Articles Tagged with: Thank you

Happy Thanksgiving

skip-200x200Celebrating Thank You and Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving or what I like to call Happy Gratitude Day. As we begin to gather and celebrate this beautiful day of thanks, let us remember of all the things in our life that we are thankful for and that is good. In my experience, we are truly grateful when we realize that it is never about what we can get it but it’s always about what we can give. Remember, if we are truly grateful for life’s manifestation it’s easy and graceful. Be mindful though that although the attitude of gratitude is great be especially mindful to practice it beyond Thanksgiving.

It’s as easy as saying “thank you”

My life as a transformational coach is exciting and filled with miracles as I get to connect with many different people that touch me in so many ways. I just want to take a moment and say thank you for making such a positive part of my life and those of my team. From myself and the team at Mind Body Spirit Solution we wish you a very safe and wonderful Thanksgiving and we look forward to being with you together during this holiday season.

Peace and many blessings,

– Skip

Thanksgiving Meditative Thought

A thanksgiving decoration sign over a white backgroundMeister Eckhart wrote, “If the only Prayer you said in your life was ‘Thank You,’ that would suffice.” This month we’ve been meditating on an affirmative prayer. As we enter Thanksgiving week we’ll continue with affirmation and discuss faith; faith that it is done. By saying thank you it becomes the affirmation of the appreciation for God and its infinite expression of giving. The more we say thank you, the more we affirm to be thankful for.

This week’s Meditation Action Plan: Seek out and affirm to say thank you every chance you get.

Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving,

– Skip

Affirmation Friday – Gratitude is the Attitude!

_DSC0511This week marks a special week as I celebrated my 50th Birthday. At first I was going to go low-key until my momma called late last week and convinced me otherwise. In her wisdom she said it’s a big one, go have fun. Wise words. And so, here I am….celebrating life. I want to give out a very, very, big shout out to all of you who have sent their best wishes, love, kind words and celebrations with cake. You all are the reason I do what I do and I am truly blessed for the support you have bestowed upon me through and through. I’m looking forward to a terrific next-halve of my life adventure. Whose’s coming with me boo?

– Skip

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