Articles Tagged with: Skip Jennings

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest- Susan Johnson of the World Peace Caravan


Join us on the ShiftwithSkip Radio Podcast with my special guest Susan Johnson, Director of Operations for the World Peace Caravan 2015. As Director of Operations, Johnson is responsible for overseeing all operations and logistics pertaining to the World Peace Caravan, the World Peace and Health Conference, and the World Peace Concert. Click here to listen.






DECEMBER 15- 26, 2015

World Peace. A dream so big it hardly seems achievable. With wars raging constantly around the globe, we need a voice for peace so loud it can drown out the guns. The World Peace Caravan believes that voice can come from our youth.  Beginning December 15, 2015, the caravan will embark by camel, horse, and foot from Petra, Jordan on a 12-day journey for peace. It will be anchored by two landmark events, the World Peace and Health Conference at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre on the shore of the Dead Sea in Jordan on December 21 and 22, 2015 and the blockbuster Concert for Peace, which will celebrate the end of the caravan in Jerusalem on December 26, 2015. The caravan will create a delegation of young people from around the globe to begin an important conversation about the future that these youth have the power to create.

The WORLD PEACE CARAVAN is founded by the international D. Gary Young Foundation, a 501 © (3) non-profit organization. The foundation is looking for like-minded partners who share in the vision of a world at peace.

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Susan Johnson is available on On-Demand by clicking here.

For information on the World Peace Caravan and how you can get involved visit: the World Peace Caravan.

To sign the World Peace Caravan Cease Fire petition, click here.

Follow the World Peace Caravan’s journey via:


Twitter: WPeaceCaravan

Facebook: worldpeacecaravan


Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Setting Intentions

As we mentioned earlier in the week, January is a natural month for setting new intentions in our lives. This also includes setting intentions for the body. To set this intention you must be willing to declare what condition you are looking to achieve. This transformation does not necessarily have to do with weight, but how you view your body temple. Setting intentions and the quest in transformation begins with setting this goal. Remember this truth: an external shift is temporary but an internal transformation is lasting. This year, focus on setting these internal intentions to embrace your desires. Be open to receiving and recognizing your wholeness, divinity, and self-love.

This week’s Affirmation:  Take a moment out of your schedule and begin with 2-3 deep breathes. Breathe in deeply and then slowly release. On the last one, exhale deeply and imagine yourself pushing the restart in your mind to create a new spiritual journey.

Peace and Blessings

– Skip

The Lotus Kitchen – Vegetable Stock

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

My latest recipe, a vegetable stock is from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen, with Gwen Keannelly. It’s a vegan cook book that combines good eats with a yoga practice. The beauty of a good vegetable stock is that you can really use any combination of vegetables and herbs that you like. Some strict vegetable stocks can lack the “richness” of a traditional stock, so we lovingly lace this one with seasoning. You can also modify and add ginger, lemon grass and dried Chinese or shitake mushrooms for an Asian flair. For a Southwest/Mexican feel, add diced jalapeno or Serrano chilies and lots of fresh cilantro.

Peace and blessings,

– Skip

The Lotus Kitchen Vegetable Stock


4 carrots, chopped
4 celery stalks, chopped (including leaves)
3 tomatoes, chopped
1 medium sweet potato, peeled and chopped
1 scallion, chopped
1 red onion, chopped
6 cloves garlic, chopped
Juice of one lemon
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon thyme
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon Herbs de Provence
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 cup white wine
10 cups water

In a large soup pot combine all ingredients and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and cover and simmer for one hour. Strain the stock and toss the solids. You should get about 10 cups of vegetable stock. You can freeze half for use at a later time. Or you can freeze in ice cube trays and pop out single servings as needed for sauces.

yoga-pose-tadasana-mountain-poseThe Practice: When a recipe requires a lot of chopping we have to stand tall with a strong core. Mountain pose delivers the core strength to face many of life’s challenges. Harness the qualities of the pose while prepping your soup stock. Strength. Power. Longevity. Height.  These are the qualities of your divine self.  As you stand tall and prepare this dish, connect with the mountain strength that is your life.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana) Instruction:  Stand tall at the top of your mat, feet hip distance apart, spread the toes to create a strong base.  Draw the shoulders away from the ears and open the arms while spreading your fingers.

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Stephen Ewashkiw

Stephen Ewashkiw

International yoga teacher Stephen Ewashkiw is my guest on the ShiftWithSkip radio podcast. Stephen has taught almost everywhere — from Canada, Italy, Sweden to China, Russia, Indonesia and more. He strives to bring the joy of the practice to his students and his classes are a fun, challenging blend of Hatha yoga, alignment, meditation, and Tantric philosophy. Stephen believes a yoga class should involve laughing, learning, and sharing, coupled with the other benefits of yoga – a really incredible workout, getting fit, learning about yourself, being healthy.  In 2013 Stephen and his wife Jane decided to take a few months off and travel the world on their bikes and after 16 months of travel, visited 22 countries, and covering 10,000 miles all on bicycles.

Join us as we talk global yoga, the world bike trip and how those experiences shaped his yoga practice.

Stephen Ewashkiw-china

Stephen Ewashkiw

Listen On-Demand

My segment with Stephen Ewashkiw is available by clicking here.

For information on California Native plants and more visit: Theodore Payne Foundation

For real honest to good Vegan donuts from the Donut Friend visit: here.

Follow Stephen’s Journey via:





Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – Setting Intentions

© M B / Attribution-ShareAlikeNamed after Janus, the Roman god who is associated with doorways, beginnings, and transitions, January is the perfect and natural time for setting intentions; to be more, to stretch, and to grow. To start, it is important that you be willing to expand your mind, body, and spirit. This week, today, at this moment begin remembering that each day is a new day, each moment is a new moment, each breath is a new breath. Use this new day to grow and be more than you ever thought you could be.

This Week’s Action Plan: Walk through the doorway of intentions and start again. Create your own restart button and realize that you part of power eternity that God has set you on.  Take time to meditate on the newness of each breath, moment, and day.  All this week, take that step and look toward setting intentions and seek the freshness of God, and refresh your life.

Peace and blessings,

– Skip

The Lotus Kitchen – Party Miso Soup

My latest recipe from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen is Miso Soup. New Years seems to be a perfect time to make this great meal. For over 2,500 years miso has been a staple in Chinese and Japanese diets, where most people greet their day with a warm bowl of miso for breakfast to energize their bodies and stimulate digestion. Miso is a powerful detoxifier containing essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. You can make this soup for a crowd or you can store it in the refrigerator and enjoy a hot cup in the morning before you begin your yoga practice.

8 cups water
1 inch fresh ginger, finely chopped
1 cup Shiro miso (a fermented soybean paste)
Bunch of scallions, thinly sliced
1-cup firm tofu, chopped 1/4 of an inch

Bring 7 ½ cups of water and ginger to a boil. Whisk miso and 1/2 cup water in a small bowl until smooth and whisk into soup. Add tofu and scallions and simmer for a few minutes before serving. Serves 8-10

The Practice: The healing properties of Miso bring you back to a state of equilibrium as does the classic yoga pose Downward Facing Dog. It is a perfect pose to rest, so we may begin again. When the practice brings you to fatigue, remember Downward Facing Dog and the perfect equilibrium.

Downward Facing Dog Pose(Adho Mukha Svanasana) Instruction:  From a kneeling position place hands and feet on the mat and lift the hips toward the sky to create the perfect upside down V shape.  Hands should be shoulder width apart and feet hip width apart, spreading fingers and toes to create a strong base.  While practicing Downward Facing Dog, create a mantra or chant that states that you are whole and renewed. Create an affirmation that affirms your healing is taking place now. For example: “My body knows how to heal itself and I am open and will allow it to be.”

Happy New Year

HappyNewYear-2015Wishing you a Happy New Year!  2014 was busy year and one that took me across the country and around the world sharing what I love best and meeting both new and old friends.  I’m especially thankful for all my loved ones close and near and my team who keep me sane. I’m also especially grateful to my colleagues and to all of you for the encouragement you showed me this year. Let’s make 2015 and even better one.

In 2015,  let’s think about making promises to yourself. But instead of making a list of specific resolutions, make a promise to yourself that as you go along (living in the present moment) to live the best life that you can. Give yourself the opportunity to experience new things with much less stress. Let this coming year be productive no matter where you are at in your journey. Wishing you a happy and adventurous 2015!

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

Happy Holidays Message

This time of the year is one of my favorites as it encompasses the sacred holidays of light; “Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa”. It’s during these holidays that I encourage you to reflect your inner light to illuminate a world that appears to be shrouded in darkness. With the news seeming filled with dark events let’s embrace with an open heart the elements of the Devine Light of the universes such as: joy, compassion, power, abundance, grace, and prosperity.

This Divine Light lives within all of us and is an illuminating presence that is felt deep within an open heart. This Light was here at the beginning of all time and is with us throughout our lives. Let us tap this Light and share the Love, Joy, Compassion, Oneness, Abundance, and Grace in every situation in our lives. When we surrender to its existence, we will have a purpose, a calling, and our existence can have meaning. During this time remember the reason for the season. Go out and shine your Light.

Wishing you and all your love ones a very festive and happy holidays.


 – Skip

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Celebrating the Light

This week we prepared for the holidays with a focus on “Celebrating The Light” as our Meditation and Action plan. We end the week by taking that meditation message further with our Body Connection.

The Need To Move!

To really begin celebrating the light we need to move. So let’s move, shake, and take that dance, yoga, spin or  jogging class. That’s right, NO more excuses, because there will ALWAYS be a reason not to go. ALWAYS. As a trainer and fitness instructor for 20+ years I’ve heard it all and the most common excuse that people give for not working out is, “I have no time”.

Brothers and sisters, let me be straight with you….Time isn’t the problem; it’s the management of it that’s the problem. Have you heard yourself say this, “When I feel better I will start to work out.” The problem with this excuse is the fact that it is in the future, not the present. Unless of course you are suffering a 102F fever or under a doctors orders to limit exercise, then please stay home. Otherwise take a minute to circle “one day” on the calendar;


On this “One day” you commit to not jump ship. So say with me….It’s time to stop making excuses and get moving. I LOVE this quote by Wayne Gretzky, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take“. If we begin to live a better life, we begin taking those shots and sure we’ll miss some, but we also will make some too. The time to make the shots is today. Allow your inner light to shine. No more excuses.

This week’s Affirmation: Just for this moment…just for this breath…..breathe… taking in the message and exhale…..breathe again and say to yourself I am the experience of Light that is my being. God’s Presence fuels my life and I am a blessing to all I meet and today I begin making my shots.

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip

Vegan Recipes – The Lotus Kitchen – Fresh Zen Spring Rolls

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

Skip Jennings & Gwen Keannelly

This week’s Fresh Zen Spring Rolls recipe comes from my upcoming book with Gwen Keannelly, “The Lotus Kitchen”. This book intends to offer more than just a gingerly curated collection of healthy and boldly flavored recipes; it’s a culinary journey fused with a spiritual component that encourages you to explore an engaged and meaningful pathway to empowerment through yoga and enhance your existing practice with thoughtful food preparation and mindful eating.  Who doesn’t like spring rolls? They are the perfect finger food that satisfies that hunger pang or main course companion.

Fresh Zen Spring Rolls

8 sheets rice paper (6 inch rounds)
1 bunch cilantro
32 basil leaves
1 red pepper, thinly sliced
1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced
2 carrots, thinly sliced to long ribbons
16 ounces cooked tofu, thinly sliced
1 small head red cabbage, thinly sliced to long ribbons
½ cup peanuts, chopped

Arrange equal amounts of tofu and vegetables in eight separate piles. You will follow this procedure with each of the eight wraps. Moisten the rice paper either by brushing a thin layer of water or simply sprinkling a little water with your fingers. The key is to make the stiff rice paper more malleable. Place the cilantro and basil leaves in the center of the circle. Add the cabbage, red pepper, green onion, carrots and tofu. Sprinkle the chopped peanuts over the vegetables. Fold rice paper in half, then fold over the sides and roll tightly from the bottom up. Slice the roll in half on the diagonal and serve with peanut sauce. Serves 8.

Peanut Sauce 

2 cups crunchy peanut butter
½ cup fresh lime juice
½ cup fresh orange juice
¼ cup soy sauce
1/2 cup rice vinegar
3 tablespoons crushed red pepper
2 inches fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
5 cloves garlic
½ cup fresh cilantro

Mince the garlic and ginger. In the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade add the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth. You can add less pepper if you are shy about the kick. Taste the sauce and add more soy and peppers to suit your taste. Add more orange juice for desired consistency. Add the fresh cilantro just before serving. You can either serve it warm or at room temperature.

The Practice: Like the Fresh Spring Roll creation, there are many unique parts of the body temple. In yoga we begin our practice by becoming aware of our body temple. We gently awaken our body as we invite all parts of self to participate in and benefit from the experience. Ginger, citrus, soy and cilantro all subtly awaken the palate while the peppers startle with power.  There are over 1,400 varieties of ginger and its healing properties are legendary. Welcome ginger to quiet rumbly stomachs, thwart a summer cold or even ease the discomfort of osteoarthritis. Red peppers are high in Vitamin A and stimulate circulation.

Mind Awareness Mediation Instruction:meditation

The body awareness meditation can be done two ways:

1. In a seated or standing position connect your mind and thoughts to one body part.  As you think about the body part, breath deeply and become aware of how it feels.  Send thoughts of healing and loving energy to that particular area and continue the body is feeling whole and complete.

2. The meditation can also be done by taking a moment to contract or squeeze each body part, starting with the hands, moving up the arms and then moving to the thighs and legs, repeating until the body is alive and awake.  Like the first option, empowering thought and mantras, along with breathing, will enhance the meditative practice.

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