Articles Tagged with: mindful eating

The Shift Radio Guest- Author of Fat to Fearless, Asher Fox


asher-foxAsher FoxAsher joins Skip as his guest on “The Shift With Skip” Radio Show to discusses how he built one of the largest personal training businesses and how his battle with food eventually led him to create the most comprehensive arsenal of psychological tools assembled to date to overcome, convert and enroll the subconscious mind in the healing process. Fat to Fearless: Enjoy Permanent Weight Loss and End Emotional Eating…For Good! .

Asher is a pioneer in the integration of several fields of study into a comprehensive therapeutic approach that creates rapid and lasting improvements in the lives of his clients where prior forms of therapy and treatment proved ineffective.

Listen-in and find out why Asher named his book Fearless and why reaching and changing the subconscious –  is so critical. It’s a terrific show!asher-fox-fearless

Listen-On Demand

Skip’s segment with Asher Fox is available On-Demand here 

The ShiftWithSkip Radio shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

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Today’s Journaling Question – Mindful Eating

Today’s journaling is an extension of this week’s radio show topic on Mindful Eating with my guest, author Margaret Marshall. I have three questions that will revolve around the topic of mindful eating.

1. Are you mindful of what you are eating? Do you know what you put in your body effects the way you live. Are you aware of how a candy bar or piece of fruit affects your body?

2. What can you do shift the way you are eating today? Change your routine, smaller portions, exercise?

3. What does food mean to you? is it nourishing your body temple, a way of celebration, dealing with your stress? Why do you eat?

Get honest with yourself. Remember that journaling is not about sharing, but for yourself.

– Skip



Today’s Body Connection:  Remember, it is your willingness that sets your transformation into action.  Whenever you train your body, there must be a willingness to be stronger.  Give yourself permission to be healthy and whole.  Use your go-ahead to catapult yourself into the transformation.  Today, as you work out, say your manta, “I give myself permission to be whole.”  Be willing to eat the best foods that support your life of fitness.  When you allow yourself to be fit and healthy the Universe will support you to the fullest. Your yes affirms who and what you are, so, today, say yes.

Today’s Meditative Thought:  Remember, allowing the energy of transformation is always stronger than our intentions. When we give ourselves the permission to be okay, we will be.  Not until we say yes will the shift become real.  Open your mind and free your thoughts; you have the authority to be the highest expression of the Universe.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, remember to be willing.  It is our willingness that is the key that unlocks the door of transformation. Your mantra for today is, “I give myself permission to be okay.”  Try it and than journal about it.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember to be willing to transform.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: “Remember” Day 26 – “God Is Bigger than Your Appetite”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: “Remember” Day 26 – “God Is Bigger than Your Appetite”

Today’s Body Connection:  Remember, God is bigger than any craving.  When we trust our higher power to support our intentions, miracles happen.  Sometimes, when our intentions seem impossible, we must turn to a divine force to see us through.  Live above the facts and the situation.  Shift your consciousness from how much weight you need to lose to how perfect your inner being is.  There is a divine space in you that can never be harmed or changed.

Today’s Meditative Thought:  Allow God to be bigger than your problems.  We can turn everything over to the Universe and allow it to work on our behalf.  Nothing is too great for God to handle.  When the road of life gets bumpy, we can breathe easy; God’s got this one.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, remember to make God bigger than anything in your life.  When a thought comes to mind, right after say, “God’s bigger than that.”

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember to be bigger, and shine brighter, than my paradigm.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”



Today’s Body Connection:  How many times have you talked yourself out of a training session simply by saying, “I can’t.” If you say you can’t do something, you are right.  The truth is, you can if you are willing.  Each workout begins with the simple belief that it is ‘accomplishable.’  When you begin to trust yourself to cut calories, you will begin to eat mindfully.  When you free yourself from the “I can’t” attitude, everything is possible.  Remember, your positive attitude will make every workout enjoyable.

Today’s Meditative Thought:  Allow old habits to be put to death.  In yoga, the last pose is the “corpse pose.”  We die in the practice because it is finished; time to let it go.  What are you holding on to that is dying a long, slow death?  Free yourself, then raise up a new creation, with a new purpose.  Remember, the power is within you.  You can free yourself by letting go of the people, places, things, thoughts, and habits that no longer serve you.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, remember that which is dying, is dying for a reason: it no longer serves you. Time to identify what you need to let go.  Start with the body-temple.  If your language and thoughts are not kind and loving, it is time to release them.

Today’s Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I remember to free myself with Love.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach
For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Surrendering – Day 27 “Surrender to Absolute Power”

DAILY TRANSFORMATIONAL NUGGETS FOR THE BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT: Surrendering – Day 27 “Surrender to Absolute Power”

The Body Connection:  When we are mindful of what we put into our bodies, we begin the process of surrendering to God.  Mindful eating accounts for 65% to 75% of health and fitness, and our journeys are fueled by what we eat.  What we consume will affect the way our body acts, moves, and feels. A simple rule of thumb is if you want to feel alive, eat living foods.  The nature of the Universe is perfect and absolute, so nature provides everything we need to survive.  Live food has the nutrients we need for healthy living.  Also, if we want to burn fat, we must burn calories.  Eating less and being active is the key.  Your eating is a spiritual experience if you allow it to be.  Eat with a purpose; mindfully nourish the body-temple and commune with your higher self.  Every morsel of living food comes from Source, designed to support you on your journey.

Meditative Thought: True power comes from surrendering to an absolute presence that is greater than our human incarnation. As you begin to grow spiritually, you will see that everything returns to God.  Every situation is an opportunity to remember that the answer always lies within you.  Connect with the Universal presence that is your essence. Allow the Universe to be the solution to all your challenges.

Today’s Action Plan:  Today, make God bigger than your problems.  When you become overwhelmed with all the things that are required for your personal transformation, remind yourself that God is bigger than all of this and that you are supported.  Today, use affirmations to keep you on track.


Affirmation:  Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am one with God, and I am blessed.  Amen

Skip Jennings, ALSP, CPT
Licensed Spiritual Counselor/Personal Fitness Trainer/Transformation Coach

For more information about spiritual counseling, fitness training, or life coaching visit:

Get your copy of “Spirit Explosion”

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