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Monday Meditative Thought – Renew the Mind

Meditating on the Power of Renewal. 

True transformation is shifting the way we think and to do that we renew our consciousness with the practice of meditation, affirmation, and prayer. It is our thoughts that get in the way of truly knowing our oneness with the divine. This week we continue building on this theme of transformation from download direction and know better and look to renewing the mind. “And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” — Romans 12:2

Your “Renew The Mind” Action Plan: Throughout the week aim in meditation is to be still and quiet in your thoughts so that you may hear God. Begin to renew your mind within the “upper room” of your soul. This is an active practice of connecting what you are doing with what you are thinking and feeling.

– Skip

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Download Directions of the Devine

Download Directions of the Devine

Skip Jennings AffirmationI hope that you all have been meditating on our theme this week. “Download Directions of the Divine I posted Monday. LOL No worries, it’s here to ponder. We’ll continue the theme moving it into the weekend with our Body Connection.

There have been times during a run when I have received great insight about my life. In fact, many of my Aha moments have been “downloaded” during a workout. I’m a strong believer that the activity of movement creates a clearer mind for thoughts to be received and processed. I encourage everyone to get up and move, take a walk, run, to sweat a little. The physical practice can be a conduit for new ideas to flow and for contemplation to take place. During your strength-training session, yoga, run, cycle any workout time, ask a question that you have been pondering for a while. Or you can simply ask, “What insights about me do I need to learn today?” Trust that all things are connected and can lead to a deeper awareness of self if we are open and willing.

Friday’s Affirmation: Take a moment from the bustle of the week and the start of the weekend to affirm. Ready? Just for this moment… just for this breath, I download my divine direction for transformation and I live my life’s purpose. Amen

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip


The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Heather Gillis

Heather Gillis Author and radio guest on The Shift With SkipLife can sometimes lead us to unexpected places and leave us broken, desperate, and hurting. This week’s guest is author and BowenHope founder Heather Gillis who resides in Phoenix with her two children and husband, Mac. They help found Bowen’s Hope, after the death of their son Bowen to polycystic kidney disease (PKD), 13 days after his birth. PKD is a condition that’s fatal in babies under a year old.  Join Skip as we discuss how we deal with the pain of loss.

heather-gillis-bookWaiting For Heaven” Proceeds from the sale of Heather’s book benefit Bowen’s Hope.


My segment with Heather Gillis is available On-Demand here. All of The Shift With Skip Radio Shows are broadcasts live at 10AM every Wednesday’s, Check my events page on my radio page for the latest upcoming guests or to listen to past shows On-Demand.

Monday Meditative Thought – Download Directions of the Devine

This week’s meditation thought will focus on what I like to call the triple “D’s” or the “Download Directions of the Devine” Much like the multitude of gadgets that aim to keep us focused, we should also tune ourselves for insight and revelations to help us focus our shift and transform our lives. This Download Directions of the Devine is attained via a practice of prayer, meditation, and sacred study.  Take a minute, two, five or what you can spare and start. It is through these Aha moments that give us the opportunities to be present and awake and ask God for the insights you need to change your life.

This week’s Action Plan: All this weeks look for divine guidance for transformation or triple D’s. Taking those moments you set aside and begin contemplating your next steps via prayer, meditation and sacred study, and begin to outline the goal plus obstacles needed to overcome that which you are seeking.

Peace and blessings,

– Skip

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Know Better

For today’s affirmation you’ll meditate and affirm that you are the master of your destiny and filled with infinite possibilities. Find a spot and take a second and let yourself breathe. And so you are, and so let it be. Amen

Today’s Body Connection: As the season continues to cool we must begin to see that our own transformation begins with awareness. It could be the first moment of the crisp Fall morning when we put on our shirt and notice that it doesn’t fit or those pair of jeans are just a smidgen too tight and we tell ourselves that the “dryer monster” purposely shrunk our clothes. The honest truth is that we know better. It’s time to get moving and stop making excuses. It’s time to “put downs and push a ways.” Put down the smartphone and push away from the table. Today is your day to transform your life and it begins with a walk, a jog, hitting the mat, to move and the start of a new the awakening.

Peace and Blessings,

– Skip


Vegan Recipes – Lotus Kitchen – Raw Thai Coconut Soup

lotus-kitchen-book-300x300Today’s Vegan recipe, Raw Thai Coconut Soup continues focusing on “Raw” theme. Organically grown raw and living foods provide high-quality nutrition while naturally supporting both proper digestion and a well-functioning immune system. Eating these life-giving foods helps to alkalize the body, a key factor in building excellent health. Today’s recipe is from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen with Gwen Kenneally. Almost all of the recipes in the book are paired with a practice and yoga balance piece and this one has one at the bottom of the recipe.

Raw Thai Coconut Soup

Thai cooking is lively and aromatic and this soup is no exception. The coconut, ginger and garlic play nicely off the heat of the peppers. It’s at once complex and simple, not unlike a vibrant yoga practice.

2 young coconuts
1 cup cherry tomatoes
1 avocado
1 clove garlic, peeled
½ inch fresh ginger, peeled
1 teaspoon mustard powder
½ teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons soy sauce
Juice of two limes
3 Red Thai Chili Peppers


1 cup cilantro, chopped
2 cups of tomatoes, diced
1/3 cup of red onion, diced

Slice the coconuts in half and pour the juice into a large bowl. Scoop out the flesh and place in the bowl. Liquefy all ingredients with an emersions blender. Pour into bowl and garnish with cilantro, tomato and onion before serving. You can also use a traditional blender by placing all of the ingredients and liquefying. Serve room temperature. Serves 4

The Practice: Soup that is cool to the touch but heats presents opposition; once you taste it you will know true balance.

Yoga Balance: Some think our mind and body are separate, but as we practice yoga we learn to yolk our body and mind together. That is the main intention of the yoga practice. Recognize that you are one with your mind and body in all of your practice

The Shift With Skip Radio Guest – Carolyn Gervais

Dr. Carolyn GervaisJoin me, as I have Dr. Carolyn Gervais, author of I Dreamed I Was Human: Awakening from the Illusion, on The Shift With Skip Radio to discuss how human life connects with soul and spirit. An ordained spiritual psychologist, certified hypnotherapist, Dr. Gervais has a Masters in holistic nutrition, and has been a professional singer for more than 20 years. She is also a regular contributor to the Sedona Journal.

Join me- Skip


I dreamed I was human


My segment with Dr. Gervais is available On-Demand here. All of The Shift With Skip Radio Shows are broadcasts live at 10AM every Wednesday’s, Check my events page on my radio page for the latest upcoming guests or to listen to past shows On-Demand.

Yoga Joes: Classic Green Army Men Doing Yoga


Dan Abramson, brogamats, yoga joes army men

Yoga Joes

I saw this one of our team’s posts and one DoYouYoga and LOVED IT. It’s from the brain child of Dan Abramson, the creator of “Brogamats,” a line of yoga gear aimed just for men, such as yoga mat bags to carry your yoga mat such as the lumberjack bag, downward facing log, burrito bag and more. Dan’s mission through Yoga Joes is to inspire veterans and people, mostly men, who like the military should to try out a little yoga. Yoga Joes are brilliant and as he says, he loves  making a violent toy peaceful.

Yoga Joes will come in green or hot pink, and $20 for a set ($10 for veterans or active-duty military). The initial figures will include such poses as; warrior two, child pose, meditation pose, headstand, cobra pose, downward facing dog, with a stretch goal of having tree pose, crow warrior one. I’ve added the Kickstarter video below and you can visit Dan’s kickstarter page here.

Monday Meditative Thought – Know Better

Monday’s Meditative Thought: The answer is always the same: Most of us have forgotten our connection to God. The late Maya Angelo’s used to say, “We can only do better if we know better,” is our pathway to transformation. You are the master of your existence and only you can transform your life. You have and will always have the power within you. Transformation is an inside job that can only be achieved by you. Once you begin to take responsibility for your life, will you see the growth.

This week’s Action Plan:
This week focus on becoming the master of your existence and take charge of your life. Take a moment before your day and practice, and own it. You know better so you will do better. Ask yourself during your workout or you meditation, “How can I do better?”

Friday Affirmation and Body Connection – Lessons

We end our week building on the meditation of Lessons from Monday. This week we close the theme with an Affirmation and body connection revolving around lessons. Begin by finding a place, settle your mind. Let’s begin by breathing and remembering to awaken and to live to your highest potential. Embrace the lessons of life and stand strong and in spiritual authority. Amen

Today’s Body Connection: Remember, when you exercise, what is your mindset? Do you find your workouts challenging, hard to enjoy and tedious or are they fun, enjoyable, and filled with insights? I invite you to see each training session as a time for mental and spiritual growth. Every workout is a lesson of your personal strength and power. When you finish your session, celebrate the achievement. Your completion is a testament to how amazing you truly are.   Every time you finish another mile, or the last repetition in the set, or the final crunch, that is the perfect time to let out a big, fat yes. Today, you have accomplished your intention to be better, stronger, and more of you. And that is one of the greatest lessons we can ever learn.



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