (and/or sake) In a small bowl whisk together until smooth.

Serve with: Chinese hot mustard. Everyone can create their own dipping sauce by blending the two.


Back-Basics-Sun-Salutation-BSun Salutation (Suryanamaskara) Instruction:

Stand at the front of your mat beginning in Mountain pose. Inhale; raise your arms above the head. Exhale, and hang from the hips to a forward bend. Inhale and lift the chest half way. Step back into plank position. Exhale and lower the body to the mat in a push-up. Inhale to Upward Facing Dog pose. Exhale, and push the body back to a Downward Facing Dog pose. Inhale and lift the heels, then exhale bending the knees, and step or hop forward with both feet. Inhale the chest half way up. Exhale and release the chest to the legs. Inhale the upper body to a standing position, and exhale the arms to Mountain, the first pose. During the Sun salutation, visualize the sun heating your body from the inside out. Also notice that each pose will move you in a complete 360◦ circle.

The Lotus Kitchen-Cucumber Mint Salad

You will absolutely love the Lotus Kitchen – Cucumber Mint Salad. It’s so refreshing in so many ways, from a main dish on a warm day, to a light palette refresher.  This recipe and more is from my collection of vegan recipes from my upcoming book, the Lotus Kitchen with co-author Gwen Keannelly that combines good vegan eats with a yoga practice.




4 cups chopped cucumber (3 medium sized cucumbers)
2 cups fresh mint leaves, de-stemmed
1 cup fresh cilantro, de-stemmed
1 cup lime juice
1/3 cup grape seed oil
1 cup fresh yellow cherry tomatoes
Raw macadamia nuts, chopped
Fresh basil

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and serve. Serves 4

The Practice: The cucumber is the most perfect food for hydration, nutrients and releasing weight. The practice of yoga also helps release weight and unwanted heavy energy. One of the effects of yoga is building heat within, and allowing the body to sweat out everything we do not need. To balance the body, take the time to hydrate with water and cucumbers.

Mindful Eating Practice: This practice is to be aware that the salad is hydrating, nurturing, and creating a healthy body. With each bite be aware of the water of the cucumber that is hydrating the body. Be mindful of each quenching morsel that is blessing your mouth. Feel the energy that the salad is stimulating within the body. The vibration that is delivered from the food is helping to elevate the vibration of the soul. During the ritual create an affirmation that helps remind you that eating is a practice. For example, “I know my mind, body, and spirit are strong as I eat my cucumber salad.”


The Shift with Skip Radio Guest-Patricia Moreno of SatiLife


Join Skip Jennings on the #ShiftwithSkip Radio Podcast with his guest Patricia Moreno of Sati Life, as they discuss the power of words, mantras and affirmations. Ms. Moreno is the creator and author of The IntenSati Method: The Seven Secret Principles to Thinner Peace.

Patricia Moreno has been training, mentoring and educating people all over the world for over 30 years and created The intenSati Method, a life transforming workout which combines her expertise in fitness, dance, martial arts, yoga, nutrition, meditation and spiritual practices.

She has gone on to create several other workouts, courses, and workshops including  soulyogaSati, warriorSati,danceSati, danceSati and the Sati Life Institute and believes that through conscious, intentional living, a commitment to excellence and the power of love, every person is able to live a life filled with peace, happiness and joy.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Patricia Moreono is available on On-Demand by clicking here.
For information on SatiLife, click here.

My ShiftWithSkip shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST

Follow Patricia Moreno and SatiLift via:


Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest- Susan Johnson of the World Peace Caravan


Join us on the ShiftwithSkip Radio Podcast with my special guest Susan Johnson, Director of Operations for the World Peace Caravan 2015. As Director of Operations, Johnson is responsible for overseeing all operations and logistics pertaining to the World Peace Caravan, the World Peace and Health Conference, and the World Peace Concert. Click here to listen.






DECEMBER 15- 26, 2015

World Peace. A dream so big it hardly seems achievable. With wars raging constantly around the globe, we need a voice for peace so loud it can drown out the guns. The World Peace Caravan believes that voice can come from our youth.  Beginning December 15, 2015, the caravan will embark by camel, horse, and foot from Petra, Jordan on a 12-day journey for peace. It will be anchored by two landmark events, the World Peace and Health Conference at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre on the shore of the Dead Sea in Jordan on December 21 and 22, 2015 and the blockbuster Concert for Peace, which will celebrate the end of the caravan in Jerusalem on December 26, 2015. The caravan will create a delegation of young people from around the globe to begin an important conversation about the future that these youth have the power to create.

The WORLD PEACE CARAVAN is founded by the international D. Gary Young Foundation, a 501 © (3) non-profit organization. The foundation is looking for like-minded partners who share in the vision of a world at peace.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Susan Johnson is available on On-Demand by clicking here.

For information on the World Peace Caravan and how you can get involved visit: the World Peace Caravan.

To sign the World Peace Caravan Cease Fire petition, click here.

Follow the World Peace Caravan’s journey via:


Twitter: WPeaceCaravan

Facebook: worldpeacecaravan


Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Illuminated Life

Illuminating Light BulbThis month we’ll focus on “Celebrating Light” and we’ll begin with “The Illuminated Life” as this Week’s Meditative Thought

Living an illuminated life is a journey surrendered to the revealing of God. Every moment, every breath is dedicated to seeing the unfolding of the Divine Mind, not only in our lives, but also in every person, place, or situation that we come in contact with. Once you are aware that we live, move, and have our being in God, this is the beginning of the illuminated life. God is everywhere present, always active, knows all divine things, and is all-powerful, and this is the consciousness of the illuminated life.

Your Action Plan: Today and for the remaining week, live your life with the awareness of God in your life. Live the illuminated life every breath you take. Take a moment and recognize the power that live within you. Awareness is key so today stay awake.

Stepping outside the Black Box: The Power of Invitation by Emill Kim

Anxiously clutching rosary beads in my hand, I walked through the quiet church. Every one of my movement possessed a certain gravitas in the still of this sacred space. This was the church of my boyhood; I had gone to school here, learned my catechism, grown up here, and lost my faith here.

I stood quietly at the foot of the statue of the Virgin mother. I have been a student, a scientist, a doctor, some would say a scholar at times. But here, in this place I was a penitent asking for grace.

In this internal and external space, I felt my energy release.

I wept openly.


There are several expressions.

“We don’t know what we don’t know.”
“We are blind to our own problems.”
“It’s hard to see when you are in the middle of it.”

These are a few common aphorisms that transcend language and culture; The instinctual acknolweldgement of the limits of our perspective coming from our mortal origins.

One of the biggest clinical challenge I have is when someone cannot understand that their lifestyle, fears, and beliefs is the source of their pathology.

That chronic disorders, debilitating pain, lack of healing can comes from a belief structure not rooted in truth but in fear.

If the mind believes something to be true then it will be expressed as truth in their reality. Physical reality starts first in the body. They are a locked self contained black box. Not aware of what they don’t know.


A question, “Why does one meditate?”

There are several answers but one popular response is that it “quiets the mind.” Although a great answer my follow up question is always

“Toward what end?”

There is an esoteric framework that we all hold reverent when practicing traditional spiritual practices. Their ways and promised outcomes we hold sacrosanct and beyond question. After devoting my adult life to studying such phenomena, I have developed a certain amount of pragmatism concerning everything.

The most desirable quality in any and all of my personal practices is efficacy coupled with efficiency.

I need it to work.
I need my efforts to affect a desireable change.

Thinking in the black box does not do this.
The self contained system is self referential.


I posed this question to my friend, Ken, a highly gifted intuitive and one of the few people I have met who has used their gift to live a very comfortable life. Ken, once a civil servant, started developmenting his intuitive skills in adulthodd and began using his insights and impressions in both his investments in stocks and real estate. Coming from a relatively small humble start, he has reached a point in his life where he has amassed a considerable amount of wealth.

He told me the reason he meditates is to see things that is hidden from his mortal perspective. The goal of his meditation is reaching a particular point of resonance where he feels connected to the universe (or the collective unconscious). In that space he opens himself (asks) for information and insight.

This is a far cry and much different practice than thinking about nothing and performing triangle pose. Ken is explicitly connecting to the source with the intent of transcending his small self to connect to the larger Self.


Our lives are on a path created by our lives up to this point.
The readjustments and recalibrations of this path are continually made but solely by our own manipulation of information.

As I’ve already described, some people are on paths of pain, suffering, and misery that are caused by misinformation. Their recalibrations are based on a narrative that has perpetuated illness. Although I can provide information to help them to change their course, their cognitive filter can also be altered by fear, ignorance, weariness, and closed energy


As I sat weeping in the church, I could feel the weight of the intents imparted into this space, the collective reverance, my own connection, hit me strongly. In that moment, my personal moment connection, I asked to be given grace.

Grace isn’t a particularly Catholic or Christian term, it is the invitation of our larger essence into our lives. When we set an intention for something good to come into our lives, we are asking for enormity of what we are to channel into our existence for our to receive our hearts longing.

This is grace.

My friend Ken had shown me that meditation was more than ‘thinking about nothing.’ It was an invitation for the cosmos, universe, God consciousness, collective unconscious, God, Allah, Ascended masters, angels, whatever, to come into our lives to provide special insight and wisdom.

If the overt spirituality of this is disagreeable, then we call call it the subconscious or collective mind. Whatever the case, when we are lost, feeling powerless, or just completely confused about our life path, journey, this is a good moment to ask for:

The spiritual non-sequitor.

Insight that comes from “left field,”

Something beyond the black box of our body, of our community, of our humanity, of our known world, to come grace us with energy and a glimpse of our divinity.


In those moments of inhertied fear, doubt, anger, and uncertainty, I have made it my practice to take a deep breath and ask for help. The more I have been asking, the more I get a response. It’s been frankly wonderful but,

This takes practice.

Although a very powerful tool, it takes practice to,

Admit that you don’t know.
Surrender control.
Ask for wisdom.
Recognize the connection.

These blog post is my way of saying thank you for my gifts of grace.
These blogs are more than an invitation to you into something larger.
They are are reminders to recognize your connection.

Ernest Holmes, noted spiritual philosopher, once said,

“It is the nature of the Universe to give us what we are able to take.
It cannot give us more.
It has given all, we have not accepted the greater git.”

To receive more, sometimes you just have to ask for more.
Give an invitation and accept the invitation.
Reach out and you’ll be met halfway 


Emill (aka Dr. Kim).

Vegan Recipes – Lotus Kitchen – Curried Quinoa

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Today’s Vegan recipe, Curried Quinoa, is from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen with Gwen Kenneally. Curry powder is famously known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In addition to the health benefits this dish is a textural delight. The crunch of slivered almonds, the chewy raisins, the snap of green peppers and the sweetness of the peas offer a pleasing and harmonious dance on the palate while the protein in the quinoa satisfies the need for protein.

In addition, most of the recipes in the book are paired with a practice and yoga balance piece and this one has one at the bottom of the recipe.



P.S. Liked a recipe, let me know via my facebook page.

Curried Quinoa

• 2 cups quinoa
• 4 cups water
• 1/2 cup slivered almonds, toasted
• ½ cup raisins
• 2 large tomatoes
• 4 carrots, grated
• 1 cup sweet peas
• 1 green bell pepper
• 4 teaspoons curry powder
• 2 teaspoons chili powder
• 1 teaspoon cumin
• ½ cup cilantro, chopped
• Kosher Salt

In a good sized pot sauté quinoa kernels in a little bit of olive oil for 4 minutes, then pour in water, cover and let boil 15 minutes until absorbed. Cut up vegetables while you wait. When water is absorbed, fluff with a fork and add spices, vegetables (except for shredded carrots and cilantro), almonds and raisins. After stirring a good 30 seconds on heat, remove, dish into bowls, and garnish with carrots and cilantro. Serves 4-6

The Practice:

Quinoa is a fairly mild and bland grain until it’s seasoned. Curry is a hot spicy powder that you would likely not eat on its own.  Separately they don’t work, but together they are the culinary Yin-Yang, balancing each other perfectly. Yoga is all about recognizing the balance.  In a twisting lunge, you can feel the battle between stretching and strengthening.  While one side is stretching the other side is releasing into a deep stretch until finally there is a realization that there is no battle at all, just the expression of pure balance.

Twisting Side-angle Pose (Parsvakonasana) Instruction:  Coming from Warrior 1, place the hands into Namaste also knows and Anjali mudra (AHN-jah-lee MOO-dra) the praying hand position (hand over the heart).  Lift the torso and twist towards the opposite side of the body, crossing the elbow over the knee, continuing to expand the twist by looking toward the sky.

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Know Better

For today’s affirmation you’ll meditate and affirm that you are the master of your destiny and filled with infinite possibilities. Find a spot and take a second and let yourself breathe. And so you are, and so let it be. Amen

Today’s Body Connection: As the season continues to cool we must begin to see that our own transformation begins with awareness. It could be the first moment of the crisp Fall morning when we put on our shirt and notice that it doesn’t fit or those pair of jeans are just a smidgen too tight and we tell ourselves that the “dryer monster” purposely shrunk our clothes. The honest truth is that we know better. It’s time to get moving and stop making excuses. It’s time to “put downs and push a ways.” Put down the smartphone and push away from the table. Today is your day to transform your life and it begins with a walk, a jog, hitting the mat, to move and the start of a new the awakening.

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip


Happy New You and One of Ten Golden Rules for Transformation


The New Year has come! What I say to that, is happy new you. Welcome to the new school of thought from 2014 boo! This is the time I want all of you to think about what are the things that you would like in your life. It can be anything you want, from a new job to a new way of life, whatever your heart desires. You can have it, and you deserve it. I mean it! It all starts with you.

To kick off the New Year in 2014, I have a new book coming out that I would love to share with you all here. The book is called Total Transformation and in this book I go into great detail about my ten principles of transformation and how they can be applied to our everyday lives. I use these principles with my clients and ultimately within my own life. The book will be released sometime this spring and I wanted to share a little preview with you for the next ten weeks.

In each chapter of the book, I give growth work exercises. Feel free to write these down and begin your transformational journey with me each week and pick up the book as well for more growth work and tips. 

Check out the excerpt below:



What is the meaning of success?

            Let’s talk about success. I always say that you have to ask the big questions. Let’s make sure we are thinking big. I want you to think big and remove any limitations.

The big question is: What are your goals, desires and intentions for your life?

Will these things change? Yes. And as we grow, our desires, goals and intentions will expand and change. This comes from any of the trio: your mind, body or spirit. The thought can be anything from finding a new job, to finding a new love.

Growth work: If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

The Power of Giving Back

givingbackWell need to give back, it doesn’t matter how we do it as long as we find ways to incorporate the action into our lives. When we give back, we are creating an energetic force that wraps itself around us and flows from one person to the next.

When we give back, five things will happen:

  1. You will realize you’re not alone
  2. You will be giving back to yourself, because we are part of the collective.
  3. We empower others to give back; it’s like a domino affect.
  4. You increase your vibration of goodness around your own personal feeling.
  5. When you give back, you up level your ability to receive blessings.


On The Shift Radio this week, we had a wonderful guest who harnesses her creative ability to give those who are suffering form breast cancer a voice. Liliana Komorowska recently directed the documentary entitled, Beauty & The Breast that follows nine women throughout their experience with breast cancer. The movie connected so many underlying themes, addressed many different important issues and raised awareness of breast cancer throughout an array of communities.

The movie did a phenomenal job of connecting with multicultural women and let them know that they are not alone. We learned that there can be laughter and peace in a time of struggle and hardship all the while learning not to be afraid and take the plunge to be happy—there was even some skydiving in there. But skydiving was a little too much for me. Like my friend Rob Gallo said, “why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?”

The film brought breast cancer awareness not only to women but to men as well, because we know that both men and women can be affected by breast cancer. Men are contracting this disease and it affects many people around the world and we should all know about it.

IMG_0275Cycle for Survival’s team Pasadena is coming at you again this year strong in the fight against rare cancers. I loved participating in this event last year, coming together with hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. to help support cancer research.

cycle for survivalThis event brings the community together, helping to change the world by helping fund cancer research of all kinds allowing people who cannot afford the treatments gain access to clinical trials, top-notch treatments and more. If you or anyone you know has ever suffered from cancer, here’s your chance to support the team race against the big C. Click here to donate.

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