Category: Movies

Movie Recommendation-McFarland USA


This is a feel good sports film that will inspire you, like many Kevin Costner movies tend to do. Now that there’s Disney behind the whole thing get ready for a tear jerker and motivational big film to get you in the mood to get up off your butt and do more for yourself. This isn’t a life changing film, however it does shed light on some underprivileged kids and communities that find their passion for a sport is their way out into the world of magic and dreams.

Check out the trailer right here and tell us what you think when you’ve had a chance to see it on twitter @ShiftWithSkip.

The Shift with Skip Radio Guest: (Replay) Angela Nissel

It’s more than the ‘skinny jean boo’ it’s transformation of the mind body and spirit. This week join Ana and Skip as they interview TV Producer, screenwriter and comedy writer Angela Nissel author of the “Mixed: My Life in Black and White” and “The Broke Diaries.”  Take 30 minutes to tune in and get your laugh on.

Tune in here on 3/25 at 10 am PT.

Movie Recommendation-Patch Adams (Remembering Robin Williams)


If you haven’t seen this film in particular of Mr. Robin Williams’ then you need to sit down, turn on the Netflix and watch it. We need to remember the people in our lives that made our hearts soar and our bellies ache from laughter. This film is one of the big staples in Robins’ career as an actor. He brought an icon to life. This film is based on a true story and deals with depression and a silver lining through it all–patient care. As doctors, many of the things they need to remember is take care of their patients with more than just medicine, but caring and emotion. It takes that extra big step to be more than just a good doctor, but an amazing human being. Robin Williams captures the essence in this every day life when he made all of us laugh and cry along with him. We will remember him best through his films.

Movie Recommendation-The Imitation Game

This film is one of those based on historical events films that we all love. When it comes to Keira Knightley and English film that depicts WWII this lady is a gem and offers the best supporting acctress role for the lead, Benedict Cumberbatch.

This is the film that depicts a mathematicians fight for a new technology that would help the allies win WWII with his invention of a machine that could crack the Enigma Code.

This breakthrough was the one that essentially won the war. The film is riveting and does a wonderful job of capturing the emotions that come with a situation as delicate as this with the world’s pressure on this man’s back with the odds against him. If you haven’t seen this one yet, it’s high time you go.

Movie Recommendation-Disney’s Cinderella

10710877_10152375997956193_5617944333811482258_nI don’t know about you guys, but when I saw this photo for the feature length real life film of a childhood favorite, Cinderella I thought, holy cow they’re using actors from my favorite show Downton Abbey! I absolutely love English films for their humor more than anything else. Plus, much of the time (in Downton Abbey) in particular, they have a touch of the classic times. The case looks amazing and how could you go wrong with,
‘A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.’ This film is a dream come true.

I know many of us have seen the latest film adaptation of Into the Woods and there was a little Cinderella there, but this is definitely the one you want to see. I personally love concentrated fairytale stories. This is one of the most highly anticipated of Disney’s in a  long time. Let’s see what magic they can do to this one. Let us know when you see it and what you think of it. It pops into theaters on the 13th!

Check out the trailer here.

Movie Recommendation-Still Alice

MV5BMjIzNzAxNjY1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDg4ODQxMzE@._V1_SX640_SY720_This film, Still Alice, tugs at the heartstrings and wakes you up to the terrible possibility of a neurodegenerative disease called Alzheimers. No one wants to talk about it, what happens to people when they are overcome by something that is out of their control such as Alzheimers. The scariest thing that this film will portray, is what happens to younger people who are overcome with Alzheimers when they had no idea they were at risk to start with.

In this film, Julianne Moore plays Alice Howland, a linguistics professor who is happily married with three children, who comes to find she has early onset Alzheimers. This woman is frightened, worried about her memories and her relationships with her family. There are limited days with a disease like this and they are all waiting for the day when she will no longer remember what she once was or the love she shared with her family. There’s a reason why Julianne Moore won the Oscar for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role for Still Alice, it’s a must see film!

– Marie

Rated PG-13
Director Richard Glatzer, Wash Westmoreland

More Info: Still Alice



Movie Recommendation – Kingsman The Secret Service


For an alternative those of you who didn’t feel like seeing Fifty Shades of Grey, Kingsman The Secret Service is likely to be a lot more fun and won’t require you to blush as much. Kingsman is one of those come hither, James Bond-ish type films full of Colin Firth swag you have been waiting for.

The story revolves around Gary “Eggsy” Unwin (Taron Egerton), whose late father secretly worked for a spy organization, and who lives in a South London housing estate with a life seemingly bound for one behind bars. However, dapper agent Harry Hart (Colin Firth) recognizes potential in the youth and so recruits him to be a trainee in the secret service. Meanwhile, villainous Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) launches a diabolical plan to solve the problem of climate change via a worldwide killing spree. Everyone loves a spy movie with some old fashioned style and a twist of new world action to it. The best part of Kingsman The Secret Service, is that it’s been one of those films teased for the last couple of years. Full of action, fancy cars and some funny English humor, Kingsman delivers. I give it four stars easy for the entertainment factor. However, there is a bit of blood spatter so for the queasy ones… just be careful.

Rated R
Director Matthew Vaughn

More Info: Kingsman, The Secret Service


Movie Recommendation – Seventh Son

Seventh SonOkay so first, look at that face. Just look. Who isn’t in love with Ben Barnes? Okay, maybe just me but he was a pretty good reason to go see it right? He was wonderful in the dramatization of the novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, as Mr. Gray. But in Seventh Son?

The movie premise is cool since it was based on the popular novel; The Spook’s Apprentice (titled The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch in America) by Joseph Delaney. The story centers on Thomas Ward, a seventh son of a seventh son, and his adventures as the apprentice of the Spook. Unfortunately, the visuals leaned a little too much like Hansel and Gretel if you ask me. Then there was the acting which wasn’t so great, personally I couldn’t understand one word that the main star, Jeff Bridges, was saying. His muffled voice through out the movie made it difficult to enjoy the movie when I was trying to decipher his speech. My vote on Seventh Son? It was entertaining to a point, but definitely not worth the $13 to see it in theaters. Wait until it’s on Redbox or streamed on Netflix or Amazon. 

Seventh Son

– Marie

Movie Recommendation – Interstellar

Interstellar - the movie recommendationInterstellar will blow your mind! I thought seeing this one was going to be like any other end of the world movie, but this one is not about big asteroids and things external to our world but things that we as human beings are causing our Earth. This film will enlighten you about global warming and the population problems. It’s not by any means meant to be informative in the true information sense, but it aligns nicely with what’s happening to our Earth and what the possibilities could be for us to find life on other planets so that we too can jump ship if necessary.

One of the major themes throughout Interstellar is our responsibility to take care of our world. Be forewarned, this movie will make you tear up. Human relationships are so important and this film makes the concept of time that we spend with one another that much more meaningful. Go see this one!

– Marie

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