Category: Skip’s Blog

The Shift with Skip Radio Guest: (Replay) Angela Nissel

It’s more than the ‘skinny jean boo’ it’s transformation of the mind body and spirit. This week join Ana and Skip as they interview TV Producer, screenwriter and comedy writer Angela Nissel author of the “Mixed: My Life in Black and White” and “The Broke Diaries.”  Take 30 minutes to tune in and get your laugh on.

Tune in here on 3/25 at 10 am PT.

Movie Recommendation-Patch Adams (Remembering Robin Williams)


If you haven’t seen this film in particular of Mr. Robin Williams’ then you need to sit down, turn on the Netflix and watch it. We need to remember the people in our lives that made our hearts soar and our bellies ache from laughter. This film is one of the big staples in Robins’ career as an actor. He brought an icon to life. This film is based on a true story and deals with depression and a silver lining through it all–patient care. As doctors, many of the things they need to remember is take care of their patients with more than just medicine, but caring and emotion. It takes that extra big step to be more than just a good doctor, but an amazing human being. Robin Williams captures the essence in this every day life when he made all of us laugh and cry along with him. We will remember him best through his films.

The Lotus Kitchen-Curry Zucchini Soup

Curry Zucchini Soup

There are many different curries, all rich in distinctive flavors from all parts of the world. The familiar golden yellow powder found in Western culture includes coriander, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek, cinnamon and chili peppers. Ingredients in most curries help ease digestion, burn fat and are rich in anti- oxidants. And the flavor? Like no other.


In a large stockpot, saute the zucchini and green onions for 5 minutes over medium heat. Add the remaining ingredients. Simmer for 30 minutes. Puree in batches and return to the pan and heat through. Serves 4–6.

The Practice: The common curry has medicinal uses. It has been used for thousands of years to heat up and cure a variety of ailments from stom- ach cramps to throat infections. Just as curry heats and heals the body, a principle of yoga called Tapas heats the body through physical practice to purify, cleanse and heal. Set the inten- tion that healing can and will be acti- vated as you taste the delicious meal and participate in the blessed practice. One of the poses that activates healing within is the Wide-legged Forward Bend Pose. It helps to drain the impu- rities from the body, releasing all the unwanted toxins into the bloodstream so that we may ultimately release them completely from the body. This pose also realigns, rebalances, and soothes your mind and body by calming your energy.

Wide-legged Forward Bend Pose (Padottanasana) Instruction: Spread your legs to a wide straddle position. Slightly bend your knees and hang forward from the hips. Draw in and squeeze your abdominal wall, keep- ing your hips as high as possible. Place your hands on the floor to support your upper body, releasing your head toward the floor.

Movie Recommendation-Still Alice

MV5BMjIzNzAxNjY1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDg4ODQxMzE@._V1_SX640_SY720_This film, Still Alice, tugs at the heartstrings and wakes you up to the terrible possibility of a neurodegenerative disease called Alzheimers. No one wants to talk about it, what happens to people when they are overcome by something that is out of their control such as Alzheimers. The scariest thing that this film will portray, is what happens to younger people who are overcome with Alzheimers when they had no idea they were at risk to start with.

In this film, Julianne Moore plays Alice Howland, a linguistics professor who is happily married with three children, who comes to find she has early onset Alzheimers. This woman is frightened, worried about her memories and her relationships with her family. There are limited days with a disease like this and they are all waiting for the day when she will no longer remember what she once was or the love she shared with her family. There’s a reason why Julianne Moore won the Oscar for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role for Still Alice, it’s a must see film!

– Marie

Rated PG-13
Director Richard Glatzer, Wash Westmoreland

More Info: Still Alice



The Shift Radio Guest-Shifting from Veggie to Vegan with Mark Reinfield and Sarah Taylor

Join us this week on the Shift with Skip as we replay one of our best episodes, all about Vegan cooking and learning to change your ways, if you so desire.

Have you ever thought about becoming a vegetarian and giving up meat all together? What if we said go one step further and give up every type of animal product so that you can live a fuller and cleaner life inside and out? Sarah Taylor and Mark Reinfeld are here to help steer you in the right direction easily, by showing you what the benefits of giving up milk and eggs are. Check out their latest book called Vegetarian to Vegan, available on Amazon where you can read all about the way livestock are treated, how food is prepared from slaughter house to shelf and maybe you too will want to make the switch.

Tune in here.

The Lotus Kitchen-Quinoa Burger

This week’s recipe and yoga thought from my upcoming book, The Lotus Kitchen, is a delicious Quinoa Burger and for yoga practice we’ll explore to know thyself taking an adventure within. Each week I’ll showcase new recipes that explore and engage the meaningful pathway to empowerment through food and yoga. Stay tune next week for another recipe and more.

Quinoa’s superfood status is solid and researchers have recently taken a close look at certain antioxidants.  Compared to cereal grasses like wheat, quinoa is higher in fat content and can provide valuable amounts of heart-healthy fats like monounsaturated fat (in the form of oleic acid). Quinoa can also provide small amounts of the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) too! Enough of the science talk, let’s make it.

Quinoa Burger

  • 1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa
  • 1 cup hummus
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 10 basil leaves, chopped
  • 2 sprigs thyme, chopped
  • Pinch cayenne pepper, to taste
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 6 burger buns
  • Mixed greens to dress burger
  • Avjar Sauce

Blend all ingredients in a bowl or food processor. Divide burger mix into 6 equal portions and form into 4-inch patties. Grill on medium heat 5 minutes each side, until browned and firm. Place patties on buns and top with avjar and mix greens. Serves 6

Homemade Avjar

  • 8-12 fresh red paprika (mild or medium-hot, to taste)
  • 4 medium-size eggplants
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 1 large onion, minced
  • 3 large garlic cloves, chopped
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • ¼ cup parsley leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Roast the paprika and eggplants in a preheated 475 F oven until the skin is blistered and darkened, approximately thirty minutes. Remove from oven and place the now roasted vegetables in a paper bag and let them steam in their own heat for 10 minutes. Peel off and discard the burnt skin along with the stems and seeds. Mash the peppers and eggplant pulp together to form a slightly chunky mass. You can do this with a fork or in a food processor. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a large skillet and sauté the onion until very soft. Add garlic and cook for 2 more minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the pepper-eggplant pulp, mixing well. Slowly drizzle the remaining oil into the mixture, stirring constantly to incorporate all of the oil. Add the lemon juice, parsley and salt and pepper to taste.

The Practice

This quinoa burger is a real treat. We often associate burgers with gatherings of family and friends and the informal joy of eating something a little messy with our hands. It is so important to enjoy life and indulge in the delights the Universe has in store for us. We must be willing to take the time to experience what we love when it come to food and when it comes to yoga. What’s your favorite pose? What your favorite type of yoga? Who is your favorite yoga instructor? The practice is simple; approach your practice as if it was an expression of joy. Do what you love. To know what practice activates happiness, you must be willing to get out there and explore. Exploration is a practice. To know thyself you must be willing to take an adventure within.


The Shift Radio Guest Kristina Tester

Kristina Tester is Skip’s guest on #TheShiftWithSkip

A 2014 graduate of Harvard University, with degrees in African and Global Health, Kristina Tester is the founder and executive director of So Others May Learn, a non-profit organization based in Zimbabwe and Uganda. So Others May Learn is dedicated to providing bright and motivated students in sub-Saharan Africa with the opportunity to further their educations through comprehensive scholarships that support them through their four years of secondary school.

Currently, Kristina works as a program coordinator and research assistant for the Division of Global Health and Human Rights at Massachusetts General Hospital. While at Harvard, Kristina worked as the student director for one of the Division’s programs, the Initiative to End Childhood Malnutrition (IECM). Based in Rukungiri, Uganda, IECM provides comprehensive inpatient and out-patient care to children suffering from moderate and severe malnutrition.

In addition, Kristina traveled to Uganda and has worked with Uganda’s Ministry of Health to coordinate village health teams that could more effectively reach rural communities. Her senior thesis, titled “Increasing the Effectiveness of Healthcare Delivery to Rural Areas: A Case Study of Village Health Teams and Childhood Malnutrition in Rukungiri District, Uganda”, was awarded the Harvard Hoopes Prize for outstanding research and scholarly work, and she was the recipient of the Phillipe Wamba Prize for highest achievement in her Division. Kristina is planning to begin medical school in the fall of 2016 and hopes to combine her medical degree with a Masters in Public Health. She is committed to continuing her efforts to provide education and medical services to underserved communities at home and abroad.

Listen-On Demand

The Shift Radio Guest Kristina Tester segment is available now On-Demand: Click here  to listen.

The ShiftWithSkip Radio Shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Kristina Tester:

Tune-in here.

Find out more about So Others May Learn here.


The Lotus Kitchen-Black Bean and Corn Salad

Welcome to The Lotus Kitchen, the title of my upcoming book with co-author Gwen Keannelly and a place where yoga and vegetarian cooking entwine. This week’s recipe is Black Bean and Corn Salad. This salad has the perfect balance of everything flavorful. You will feel the love and gratitude from each ingredient.

This week’s yoga pairing is Easy Pose Meditation which will open your mind and body.

Looking forward to your comments.


The Lotus Kitchen Black Bean and Corn Salad


  • 3 cups black beans (drained and cooked al dente)
  • 3 cups roasted white corn (cooked al dente)
  • 1 red onion (raw)
  • 1 red pepper (raw)
  • 1 cup cilantro
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 jalapeno, minced
  • 2 chopped avocados (firm, not overly ripe)
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • ½ cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/3 cup of lime juice
  • Arugula lettuce


Combine black beans, corn, red pepper, cilantro, jalapeno, and avocado. Add olive oil, vinegar, and lime juice and mix together. Place on a bed of lettuce and serve. Serves 4-6

The Practice:

Beans and corn sprout goodness. Like a long planting season, after practicing Yoga for a while we begin to see the harvest from our hard work. The sprouts from a practice can be: good eating habits, better perception of one’s self, and a better awareness of the body. These are all fruits of the labor. Part of crop harvest is the practice of gratitude. Gratitude is the highest appreciation for what is good in your life. After a strong and powerful session of yoga, endorphins are released, which can cause a feeling of euphoria or a sense of gratitude. The practice is to maintain gratitude, while preparing this salad. Recognize the harvest of the fruits in your life, and when you sit and partake, be grateful for your life.

The Easy Pose Meditation Instruction:

Sitting with your buttocks on the mat, cross your legs with your ankles under your thighs. Rest your hands on your knees, pressing both hips towards the floor. Close your eyes and breathe. Allow your thoughts to open to knowledge and learning. Set the intention to know and feel gratitude.


The Shift Radio Guest- Author of Fat to Fearless, Asher Fox


asher-foxAsher FoxAsher joins Skip as his guest on “The Shift With Skip” Radio Show to discusses how he built one of the largest personal training businesses and how his battle with food eventually led him to create the most comprehensive arsenal of psychological tools assembled to date to overcome, convert and enroll the subconscious mind in the healing process. Fat to Fearless: Enjoy Permanent Weight Loss and End Emotional Eating…For Good! .

Asher is a pioneer in the integration of several fields of study into a comprehensive therapeutic approach that creates rapid and lasting improvements in the lives of his clients where prior forms of therapy and treatment proved ineffective.

Listen-in and find out why Asher named his book Fearless and why reaching and changing the subconscious –  is so critical. It’s a terrific show!asher-fox-fearless

Listen-On Demand

Skip’s segment with Asher Fox is available On-Demand here 

The ShiftWithSkip Radio shows are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Asher Fox on his social media pages:

The Shift Radio Guest- Dr. Denee Jordan of Already Well

Skip dives deep into an unconventional approach to therapy with leading clinical psychologist, Dr. Denee Jordan.  We’ll discuss the founding of her; “Already Well” program and how it it answers society’s pull on dictating how we should feel or what we should become. Don’t miss it.  Listen On-Demand

Dr. Denee Jordan takes pride in her idea that we begin where we are when it comes to therapy and life in general. She believes that we all are already well and shouldn’t let society dictate how we should feel or what we should become.

In addition, we’ll look into  Dr. Jordan upcoming performance later this month at the Lounge Theatre in Santa Monica California that focuses her “Already Well” program, Already Well, called ‘I Am Already Well’. Visit her  website at and to see her show please visit Brown Paper Tickets to get yours today.

Listen-in live.

Dr. Denee Jordan has been a practicing psychotherapist for 25+ years. She is both a CA. Licensed Psychologist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has an extraordinarily broad and varied background as a Mental Health practitioner, lecturer and trainer as well as former professional dancer.

Listen On-Demand

Skip’s segment with Dr. Denee Jordan is available on On-Demand here 

The ShiftWithSkip Radio are LIVE every Wednesday at 10 AM PST
Stay up to date with my latest guests or listen to past shows On-Demand via my radio page.

Follow Dr. Denee Jordan on her social media pages:


Twitter @AlreadyWell


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