Articles Tagged with: breathe

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – The Journey

The Journey

I always say, “Transformation is a journey with no destination.” As we’ve reached the end of another week the real challenge of “Our Journey” is finding the joy on your voyage to a healthy lifestyle. The movement and vibration you put into your transformation will be the deciding factor on how you participate and your return. Let’s face it, change is ongoing, so why not make the most of it?

So for our Body Connection this week get on up, move, shake, dance, and groove. Infuse your workouts with an attitude of Joy and Positivity. Your body is affected by your energy. The vibration you choose will influence your results.

Today’s Affirmation: Find your quiet place and center yourself and just for this breath…just for this moment, travel the road of transformation, reminding yourself to grow and be your true authentic self. And so say. ” I am, and so I let it be”. Amen

Have a terrific weekend!

– Skip

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Download Directions of the Devine

Download Directions of the Devine

Skip Jennings AffirmationI hope that you all have been meditating on our theme this week. “Download Directions of the Divine I posted Monday. LOL No worries, it’s here to ponder. We’ll continue the theme moving it into the weekend with our Body Connection.

There have been times during a run when I have received great insight about my life. In fact, many of my Aha moments have been “downloaded” during a workout. I’m a strong believer that the activity of movement creates a clearer mind for thoughts to be received and processed. I encourage everyone to get up and move, take a walk, run, to sweat a little. The physical practice can be a conduit for new ideas to flow and for contemplation to take place. During your strength-training session, yoga, run, cycle any workout time, ask a question that you have been pondering for a while. Or you can simply ask, “What insights about me do I need to learn today?” Trust that all things are connected and can lead to a deeper awareness of self if we are open and willing.

Friday’s Affirmation: Take a moment from the bustle of the week and the start of the weekend to affirm. Ready? Just for this moment… just for this breath, I download my divine direction for transformation and I live my life’s purpose. Amen

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip


Friday Affirmation – Just Breathe…

If you were in my morning class today you saw my T-shirt. It’s a customized tee that I had made for me for my CARES Corporate Wellness Workshops. On the front I had the words “just breathe” I love this simple and easy action that provides me the perfect reset I need when all of life’s little and big things come knocking.  So for today’s Affirmation Celebration, go ahead and….”Just Breathe”  taking as much air as your can and slowly release…. Do this three times, now don’t pass out OK.. and feel the restart of creating a new spiritual journey. Reminds yourself that you live the newness of God that is your life. 

Peace and Blessings,




Today’s Body Connection:  Your body-temple is the perfect expression of the Law of Circulation: what freely goes out always comes back to you.  You cannot exhale without an inhale.  During cardiovascular training, the harder you work, the more you will experience this law in action.  The more you increase your efforts, the deeper you must breathe to increase your lung capacity.  The more energy you exert while lifting weights, the more energized you feel when you’re done. Remember, you are spiritual law in the flesh.  During your training, connect with the Universal Presence; be mindful of the energy that circulates.

Today’s Meditative Thought: We cannot breathe in, without breathing out.  Allow your spirit to freely circulate.  What you send out is what you will receive.  This is the law of the Universe.  Remember, only send out only the good stuff.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, remember the “law of circulation” is happening every moment.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember that what I send out is God’s love; therefore that is what I receive.  Amen


Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

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