Articles Tagged with: music

Mango & Blueberries, Water Fun, Train with Me and some Music

This past week’s Blog highlights


– Skip

Music – ShockWave Master Series Music Soundtrack

Shockwave Master SeriesShockWave Master Series Music Soundtrack:
This pumped up music soundtrack will help you get your workouts done a lot faster than you ever thought you could. Don’t worry about anything when you have a track pushing you and giving you support from start to finish. I personally worked with our special trainers to put this together. This is what we all use to keep our classes going. Pick up your copy here.

Music – PowerMix Cardio Zen

skipjenningspm_cardiozenelevation-180My Cardio Zen Elevation Music Mix is the prefect blend of music for mixing up HIIT and Stretch Intervals. The high energy music will take you on a journey, designed to get your heart-rate up, but also giving the perfect time to rest and recover in the Zen Zone! Click here to sample the tracks or buy.  Let me know what you think!

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

 Looking for something that works with yoga? Try my Yoga-Zen-Elevation  Powermix


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