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The Shift with Skip Radio Guest: (Replay) Angela Nissel

It’s more than the ‘skinny jean boo’ it’s transformation of the mind body and spirit. This week join Ana and Skip as they interview TV Producer, screenwriter and comedy writer Angela Nissel author of the “Mixed: My Life in Black and White” and “The Broke Diaries.”  Take 30 minutes to tune in and get your laugh on.

Tune in here on 3/25 at 10 am PT.

Movie Recommendation-Patch Adams (Remembering Robin Williams)


If you haven’t seen this film in particular of Mr. Robin Williams’ then you need to sit down, turn on the Netflix and watch it. We need to remember the people in our lives that made our hearts soar and our bellies ache from laughter. This film is one of the big staples in Robins’ career as an actor. He brought an icon to life. This film is based on a true story and deals with depression and a silver lining through it all–patient care. As doctors, many of the things they need to remember is take care of their patients with more than just medicine, but caring and emotion. It takes that extra big step to be more than just a good doctor, but an amazing human being. Robin Williams captures the essence in this every day life when he made all of us laugh and cry along with him. We will remember him best through his films.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – The Grace of Meditation

The Grace of Meditation

This week’s meditative thought is one of the Grace of Meditation. Meditation allows us to see one of God’s greatest gift we have, Grace.  I like to say that meditating is like getting a front row seat and seeing God’s Grace in action.

Unfortunately, this gets fuzzy as the time for meditating competes with the lifestyles of our modernity. The Facebook posts, the commitments we schedule,  even the lawn that needs cutting…. All of these “distractions” distance us from this Grace. Thus the importance of practicing meditation. For the more we practice and immerse in meditating the more we see the gifts of Grace. So take a moment to make it about you and meditate. The terrific thing is you don’t need a special room. Do it right there at your desk, on the treadmill, on that coffee break and yes even while you cut that lawn.

This Week’s Spiritual Assignment

All this week, after your meditation, ask the Universe to reveal itself and help you recognize the Grace that is your life. Take the time to journal your experiences.

Have a blessed week,


Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – What is Fellowship

Ending a week with an affirmation is always an excellent way to end a week and at cleansing your soul. They are most effective when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance.

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I embrace a fellowship with the Love consciousness. I live toward my greatest potential and life is good. Amen

Peace and Blessings,


Movie Recommendation-The Imitation Game

This film is one of those based on historical events films that we all love. When it comes to Keira Knightley and English film that depicts WWII this lady is a gem and offers the best supporting acctress role for the lead, Benedict Cumberbatch.

This is the film that depicts a mathematicians fight for a new technology that would help the allies win WWII with his invention of a machine that could crack the Enigma Code.

This breakthrough was the one that essentially won the war. The film is riveting and does a wonderful job of capturing the emotions that come with a situation as delicate as this with the world’s pressure on this man’s back with the odds against him. If you haven’t seen this one yet, it’s high time you go.

The Shift with Skip Radio Guest-Kathleen Bywater and Emill Kim

Listen in as Skip talks exercise, alternative medicine, how to avoid colds during the height of season and more with Emill Kim an acupuncturist and Kathleen Bywater of Revive Juicery.  Learn all about healthy living and more.

There are many things that we can do for our bodies that can keep us from constantly feeling fatigued, unwell or unmotivated. It all begins with a health plan. Loving your body naturally, fueling it with foods for the soul, and adding exercise can dramatically change your quality of life.

Listen in here on 3/18 at 10 am.

The Lotus Kitchen-Curry Zucchini Soup

Curry Zucchini Soup

There are many different curries, all rich in distinctive flavors from all parts of the world. The familiar golden yellow powder found in Western culture includes coriander, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek, cinnamon and chili peppers. Ingredients in most curries help ease digestion, burn fat and are rich in anti- oxidants. And the flavor? Like no other.


In a large stockpot, saute the zucchini and green onions for 5 minutes over medium heat. Add the remaining ingredients. Simmer for 30 minutes. Puree in batches and return to the pan and heat through. Serves 4–6.

The Practice: The common curry has medicinal uses. It has been used for thousands of years to heat up and cure a variety of ailments from stom- ach cramps to throat infections. Just as curry heats and heals the body, a principle of yoga called Tapas heats the body through physical practice to purify, cleanse and heal. Set the inten- tion that healing can and will be acti- vated as you taste the delicious meal and participate in the blessed practice. One of the poses that activates healing within is the Wide-legged Forward Bend Pose. It helps to drain the impu- rities from the body, releasing all the unwanted toxins into the bloodstream so that we may ultimately release them completely from the body. This pose also realigns, rebalances, and soothes your mind and body by calming your energy.

Wide-legged Forward Bend Pose (Padottanasana) Instruction: Spread your legs to a wide straddle position. Slightly bend your knees and hang forward from the hips. Draw in and squeeze your abdominal wall, keep- ing your hips as high as possible. Place your hands on the floor to support your upper body, releasing your head toward the floor.

This Week’s Meditative Thought – What Is Fellowship?

What is Fellowship?

skip-200x200Many associate the word fellowship as a church social function between people over a meal. The Greek’s used the word koinonia, which Theologian Henry Thayer defines as -“fellowship, association, community, communion, and joint participation” (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 352). It describes the state of “association” or “joint participation.

Fellowship is a relationship that goes far beyond the church halls or the causal “How are you doing?”. It’s a deeper connection and intimacy with God that that requires time; being present, and which requires a willingness to want to know someone or something. When we make a commitment to fellowship, we are willing to put in the attention it requires.

Your Spiritual Assignment

Today, journal and ask yourself, “Are there areas where I can have fellowship?” “Is there something holding me back from fellowship?”  No pressure, take time to journal what comes up and release the fear and be willing to step into intimacy within.

Have a blessed week,


Trying Faux Meat, Prayer, Meditation, Silence, Staying Positive and more..

Shola Richards, guest

Shift With Skip Guest: Shola Richards

Skip’s Weekend Affirmation – What Is Prayer

Affirmations are always an excellent Skip sittingway to end a week and at cleansing your soul. They are most effective when they hold some type of truth or resonance for you. So steel away your moment to breath and find that resonance.

Just for this moment…just for this breath, I am the prayer that is praying me and all is well. Amen

Peace and Blessings,



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