Articles Tagged with: Book

The Shift Radio Guest – Kelly Johnson

This week’s guest is Kelly Johnson, coauthor of Feeling Great: Creating a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm, and Contentment. She joins Skip as they talk shifting the way you take control of your life and live it to the fullest, contented. Kelly Johnson has worked in the publishing industry for many years reading, selling and marketing other people’s books. When the opportunity to write Feeling Great with Peter Vegso and Dadi Janki came along, it was an unexpected honor. Johnson gratefully lives near the sea in Satellite Beach, Florida, writing and doing the work she loves.

Feeling Great is a complete guidebook that offers a simple blueprint for a lifelong embodiment of true contentment. Feeling Great, Creating a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm and Contentment (HCI Books), by a triad of leading wisdom keepers–Dadi Janki, Peter Vegso, and Kelly Johnson–lets you really OWN a permanently elevated state of mind and way of life.

Click Here to Listen in LIVE on April 22nd at 10am PT.





New Classes, Practice, Sexy Radio, Lotus Kitchen, Peculiar Children

Some blog highlights of the past week

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

– Skip

Book Review – “Alchemist”

Book The AlchemistI am loving this book! The Alchemist, by Brazilian-born author Paulo Coelho, was first published in 1988 and originally written in Portuguese. Now in over 56 languages,  it’s one of the most inspiring stories of our time. This book takes you on a journey of enlightenment and is a must read for sure. The Alchemist follows the journey of a shepherd boy named Santiago. Who’s recurring dream leads him to believe that it’s prophetic and who then decides to travel to a Romani in a nearby town to discover its meaning. A gypsy woman tells him that there is a treasure in the Pyramids in Egypt. The story winds us through an adventure that teaches us, as only a few stories can, about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, learning to read the events of our lives strewn along life’s path, and, above all, to follow our dreams.

I can’t recommend it enough

– Skip

It’s available via Amazon and Goodreads

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