Articles Tagged with: Skip Jennings

Monday Meditative Thought – Embrace The Challenges

This week we tackle head-on challenges before us. When life seems to give us hiccups and U-turns, we blame our circumstances, placing us into a victim mode. We even blame ourselves for allowing the situation to take place.  We can be our greatest critics during our most crucial periods. During these challenging times, learn to love yourself deeply. These moments of what appears to be a test from the universe, is only a time of faith building.  These are the times God invites us to turn inward and allow God to do its thing.  

I have found that these are the times I need to be extra loving. I must love myself through the hard times. During your dark night, I invite you to fall in love with yourself again. Date yourself again. Treat yourself like a new love interest filled with passion and desire. Love is the only thing that shifts your vibration.


2014 IDEA World Fitness Convention – Save $30 with Coupon PIPCA14+Jennings

IDEA_world_2014Want to attend THE fitness event of the year? I’m offering an exclusive offer to all fitness pros and more to attend the 2014 IDEA World Fitness Convention, August 13-17 in Anaheim, CA. Save $30 OFF on your 1-day or full registration price. Plus, I will also be presenting. Hurry! register before the price increase Friday, June 27th. Use Coupon Code PIPCA14+Jennings . Register now and Lock-in the Lowest Rates. 

Monday Meditative Thought – Healing to Revelation

This week we focus on one of the definitions of humility which is to be teachable. 

Sometimes through sickness, heartache, and pain, true transformation happens.  In my experience, some of my greatest revelations have appeared to me when I was experiencing some type of ‘dis-ease.’  The times I laid in bed, body feeling weak, with a slight fever, I could have asked, “God why me?” But I have learned to ask, “What is it you want me to learn from this experience?”  From that point, other questions can be asked, “What’s to be revealed during this time?”  What am I willing to release during this experience?  As Earnest Holmes has written, “There is nothing to heal, only to reveal.”  Our approach to our challenges is key; if we are willing and open to new Ah-Hah moments to take place, they will.  My mother always says, “What doesn’t kill us make us stronger.”  That is only true if we invite revelations through our healings.  And then we can truly know the meaning of “nothing to heal only to insight to be revealed.” 

“Spirit Explosion” now available on Kindle & iBooks!

Front Cover Spirit Explosion2000px

Kindle and iBook Edition

Kindle and iBook Edition

You’ve requested it and now I’m so thrilled to announce that my book, “Spirit ExplosionA Time for God, Love and Transformation, is now available on both the Kindle and iBooks platforms. It’s now easier than ever to start reading “Spirit Explosion” on your Kindle or Mac or iOS device.

Kindle Edition

iBook Edition

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

The Shift With Skip Radio – Mike Garson

Shift with Skip - Mike GarsonMike Garson of Music Heals Project

Join us as we dive into the future of music and medicine with Mike Garson. Best known as David Bowie’s pianist, Mike Garson’s liner notes also includes working with such critically acclaimed bands as Nine Inch Nails and Smashing Pumpkins to name a few.

Now teamed up with Dr. Christopher Duma, a Newport Beach physician who does brain surgery routinely (with rock music piped into the operating room), he is applying his music creativity via his “Music Heals Project”, to find new treatments for brain cancer and other neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s with the power of music. Join me as we delve into medicine and music therapy in a unique and fundamentally different way. 

 Click here to listen

Tune in to the Shift With Skip Radio Show every Wednesday’s  9am PT

IDEA World Fitness Convention 2014

You are invited!

IDEA World Fitness Convention 2014
Aug 13-17 Anaheim, CA

IDEA_world_2014Join 12,000 fitness pros from over 60 countries and partake in 360+ sessions presented by the most knowledgeable, innovative and motivating leaders in the fitness industry. I’ve been asked to present this year and invite all of you to join me in for the fun. Plus it would be great to have my team there for support!

Below are the days and times of the courses that I will be presenting.  

Don’t forget to use PIPCA14+Jennings to receive your $30 off your full or 1-day registration. Register now and Lock-in the Lowest Rates. 


Thursday Aug 14th

Yoga D.A.N.C.E
Thursday, 7:00-7:45am
Yoga is the pathway to our higher self. When it is achieved, we see an elevation in the mind, body, spirit and within our lives. This is an experiential approach to the practice of…

Schwinn® Cycling: Rock Stars, Preachers and Party People-How to Win in the New Era of Coaching
Thursday, 8:10-10:00am
Co-Presented with:  Julz Arney, and Jeffrey Scott

To teach a truly unforgettable ride, you must be more than just a good coach. To be an addictive, inspirational instructor, you need to discover and amplify your personal style…

Schwinn® Cycling Presents Skip Jennings’ Favorite Ride: Rhythm Revival
Thursday, 2:00-3:50pm
We all want to know what the experts are saying, playing and doing in their classes, and here is your chance! Join Skip Jennings for a unique and memorable ride filled with…

Friday Aug 15th

ShockWave Circuit: The Most Efficient Total-Body Workout in the World!
Friday, 10:10am-12:00pm
Co-Presented with: Julz Arney, Gregg Cook, Josh Crosby, Amy Dixon, Paul Katami, Keli Roberts, and Doris Thews Don’t miss your chance to learn to teach the ultimate group fitness workout. Build community, interaction, competition, retention and adherence with ShockWave Circuit. It&…

ShockWave Circuit: The Most Efficient Total-Body Workout in the World!
Friday, 2:00-3:50pm
Co-Presented with: Julz Arney, Gregg Cook, Josh Crosby, Paul Katami, Jeffrey Scott, and Doris Thews Don’t miss your chance to learn to teach the ultimate group fitness workout. Build community, interaction, competition, retention and adherence with ShockWave Circuit. It&…

Saturday Aug 16th

The Yoga Groove
Saturday, 1:30-3:20pm
Looking to put a little spice in your vinyasa? Unleash the power of music to enhance your yoga class. Step out of the traditional mind-body sounds, and flow to the vibration of…

Schwinn® Cycling Presents the All-Star MPower™ Super Ride
Saturday, 3:40-5:10pm
Co-Presented with:  Julz Arney, Gregg Cook, Amy Dixon, Keith Irace, Keli Roberts, Jeffrey Scott, Doris Thews, Tatiana Kolovou, and MB
Grab your spot quickly for this indoor cycling celebration taught by our most popular master instructors. Discover the thrill of training with wattage, RPM, heart rate, calorie thumping…

For the full list of 350+ sessions click here

Friday Affirmation – Remembering Memorial Day

We end this week with the beginning of Memorial Day Weekend. For many it’s the official start of summer with the pools, trips, bbq’s and fun.  Memorial Day was once called Decoration Day for the placing of flowers on fallen soldier’s grave after the Civil War. The practice of decorating soldiers’ graves with flowers is an ancient custom. Many towns throughout the country still celebrate it like this. Traditionally celebrated on May 30th, Memorial Day officially moved to the 4th Monday in May in 1967.

I would like to wish you all a terrific Memorial Day and start of summer, please drive safely where ever your journey takes you to family or friends. I also ask you as your Friday affirmation to send a prayer to those Veterans who have lost there lives in the service to our country.

Peace and Blessings,


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